Chapter 13

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When Thranduil had learned that Arden had gone off into the forest, by herself, he was beside himself.
What was wrong with her?
It's like she had a death wish.
She was still far too unstable to be traipsing around and he be damned if she undid all the work it took him to get her health to this point.
Riding his elk through the patch of woods that a soldier had spotted her going through earlier, Thranduil scanned the trees.
Hearing tentative footsteps up ahead, he slowed his gait and soon saw a lone figure.
He thought he was hallucinating at first as he could have sworn he was looking at a divine vision, or some woodland sprite in the very least, for she was dressed in all white and walking calmly through the forest.
Arden even held her head up to the trees and appeared to be listening to them and their secrets.
When Arden's healer had finally showed up, they had wasted no time and cut away her clothing to better see the area of concern.
Needless to say, her old clothes were no longer viable so he had a few things made for her.
Another tunic and leggings set, a modest dress for any occasion and another more ornate one was designed for her.
Sadly she had yet to wear either dress (he noted selfishly).
But dress or no, she still looked amazing in Mirkwood garb, too good in fact.
Belatedly, he also realized that they matched in outfit and color.
Shaking his head, he scowled as she looked up and smiled at him.
Eradicating the last few steps between them, he rode his beast up directly in front of her, forcing her to shade her eyes to look up.
Still smiling, she seemed to study him as he did her a moment ago.
Irritation shot through him, what was it going to take for her to listen to him?
Finally he spoke,
"You seem to be hard of hearing today so I'll say it once more; you will not walk the forest unaccompanied. In fact you'll come back with me right away. The patrols have spotted many different creatures of late that still roam these trees and it is dangerous."
Still smiling, Arden seemed unperturbed by his uprupt demands.
She was getting better at dissecting his brusque words into the true meanings he accidentally hid so well.
She realized his anger stemmed from him caring and it thrilled her like mad.
She responded,
"I see what your saying however, may I point out that I have quite enough expierance under me to deal with most anything that comes our way. In fact, one could say I'm very tough and even a feared warrior."
She said this with a grin and he scoffed.
These past few days had been very trying for her and it was refreshing to see her in such a playful mood.
Thranduil said nothing more as he did not want to sour her temperament.
He had made his decision though and was never known to change his mind lightly.
In one swift move, he leaned down and deftly wrapped an arm around her waist.
Taking care to watch her injured side, he easily lifted her and set her in front of him.
Sitting side-saddle, she instantly let out an exhausted sigh as her back and shoulder brushed against his chest, affording her the opportunity to lean back against him.
He watched her carefully as she settled in, surprised she was not opposed or shocked in the least.
It showed how tired she was though as she closed her eyes instantly after leaning back.
Out of instinct, he wrapped his left hand around her waist to secure her better as he slowly nudged his animal to walk.
Going back the way he came, towards the palace, he told her of his plans for her.
"You will go straight to bed when we get back, no arguments. Tauriel can handle the boys just fine."
He heard a weak protest start to form from her mouth but he shook his head vehemently.
"I cannot be constantly looking after you and running my kingdom. It's only been a few days since you were on your deathbed. If you should fall ill again due to your own stupidity, I'll look the other way this time and send you away."
Thranduil easily let the lie leave his lips, however he could tell she didn't believe it one bit.
She shrugged half heartedly.
"I'll try my best to sit still however I too have my own people to look after. Surely in all this time they think I have abandoned them. So many duties have stacked up in my absence including meeting with Lord Rowan."
At the mention of the conniving bastard's name, Thranduil frowned.
He was surely trying to have an audience with Arden to either find out what she knew or take advantage of her.
"I don't want you to speak to Lord Rowan anymore. He is not trustworthy and has given me many warning signs that he is up to no good."
At his casual command, Arden froze and peered up at him, irritation lighting up in her eyes.
"Then it is a good thing it is none of your business, what he and I talk about. You'll forgive me if I hear him out anyway as he has given me no indication of such deceit."
Thranduil controlled the anger rising in him.
One of his true faults was that he had a reputation for being overbearing and impulsive as it was only natural to him.
But he found that he didn't want to extend that same bad habit to Arden.
Begrudgingly, he admitted to himself that she had a point and that he may have overstepped.
He sighed heavily.
"I only meant that you should be careful around him. I've done research and many things about him and his circumstances do not add up." 
At the sound of relenting in his voice, Arden rewarded his thoughtful censure with a nod.
"Thank you for your advice, I do need to meet with him as this is too important to pass up on but I will recall what you have said."
Thranduil nodded in return and they once more sat in silence, each appeased and retreating into their own thoughts.
However, while she was once more overtaken by exhaustion, Thranduil could not seem to set free his mind of the current predicament.
Still the thought of Rowan meeting with Arden bothered Thranduil and he decided he would have a soldier scout his whereabouts from now on.
If the man did in fact live up to his reputation, he would stop at nothing to get control of the land some way or another.
He was also unattached so the easiest way that Thranduil could see him accomplishing this was for him to court Arden.
Bile recoiled in his mouth at the thought of her with another man and not being able to have a say made it worse.
He had no claim upon her and no right to dictate who she saw or spoke to, but that didn't mean the urge was not there.
Groaning inwardly, he set those possessive thoughts aside to examine later.
Now Thranduil tried not to notice how she perfectly molded into him as they got closer to the palace.
Tried not to notice the scent of her hair wafting in the slight breeze and the graceful lines of her face.
Tried in vain.
Then all of a sudden she opened her eyes and turned to stare directly into his own.
Thinking she had caught him in his obvious perusal (and appreciation) of her features, he looked for something to say and slowed his elk to a stop.
However she quickly saved him of that need.
"I never did thank you for all that you have done which is unlike me so I apologize. I shudder to think what would have happened if you had not shown up when you did."
Boldly, she said her next words.
"I don't quite understand your change of heart, not only a month ago I'm sure you would have just fed me to the Wargs. This is all to say I will be forever grateful to you and your hospitality. I hope this indicates a positive future for both us and our kingdoms, as I don't think I could survive going back to the way things were before."
When she finally finished, Thranduil panicked.
He felt like he let his defenses down too much and searched for an insult to relieve the unbalanced feeling that her gratitude caused in him.
He needed to get control of the situation.
Never had he ever met someone who could so easily throw him off and be his equal in all things.
But in his hesitation, she promptly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Shocked, he sat frozen.

Fun fact;
Most fans think that Sauron died when the ring was destroyed, but the truth is much darker.
In Tolkien's words in The Return of the King, the destruction of the ring caused Sauron to fall so low that "none can foresee his arising ever again. For he will lose the best part of his strength that was native to him in the beginning, and all that was made or begun with that power will crumble, and he will be maimed forever, becoming a mere spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows, but cannot again grow or take shape."

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