Chapter 1

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A tell-tale buzzing noise was the only warning that allowed Lady Arden Of Ardor to know that an arrow was coming.
For her.
Without hesitation, she quickly ducked behind a tree right as the arrow embedded itself deep into said trees' trunk.
So much for a morning stroll.
Stepping out cautiously, she scanned the foliage.
Seeing nothing immediately alarming, she plucked the arrow out, giving it a quick perusal.
The make was definitely elven.
With a small smile, Arden called out,
"Tauriel you can come out now." 
Not a second later, a beautiful red-headed elf stepped into view and grinned.
Walking towards Arden, both bowed towards each other upon her arrival.
Being queen, many would think that Arden needn't bow to anyone.
However when you were queen of a rejected and frowned upon race, a captain of the Kings' guard became somewhat of an equal.
That and Arden held a world of respect for Tauriel and vice versa.
Tauriel frowned.
"My lady you know what the punishment is for anyone found trespassing in the forests of Mirkwood. The king will not like hearing about you once more."
Arden shrugged and turned to continue her walk,
"Then don't mention it."
Tauriel followed her and sighed,
"You know I must say something and will not keep secrets. Being a captain of Greenwood yourself once, you also know that Thranduil will always find anything kept from him."
Tauriel perused the forest over Arden's shoulder as she said this, looking hesitant.
"Tell me something then, if the war is over, the ring destroyed and the spiders gone, why does the king hide himself so? And why have you decided to return as his captain after your disagreements with him?"
Tauriel shrugged,
"Who can say? I know not of the inner workings of his mind. And I have returned as captain because our disagreements were just that; disagreements. Once Sauron was defeated, Thranduil lifted my banishment and I accepted it."
Arden smiled slyly,
"And I wonder who might have helped sway the Kings mind in letting you return? Perhaps a certain elven prince who has his eye on you?"
Just then, a look of utter sadness crossed Tauriel's face and she looked down upon the ground as they walked.
Arden saw this and turned to a stop, gently grasping her friends shoulders.
"Mellon, I did not mean to speak so carelessly. I heard about the dwarf you befriended and lost during the battle. My heart grieves for you."
At this Tauriel looked up and smiled sadly, "You mustn't apologize for something you had no control over. Besides Legolas is an amazing warrior but to Valor it was not meant to be."
Arden nodded and turned to continue on, nearing the border between Mirkwood forest and the wild jungles of Ardor.
"And what of you my dear friend? Surely you have someone who wishes to be your other half?"
Tauriel asked this then seemed to look over Arden quickly, not able to fathom a different response.
She was stunning.
While Arden was much older than her, possibly topping King Thranduil himself, her features rivaled Tauriels.
With long flowing honey-blonde hair, a regal bearing and her tall/slender form, Arden looked the part of an Elf.
She even had the pointed ears and the immortality to match.
But grouping Arden into the category of elf was wrong.
Looks were deceiving in this case as Arden belonged to an ancient line of Half-breed elves.
They had no formal name but many called them "Belegdae" which in Sindarin meant "Mighty Shadow".
And shadows they were, for centuries they lived nomadically with no place to call their own.
They kept mainly to the outskirts of Mirkwood when not roaming, much to the Kings' dislike.
But if the other elves of Mirkwood and even Rivendell ever disliked them, they never knew for every elf they came across was kind and friendly.
All of course, except their king.
Arden stopped once more, this time at the border.
Looking sheepish she replied,
"I don't think I could even find a male of any race willing to court me. I cannot even give my own people a permanent place to rest."
This time it was Arden's turn for sadness to invade her features and Tauriel could not help but feel sorry for the strong elleth standing before her.
Not only was Arden selfless and kind, but she risked her life in coming to the aid of men, dwarves and mainland elves.
Risked her life to fight for others' liberties and lands when she had none of her own.
It was at that moment that Tauriel decided she would help her friend obtain her homeland, whether she wanted her to or not.
Smiling, Tauriel turned to look out into the eery jungles of Ardor.
Nodding in its direction she said,
"Be careful Mellon, while the evil was caste away with Sauron, I feel something sinister still lurks in these woods."
As a shiver passed through her, she looked to Arden who nodded solemnly.
"Navaer, Tauriel. I shall see you again though soon."
And with a wicked smile, she was gone in a flash.
Tauriel shook her head.
She did not know what powers Arden and her people possessed.
For over a thousand years, they had known each other but Tauriel had never asked, both out of respect and fear.
Fear that someone else sought that same information but for more exacting purposes. Making her way back the way she had escorted Arden, the elf captain put a brave face on.
She would need to notify Thranduil of Arden's visit.

* Mellon = Friend
* Navaer = Farewell
* Valor = God/Gods

*Fun fact: Tolkien got his inspiration for the "One Ring" from an Ancient Greek legend; (Gyges' Ring).
The legend speaks of a magical ring possessed by the king of Gyges who is in fact a historical figure (687 - 652 BC).
Both Plato, Herodotus and Socrates mention the king in their works, however, the legend of his rise to power and ring have not been proved to be factual like his existence.
According to the legend, a Shepard wandered into a cave and found a golden ring that could make its wearer' invisible.
Armed with the ring, the Shepard stole into the Kings palace and murdered him, thus taking his place.
This legend is widely used to debate the nature of humanity, a continuous theme throughout many Tolkien works.

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