Chapter 6

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The next day Arden sat in her tent, dreading the upcoming festival.
She knew she was crazy to think that a lowly queen of a scorned race could go to a party like this and fit in.
Sure her dress was appropriate, but she knew not of the ways and styles that elven women went by these days.
Her style was her customary silk trousers, tunics and arrows.
Granted, she had no reason to ever dress up but tonight was different.
Calling a missive runner, she requested that they find Tauriel discreetly.
Surely she would know what she was missing and if Arden needed to add anything.
As she waited, Arden carefully climbed into the ornate dress.
It was made of pure white silk with iridescent pearls dotting the bodice and a long train.
It was easily one of the most beautiful things she ever owned and she loved it.
The neckline was modest but hinted at more and the lace sleeves fell long into length with the rest of the dress.
Looking in a mirror, she admired herself.
Not too bad she thought.
Almost... ethereal.
She wasent getting any younger and was surprised to see that she still had some spark left.
Just then she heard a small gasp and turned to see Tauriel.
Smilingly sheepishly, Arden turned for her, giving a full effect.
"My lady, you will surely steal the show tonight in that dress."
Arden smirked,
"Hardly, but you are very kind to say that. I'm afraid I'm having trouble with my hair, shoes and accessories. Would you mind terribly giving me a few pointers?"
Tauriel shook her head, smiling, and walked further into the room.
"I'd do anything for you captain, however I must say that if it's someone more informed on current styles you need, I'm not much further in knowledge than you."
Laughing together, Arden realized Tauriel did in fact wear the same clothing she did.
Shrugging, she knew that surely Tauriel had to be more in tune then she currently was.
After Tauriel had successfully braided the sides of her long hair, found shoes to match and put on a touch of cover up, she was ready.
Looking in the mirror once more, she didn't recognize the woman standing in front of her.
This elleth looked like a highborn one, definitely a ruler of a very prosperous nation.
Trying to think positively, Arden left her tent and mounted her horse.
Waiting for the guards who would accompany her, she kept her head down as she noticed the stares of her people, men in particular.
How foolish they must think she was, trying to dress up and act the part of visiting royalty.
Once again she pushed such negative feelings to the back of her mind.
She was determined to enjoy tonight, if not for the reason of demanding their birth right, then just to enjoy herself and network.
She hadent had a day off in ages and was ready to go.
She blushed as Aego commented on how beautiful she looked and they road off.
The party was not for many hours but it was no small feat in making it to Rivendell.
She hoped Thranduil wouldn't be there but knew there was only a slim chance that he would not make it.
She would definitely do her best to avoid confrontation with him as she knew how mean he could be when he saw an opening.
Ever since his mother's death, he blamed her and her people and he never let her forget it. Apparently he knew little about how the "Belegdae" received visions and even prophesies of the future.
He, like many others, assumed that because they sometimes foresaw coming events, they were all knowing and powerful when it came to the future.
He was wrong.
Very rarely did Arden even receive such visions these days and did not mourn their loss.
They confused her by making her forget if she had actually experienced something or if it had yet to happen.
Several times she had explained this to whoever would listen but to no avail, Thranduil still thought Arden and her parents had known of his mother's impending death and still chose not to warn them.
Straightening on her horse, she road proud, putting Thranduil's ignorance out of her head for one night.
She felt good for once, more than good, and she'd be damned before she let him take that from her.

Thranduil arrived just in time for the celebration to begin.
Everywhere he looked, there were dwarves, men and elves mingling happily.
While anyone could celebrate the starlight festival, Lord Elrond's gathering was reserved for high nobility and royal families.
Looking around, he noticed several Kings and their Queens.
Rohan, The Iron Hills, Rivendell, Mirkwood, Erebor, Gondor, Hobbiton and more where all represented here tonight.
Smiling, he greeted Lord Elrond and thanked him for his invitation.
The rest of the evening went by uneventfully.
However with little time before the official start, gasps and murmurs suddenly filled the room.
Turning around to see the cause of such commotion, he saw her.
Why the hell was she here?
This was for actual rulers and highborns. Annoyed, Thranduil watched as Arden seemed to glide in.
Instantly the crowd parted for her and her entourage of kin that followed behind.
Slowly making her way, she bowed to the appropriate people and exchanged greetings.
All over the whispers and comments, he heard relatively the same astonished things.
"Who is she?"
"What elven kingdom does she hail from?"
"So lovely"
Scowling now, he watched as she neared his area of the room.
Her dress was exquisite.
He could easily understand why one might mistake her for true royalty as her dress looked to be made by the Valor themselves.
But the dress was nothing compared to the inner glow she seemed to have.
Her long blonde hair was intricately woven with braids and her complexion was without flaw.
Definitely not of this world.
Situated on top of her head was also a crown made of twisted branches and white elder berries.
Still she continued her greetings and even hugged many highborn elves affectionately.
Confused, Thranduil watched.
He did not know she was in such good standing with the other elvish rulers.
Not only the elvish rulers but also the race of men and dwarves.
When Gimli laughed at something she said, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
Perhaps getting those here to vote against her would not be such an easy task after all.
Finally the room calmed and people went back to their conversations.
He looked up as she came to stop before him.
Looking into her eyes, he saw the battle waging there.
She must have sensed that ignoring or passing him up would do more harm then good but that didn't warm the cold ice-blue daggers that were her eyes when she looked at him.
Two could play this game.
Unmoving, he waited for her to act or speak first.
He would rather go up against a thousand orcs with his hands tied than bow before a false Queen.
Finally she gave in as more stares started to accumulate.
Bowing low she said,
"Good evening, King Thranduil, it's a pleasure being in your company once again."
Rolling his eyes at her public display, he shrugged.
"I wish I could say the same but it would be a terrible lie."
Her eyes widened at the untethered sound of hate in his voice and she glanced around.
Whether for an escape or to see if anyone had overheard he knew not, and did not care.
Standing tall, she raised her chin and responded,
"I apologize if my presence unnerves you and makes you uncomfortable."
Anger surged through him at her words.
She thought she affected him?
Laughing he replied ruthlessly,
"Please, no apology is required for you could not be more mistaken. In fact I am relieved you could make it. Watching you waltz around in your costume will surely save me from boredom at some point tonight. I've always been a patron of the theater."
This time, an indescribable look of utter sadness crossed her face.
Not anger, resentment or disgust.
Just pure unadulterated sadness and disappointment.
For some reason her response did not give him the satisfaction he desired and he watched as she nodded calmly and turned away.
Dare he even say her eyes looked teary? Thranduil groaned inwardly, watching her retreating form.
He would never apologize for saying the truth.
Strengthened by that reasoning, he shook off their encounter and did his best to ignore the vision that everyone seemed to be so taken with.
Tonight would be long and arduous.

Fun fact;
Tolkien acknowledged that when he first began writing The Lord Of The Rings in 1937, the emergence of the Nazi party and their evil morals were discernable in the dark atmosphere of his worlds' more evil compositions.

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