Chapter 16

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Arden awoke feeling renewed.
For a creature who didn't really sleep, she sure was doing a lot of it lately.
It had been a little over a month since she moved to Mirkwood, began training and fell ill.
She was determined to make sure tonight was her last night here.
Her people needed her and she needed to get back to building them a kingdom.
Last night she had gotten a message from Tauriel that Thranduil had signed off and voted his support of her reclaiming Ardor.
It was finished.
She did not need Rowan's vote anymore as she had the majority and a ruling decision in her favor.
She didn't know were his change of heart had come from and did not want to examine it.
Either he'd want to continue their blossoming relationship or he'd send her away as she had out worn her welcome.
One thing was for sure, she would always be grateful to him eternally.
She would still continue to love him unconditionally from afar, but she knew that he was aware of her feelings towards him.
His next moves were up to him as she would never force her love upon someone.
Today she only needed to supervise one more training session, after that she felt they were finally ready.
In an uncharacteristic move, she looked at the casual dress that had been made for her along with her tunic and leggings.
Even for casual it was extravagantly beautiful and a bit much for Arden.
But she remembered how Thranduil's eyes had continuously studied her form throughout the night at the Starlight Festival and decided that they both needed a treat today.
Slipping into it, she figured that once she was queen of a Lasting kingdom, she would also need to start putting more of an effort into her appearance.
The dress fit like a glove and she moved to the mirror to admire the image she made.
After brushing her golden hair, and letting the long strands flow freely down her back, she was ready.
She looked around the room once more as she packed up her few belongings.
She would never admit it to anyone else, but she would miss the comfort of being inside 4 walls.
Banishing the sad feelings, she exited and made her way towards the throne room.
All along the way, servants bowed and greeted her, in which she responded by reciprocating their given names.
She had become friends with many here and would also be sad in leaving them.
After her sickness, Thranduil had told his guards that she had complete access to any part of the palace in case he was ever needed in an emergency.
Without pausing, she strode up to the guards guarding his personal chambers and they immediately opened the doors for her.
Once inside, her eyes adjusted to the dim room.
His masculine scent of clean soap and the forest seemed to engulf her and she took a deep breath.
She didn't know why so much of Mirkwood was cloaked in darkness like so, but decided that it would be one of the few things she would not miss.
Looking around, she saw him at his desk and promptly walked up to the front of it.
Without looking up from his papers, he mumbled a greeting and finished writing something.
Setting down his pen, he finally looked up and she saw surprise in his lingering gaze.
Followed by flashes of desire.
Happiness poured over her, he definitely preferred dresses.
Still seemingly speechless, he stood tall and slowly made his way around the desk so that he was standing in front of her.
She tilted her head up to look him in the eyes but his sight was settled on something farther south than her own eyes.
She licked her lips as awareness shot through her.

Thranduil had nearly choked when he saw her standing there.
She was wearing one of the dresses he fashioned for her, albeit the less exorbitant one, but she was nevertheless beautiful.
Then again, she could be wearing a paper bag and the effect would still be the same.
She looked like true elven royalty in fact and he couldn't ignore the coincidental timing in all of this.
Still no appropriate words came to mind so he got up and came around his desk to face her.
She was smiling softly and his eyes were glued to her full lips.
"This is a pleasant surprise, I was all but sure I wasted my time in requesting the dresses be made along with the tunic."
She shrugged,
"I figured it was time, time for many things in fact..."
But no sooner had she said the words than he crushed his lips to hers.
He knew what she was about to say; she needed to go home.
He agreed that she had been here long enough and knew she had gotten word of him signing off on the vote last night.
That didn't stop the horrible sadness that attacked his soul in the thought of her leaving.
It was now or never.
He would tell her about Ardors' riches and propose the partnership.
Surely she would see the benefits from all sides.
Everyone won in the end.
He put more pressure into the kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on the tips of her toes.
He forced himself to pull away however, and struggled not throw her over his shoulder and do what he had wanted to do for weeks now.
First marriage.
Breathlessly she continued,
"As I was saying..."
But again he held up his finger to her lips and traced them, silencing her.
"Wait, I'm sure you have much to say but I would like to go first."
She nodded her head in acquiescence and waited, eyes locked onto his.
He removed his hand and begun.

Fun fact;
Tolkien has stated that inspiration for The Nazguls' terrifying Hell Hawks came from the "Pterosaurs", an extinct flying reptile that lived some 228-66 million years ago.
The word itself is Greek meaning "Winged Lizard".

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