Chapter 41

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I bit my nails repeatedly while looking at my computer screen, the one that I normally use for work as I was lazy to switch on my laptop, I have totally have no use for it unless I need to watch some movies and there isn't time for me to do anything leisurely on a normal basis but I was using the computer to do something really important and it concerns my entire life. It would determine if I would get killed or not later this evening, it is something that I have to choose very carefully or she will get mad but there isn't anything that she will ever like.

I slammed my hands on the table as I let out a groan. "Why are women so hard to please? How am I even supposed to please her when there are so many choices to choose from?" My hand reached for the mouse and I scrolled through the entire shopping channel as I searched for that perfect gift but it was nowhere to be found, it is a fraud for businesses to claim that their products are perfect but yet they aren't the ones that are perfect for her.

I heard my doorbell ring and I turned towards it, looking very annoyed. Who is this bastard who decided to come here on such a day where I want no one to disturb me? I thought that I had already put up a signboard outside my studio that I absolutely want nobody to ring my doorbell unless it is something important and because I am doing something important right now, I decided to ignore it for now and it is something that I would do even if I am not busy and just relaxing around in my comfortable studio where I call it my second home.

I went back to what I was doing, going to another shopping website when I heard something that astounded me and I immediately ran for the door when the door opened by itself and someone appeared behind it. Kim NamJoon... "Hello, I thought that I would just invite myself in since you didn't answer the door the first time around and you might be busy doing your own stuff and--"

I put one hand up to stop him. "First of all, how did you even know the combination to my studio? Did you hack into the system or what?"

"I didn't even try hard for it, the password is your birthday and you use it for every single thing, even the password to your home is the same." He pointed that out and I just rolled my eyes at him, going back to my seat where I am still stuck on what gift I should get for her. "What are you even doing? You don't even shop usually, and you are on a shopping website which is extremely rare for someone like you who wears the same shirt for one week at a time."

"I would have chased you out of the room by now but I really need your help on this. You have a girlfriend who loves shopping right?" He nodded. "Help me choose a suitable engagement ring for the proposal."

His usual calm facial expression suddenly changed and his lips break into a smile and soon he was smiling so brightly and shouting here and there in my usually quiet studio, yelling and hugging me for that one request that I asked him for. "You are going to propose to HeeRa? After 3 years? Are you serious?"

I nodded after he had calmed down but I still could tell that he is very happy and he is not the one who is about to propose to his girlfriend, I am the one who is going to do that and I don't even look as happy or elated as him. "Yes, I am going to propose to Heera because it has been 3 years and we have been dating for 3 years."

"And you think that it is the right time to propose to her after 3 years, I haven't even worked up the courage to marry JiNa even though we dated each other for the same amount of time as you and Heera." JiNa, who is also known as Heera's bestie and his girlfriend, has been complaining about this matter to her bestie when they go out to have drinks, Heera would usually rattle that to me whenever I pick her up from the nightclub that she is in and I would inform NamJoon that his girlfriend is dead drunk and would want her dense boyfriend to pick her up.

"It is not because I feel the pressure to marry her because we have dated for a long time and the only way for this relationship to progress is marriage, it is because I love her enough to want to spend the rest of my life with her and grow old with her. And it is also because I have saved up enough money to do that."

His mouth opened wide in shock. "In just 3 years? How did you even do it? I have difficulty in saving money even though I work in the same industry and earn my money through song royalties."

"Unlike you, I don't have a social life for myself and I would spend my free time making money instead of using it to buy useless crap that does nothing beneficial to you in any way." I scratched my head hard. "What was that thing that you bought last week? A cute tomato lamp that doesn't even work, I seriously don't know what exactly went through the mind that made you want to buy it in the first place."

And I feel pitiful for my dear cousin JiNa who decided to date a genius who is only smart academically and is totally stupid in the real world. How did she even manage to date him for a whole 3 years?

"Don't insult me, I know that I am not that smart in this kind of a situation but I am really smart, you normally can't beat someone with an IQ of 148." I glared at him that made him shut up at once. "Fine, I'll stop babbling. What kind of an engagement ring do you even want? It doesn't have to be a legitimate diamond ring right?"

I nodded and he immediately searched for a particular website that attracted me instantly, it is a jewellery brand that specializes in children's jewellery and there are a lot of different alternatives for a diamond ring, there are a cereal bowl ring and a chocolate shaped ring for instance, it is a very unique niche market that reminds me of Heera, my girlfriend who is my younger than me by 3 years.

She is extremely childish at times even though she is already a young adult but I literally thought that she was deprived of her childhood when it is just that she didn't let go of her childhood and instead embraces it like it is a part of her life. "So have you found what you liked?"

I spotted the basketball-shaped ring and I pointed at it. "That one, please?" I looked at the ring with the music note. "And that one too, I want it for myself."

He just chuckled as he added it into my virtual shopping cart, this store is based in Seoul itself and there is an option for me to collect my package at the store itself after completing the transaction. "All done, and you will go to the store and collect it at 5 pm sharp just before the store closes."

I feel the urge to hug him after he is done and I did, surprising both myself and him. "Yoongi hyung, are you drunk?"

People told me that I have the tendency to hug people affectionally after I have gotten drunk but I am not drunk, I am acting on my sober self and I really want to hug him. "Thank you for choosing the ring on my behalf, I really appreciate it a lot."

"Hyung, you don't have to thank me. We are all old friends and I know you better than you do, I know that it would make you happy and increase your chances of Heera agreeing to marry you and as well as redeeming yourself for what you have done for your 2nd anniversary last year. Let me know if the proposal is a success."

I smacked his head. "It will be a success, why would it not be a success? I am Min Yoongi and I am allergic to failure."

Hyde And Jekyll / min yoongi (#10)Where stories live. Discover now