Chapter 14

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Arden could feel the embarrassment flowing from her in waves.
She was not impulsive by nature, however she decided to be in this moment.
She was so utterly grateful to him it shocked her as she couldn't quite express it enough through words.
She could tell she had made him uncomfortable in her declaration and saw him searching for an out.
But this moment between them today was one that she would never forget and she wanted to prolong it for as long as possible.
She'd have to be blind not to see the way in which he treated her with such care and it brought tears to her eyes.
No one had ever shown her such concern since her parents were alive and she relished it.
Besides Tauriel, she could truly say not many would miss her or even notice if she suddenly disappeared one day.
Anyone could be a ruler but being someone of value to others simply because they wanted your presence was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain.
All of this past week had taught her that life was fragile, even for her, and she still had far too much she wanted to accomplish before dying.
This was one of them.
She had dreamed of what his lips would feel and taste like for literally centuries and they didn't disappoint.
The first touch of her lips on his was like a taste of water after years in the desert.
She was not ashamed to say that ever since they were children, she knew he was the only one for her.
So she waited.
While she had many opportunities to be with other men when she was younger, none of them ever measured up close to Thranduil so she never tried.
However he still sat unresponsive and she was getting annoyed.
It's not like he was new in this department, he had a previous wife after all.
All that was left to assume was that he just didn't want her advances.
Still she continued her assault on his mouth however, letting her tongue trace the seam of his lips.
After a full minute of this, she began to give up.
How utterly humiliating.
His care today had shown her he was possibly ready to finally take their relationship to the next level.
She even thought she had detected a hint of jealousy in his gaze when she spoke of Rowan.
Apparently she was mistaken.
Finally, she stopped her ministrations and began to pull away, her face was surely aflame by now.
But he shocked her.
Grabbing her upper arms, he pulled her back against him with force and this time did all the work.
Quickly he gained access inside her mouth and their tongues tangled in a sensual dance.
She moaned loudly and he pulled her fully onto his lap, causing a shock wave to roll through her as she tried to reconcile the years spent with so little touch.
She must be in heaven, it was finally happening.
But before anything else could come out of it, they both heard rustling in the bushes and paused.
Almost instantly they were surrounded by orcs.
She felt Thranduil stiffen instantly and he pulled out his long sword in the blink of an eye.
They were both thinking the same thing; why would Orcs risk traveling this close to the palace and how did they escape the notice of the border patrol?
They weren't exactly the most quiet and graceful of beings.
Also why now?
It was nearly the middle of the day, and while the thick tree canopies overhead concealed most of the sun, it was well known that they disliked daylight intensely.
For a tense 30 seconds, no one said anything, the only sound that could be heard was the disgusting creature's shallow breathing.
Finally one stepped forward, taller (and uglier) than the rest and seemingly more important.
Perhaps their leader.
He pointed a gnarled finger towards Arden.
"What have we here? A king and one of his eleven whores?"
The orcs laughed as their leader leered at Arden and she stared down in disgust right back at him.
They must not recognize her for her and her people normally struck fear into the hearts of Orcs instantly.
They knew what the "Belegdae" were capable of, things that the elves of Mirkwood were not.
The leader continued speaking but now looked to his pack,
"No harm will befall the king, he must be delivered in perfect condition."
Snarling and grinning, he paused and once more perused over Arden.
"But we will have some fun with the pretty elleth while her king watches, do as you wish."
Horrible laughter sounded from the hideous group and they all took an eager step forward, making the circle tighter.
Thranduils' elk nervously side stepped and he fought to keep control of the scared animal.
Slowly the orcs began to unsheathe their knives and swords, sending a chill through Arden as her wound began to throb at the memory of being pierced.
At this, Thranduil tightened his hold around her and stayed calm, how she did not know.
She was practically useless.
There was no way she could move or fight fast enough without reopening her wound so she stayed silent, thinking of what to do.
However she looked up at Thranduil as he slowly nodded his head, to what she didn't know.
He was staring straight into the trees, over the Orcs' heads, as 13 arrows came out of no where and hit the 13 corresponding orcs.
All fell dead with a sickening thud around them but they wasted no time.
Instantly, Thranduil spurred his beast and they made their way to the gates of the palace.
He seemed to be lost in thought as he muttered,
"I know not of where they came from but there will surely be more."
Instantly, the gates where opened and Thranduil spoke to a passing guard.
"Quickly, burn the bodies of the rats just killed before they attract more. Double the patrols and perimeter watch tonight. Send out soldiers to kill anything orc that moves."
Nodding, the soldier quickly ran to do his masters' bidding and Thranduil pulled the elk to a stop.
Dismounting, he reached back up for Arden and lifted her down, careful not to jostle her.
With a hard look he said,
"You'll do as we first agreed upon and retire to your room, the days' events have been tiresome."
His tone warned that no allowances would be made and Arden nodded without argument.
Neither had yet to mention their heated embrace before the orcs had arrived and she did not want to make the first move once more.
Without another glance, he turned and left her standing there, no doubt to go apprise Tauriel of the latest situation.

Fun fact;
It is believed that the word "Orc" is derived from the Latin word "Orcus", an Etruscan/Roman god of the underworld.
However, Tolkien himself wrote that he doubted the derivation and instead seems to be inspired by the 16th century English use of the word (devouring monster)

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