Chapter 40

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3 years later...


"Good morning! Wakey Wakey, sweetheart!" My roommate JiNa knocks on my door and I struggled to get up, trying to wake up for the start of the new day, I wished that I hadn't spent the night bingeing on K-dramas until the wee hours of the morning but old habits really do die hard. It has been 3 years since I have become an adult and graduated high school but my mentality still doesn't change, I still think like a teenager and do all the stupid things that teenagers do, but it doesn't really matter, it is hard trying to act mature for my age and I don't like to be an adult.

I want to be a teenager, a student so that I can enjoy all of these student discounts wherever I dine at and I am able to watch a movie at a lower price as well. Being an adult is a big role to take and it has a lot of responsibilities as well, it takes a very long time to perfect the role of being an adult and not a lot of people can do that, only a few selected people will be able to master the art of being an adult and I'm still lacking that a lot.

I let out a huge yawn and I scratch my head a little, getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom to wash up. It is such a hassle waking up so early in the morning but I have to, my job requires me to get up early and get into the subway or the public bus with the other office people and if I'm lucky enough, I will get a free ride to work by one of my roommates who is available to take me to work.

"You took forever to get out of your room, what did you even do last night?" Another roommate asked me as I took my seat at the table. "Did you spend the whole night talking to your beloved, Han HeeRa ssi?"

"Nope, Min Yoonji ssi. I just finished a whole k-drama series in one night and your brother is way too tired and busy to even hear me speak to him for even 5 minutes, he is producing a new song and he doesn't want anyone to disrupt him. Shouldn't you know that better since you are his beloved younger sister?"

"Who says that you have to be extremely close to your siblings? Take mine, for instance, we only meet once a week at our parent's home back in Daegu and that is it and he wouldn't be available most of the time so it would only be me and my parents. Heera, you are close to your older brother right?"

I nodded, we are still very close to each other after all these years despite the two of us studying in different schools since middle school but we managed to stay close and he lives just a building away from here with his close friends just like me, we still meet up very often and have drinking sessions together, ranting about the people that we hate.

"Yours too right? I heard that your younger sister sent over a huge gift for your birthday yesterday." I directed the question to JiNa who is quietly eating her cereal and she nodded in silence, she would prefer to not make a conversation to anyone until she is done with eating.

"What about me? I am an only child, I have nothing to relate to this situation." Hazel grumbled. "You guys are always that bad, always leaving me out of things and talk amongst yourselves."

"We can't control your fate of being an only child, it is by chance and you have no chance of ever-changing it," YoonJi commented and we all nodded, finishing up on the subject. "Heera, I thought that today is your anniversary, will my older brother be bringing you anywhere to celebrate?"

I mockingly laughed. "I hope so, I would be glad if he even remembers that today is our anniversary but I doubt so. Do you know what happened during our 2nd anniversary last year?" I asked the three of them.

Hazel clapped her hands. "He went out drinking with his producer friends even though he knew that he should be having dinner with you." I nodded in response. "You almost broke up with him when he told you to forget about it but you still forgave him because he promised that he will never forget anything that he promises you. Will he repeat history once again today?"

I shrugged my shoulders, I don't really blame him for forgetting anything that he is supposed to remember, that is what happens to anyone who doesn't give enough sleep and works almost all the time. He is just working hard for his dreams to come true and earn more money for his future which I hope that I am a part of it.

The 3 years that I am with him, it is full of ups and downs and every meeting is out of the ordinary, normally couples would go out to have dinner at restaurants downtown and have long walks with each other in the park, twice a year they would go on trips overseas but with Min Yoongi, it's different. We don't eat at restaurants, we have quick meals at fast food joints and convenience stores near his apartment and in his apartment we would watch movies together in the living room and he would fall asleep as soon the movie starts playing, there isn't a chance to go on trips with him because he would be cooped up with his song composing and he doesn't like to get disrupted by anyone and if we did go on a trip, it would either be within Korea or Japan.

The furthest that we have ever gone to in Taiwan last year and it was a 5 day trip before he had to go back to rush on the recording of his songs, and that was the last trip that we ever went on, I'm guessing that we would be going back to each other's hometowns for this coming holiday. In our relationship, our careers are far more important than anything else because we barely have time for each other.

I have many times wanted to end the relationship with him but I have also thought many times that I couldn't live without him, he was everything to me and he was my first in everything, he may be the most cold-looking guy that I have ever met in my life but he was the one who touched my heart and no one can ever replace him in my heart, because he is my Min Yoongi that I have loved and I will always love him.

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