Chapter 28: Attack at Dusk

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Later that day...

Rox: "Now try it."

Owen and Rox have been testing the engine to try and get the AC to work and get the engine to stop making that sound for hours, but no luck.

Owen: "(groaning) We'll just have to get ourselves to the nearest town and try to replace the parts."

Rox closes up the hood as dusk begins to set in.

Rox: "(wiping away sweat) If you're actually going to make me carry this thing-"

Owen: "No, we'll just push the engine to it's limit."

Cale: "My map says there is a small town a couple miles from here, it should survive."

Rox gets back inside.

Veld: "(groaning) It'd better. I don't like the thought of Nyria being tortured by the Second Page."

Owen steers them back onto the road.

Owen: "(deep breath) Don't fail me now."

They drive off.

Twelve minutes later...

A couple of members from the Second Page watch as the trailer trudges along the moonlit road, two Sprixies, a Gigas, a Demi, and an Aqua from inside a large off-road vehicle and atop a cliff.

Sprixie 1: "Looks like they're having quite the trouble just trying to get here."

Demi: "Does anyone feel like getting a promotion?"

The Aqua starts the engine as the Gigas gets ready to jump.

Sprixie 2: "If we do this, then Jezital will have to recommend us as replacements for the Inner Circle!"

Aqua: "Then you be the wall and well smash into them from behind!"

Gigas: "Then don't lag!"

He slides down as the others turn around and head down the cliff.


Makoh is currently drinking water out of the fridge until he hits the very last drop. (that didn't take long to reach)

Makoh: "(weakly) How much longer?"

Ariyae: "(groaning) No kidding. I'm gonna need to wash my clothes three times if we don't get there soon."

Owen: "(sighing) At least the lack of sun will make this less-"

Something lands atop their trailer.

Owen: "(awkwardly) -intolerable."

Owen halts the engine before everyone except Makoh bolts out the door, meeting their attacker.

Ariyae: "Aw come on!"

They can hear his backup coming up from behind.

Gigas: "We won't let you get away this time!"

Lariat shakily draws his bowstring.

Lariat: "Whose to say we need your permission to get out of here?"

The others pull up and take arms with an assortment of firearms, but the Sprixies just put their hands together.

Demi: "I'd say that we do."

The ground is beginning to shake.

Veld: "We don't have time for your games!"

The asphalt beneath the Gigas breaks apart, causing him to fall into a pit.

Sprixie 1: "Then we'll make this quick."

Lariat misses his shot.

Owen: "(breathing heavily) If Lariat's missing shots, we're fucked."

Ariyae examines the entirety of their surroundings.

Ariyae: "(in head) I just need to get these bastards as dizzy as possible."

The enemies begin firing as a white light flickers behind her eyes.

Demi: "Now pay the price."

Every bullet grazes the heroes as the Gigas begins pulling himself out of the pit.

Rox: "Oh no you fucking don't!"

Rox goes giant and begins wrestling him to keep him pinned.

Cale: "I'm open to suggestions!"

Cale's vines keep being shot to pieces with each bullet.

Veld: "(in pain) If only we could hit them at once..."

A white light begins forming around Ariyae's body.

Ariyae: "(struggling) I've got one idea!"

Rox: "(struggling) Lay it on us!"

The light glows bright.

Sprixie 2: "(blinded) What's with this light?!"

Ariyae: "(struggling) I'll fuck with them mentally and physically while you guys finish them!"

Her body is beginning to tear.

Owen: "No Ariyae! You're body can't take it!"

All of the enemies are surrounded by the light.

Ariyae: "(struggling) Then hurry up!"

Owen switches his blade to it's whip form.

Lariat: "Rox!"

The enemies begin to spazz out from their entire bodies being completely devoid of all senses.

Rox: "(struggling) I've got him!"

She shatters his neck as Owen slits the Sprixies' throats and the cuts in Ariyae's body begin to grow.

Lariat: "(deep breath) Disappear."

Cale holds the other two in place as Lariat makes the perfect shot twice.

Cale: "You can stop!"

The white light instantly fades.

Ariyae: "(weakly) Heh..."

She falls to the ground injured and unconscious.

Veld: "Ariyae!"

Veld picks her up and examines the wounds.

Veld: "She pushed her body to it's limits. The sheer amount of power she was outputting was too much for her to handle, especially if she was already weakened."

Owen: "Short answer please?"

They all begin heading inside as Rox shrinks back down.

Veld: "A lot of rest is all she needs."

Rox looks at the vehicle their adversaries were using.

Rox: "(in head) I should be able to get some decent parts from that."

She hurries over to check out the pieces inside...

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