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(listen to above song for more mood portrayal.)


The sun's rays shined brightly as the young boy crept through the slight gaps of the tree branches, creating eerie shadows and patterns as he trudged through the harsh terrain. It had begun to snow again, making the air crisp and cool, just like that night. Each breath the boy took was like drowning in icy water; the air stung his eyes, and his lips were beginning to turn a pale, icy blue. He watched as the flakes of snow; silver, intricate and dark, fell obliquely against the dappled winter sunlight. Each breath the boy took, caused mist and puffs of cold air to form like little clouds, blurring his view as they dissipated like smoke. "F-fuck..." he stammered, as he stopped in his path to warm his frozen limbs, rubbing his hands together to reheat his ghostly pale fingers.

The boy's palms had turned a blood red due to the harsh cold and making his skin burn and tingle from his hot breath. His bloodshot eyes widened, as the bright-red in his skin triggered memories of his first kill to resurface, a rush of nostalgia. He could remember the exact moment, almost as if it was merely yesterday; all in clear detail, right down to the sights, smells and sounds. The blood was a deep red, like the early sunsets he would see when his mother would wake him, and rise for another chilly morning of hunting. The air smelled of rotten flesh and iron, it was so fresh, despite the fact that it was only a mere memory. it was as if he had been thrown back in time to that exact day. The boy sighed. The thing he had killed, it was human, a werewolf in human form, to be exact. Yes, a swift death was the boy's gift to the creature. It didn't need suffering; only beautiful things deserved to suffer and meet the prolonged torture he often bestowed upon the creatures he deemed worthy of such a sacrifice. He could still see the chapped, bloodied lips of the dying were-human, as they gave their last breaths. Tsk, werewolves... what worthless beings. They only got in the way of vampires. True, they were powerful, but they stood no chance against a vampire clan like the Jeon's. The blood of wolves was only as dirty as the blood of peasants. The Lycans and vampires had always had a bloody, war-torn past, only until about a decade ago; it was the creation of The Arcane. The Arcane was a council, one that was bent on keeping supernaturals unknown to humans, and killing rogue ones. The boy scowled to himself. That damned board of idiots. Nothing they ever did led to so-called, 'peace'.

He was only eight when he had the chance to kill a werewolf, before the making of the law that killing another supernatural was punishable by death. It was a rare achievement in the world of vampires and werewolves, alike. Although, it did take him a few hours to kill the thing, he still had had the advantage because of the were-human's partially broken femur; the two snapped bones that protruded out of its right leg giving the boy a chance to move swiftly in for the kill. He remembered limping back through the snow and feeling the light throb of the slashes across his back made from the piercing claws of the were-human. His torn, blood-stained school shirt and open wound was exposed to the bitter cold of the winter morning. The scar had never fully healed properly, the imprint of the three claws leaving behind an ugly scar, permanently etched into his otherwise unblemished, ghostly skin. But the thing the boy could remember most clearly, was the blood that had soaked not the milky, white, untouched snow; leaving behind a bloody trail of red, like rose petals in his track, as he left the body of the were-human to freeze, and immerse in the pool of thick crimson beads of blood crawling around the edges of its body, etching streaks of red that melted, staining the snow an even deeper shade. Suddenly, a cold, biting stream of wind slapped the boy across the face, leaving a small red mark that disappeared as soon as it came. bits of snow scud over the ground, taking small flights into the air before dissipating into water.

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