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(listen to below Spotify album  for more intense reading experience ; Spotify account @ sasasaku, playlist 'blood bound VIII', if unable, simply listened to linked some above, as per usual for other chapters.)


Class had only just begun, and yet again, Jungkook had began boiling Taehyung's blood with his snide remarks and existentially irritating presence. The vampire had just tried to catcall him in public, before leaving with a chuckle, leaving for class, not looking back, Taehyung hissed to himself, almost feeling the vampire still having that scathingly charismatic smirk. As he turned, preparing to leave, something jabbed him. Taehyung almost let out a shriek at this. "Hey-" He began, before he realised it was Lucas, one of the transfer spots team students. "Oh? Lucas?" Taehyung said, more of a question than an acknowledgement of the boy. "Hey, Taehyung, I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to let you know that me and some of the boys on the team are hosting a party next Sunday to celebrate the start of the basketball season, and we were wondering if you'd come, it is a team celebration?" He cleared his throat before adding "-And also, we're not doing much, just a couple of drinks and some other shit, you know, Jake's dad is out of town and they've got a small cottage by the lake, he was thinking of hosting the party there, it's a bit far from here, so if you think you can't make it, you can have my number if you need a ride there." Taehyung didn't know how to respond to this. Lucas pursed his lips in an expectant and innocent smile. "Uh..." The werewolf chuckled, uneasily. "Hey, Lucas." Another voice, Jungkook's, suddenly said, announcing his presence by putting an arm "casually" around Lucas, who seemed to become even more awkward than before, now. "Oh hey Jungkook." he said, in a small voice. Jungkook's "friendly" stance seemed to be in complete contrast to his behaviour. his eyes seemed to be seething with loathing and eternal hate, and his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, in an impatient manner. "I was- you know, just asking Taehyung if he'd like to come to our party next weekend." Lucas explained, patting the werewolf's shoulders. "I-I uh... I'll think about it?" Taehyung mumbled, "Right, I don't want to pressure you or anything, just take your time, alright? Here's my number," The boy quickly scribbling something of a number into his notebook, briskly tearing the page off and handing it to Taehyung, "Call or text me to let me know." Lucas said, clearing his throat. "I'm off, see you guys at practice." Lucas then said backing off looking at the both of Jungkook and Taehyung, for a few seconds, bumping into the side of the table, causing a few of the girls on that table to mutter coldly. Lucas smiled sheepishly before turning, signalling for his friends to join him, as he left, practically running away from
the pair. After Lucas was fully out of sight, Jungkook brusquely turned to Taehyung, with a sinister look on his face. "You do know I can kill that thing in literally under thirty seconds?" He hissed, pulling his hair back, as he prepared to leave. "For god's sake, Jungkook." Taehyung retorted with irritation, turning away from the smug-faced vampire, with gritted teeth.

It was raining when the basketball team had started practice. "Ladies, ladies, don't look so depressed, get your lazy asses to the court and start playing, we've got the basketball season next month and we don't have time to screw around!" the coach bellowed, clasping his hands together and roaring louder than the rain. The trek across the field was made more worse than it already was, by the mud. The thick, wet brown paste was not cold enough to freeze, yet clung to the boys' trainers; sapping what little heat they had. The practice kept on for at least half an hour, yet felt like a century and longer. Taehyung kept his distance from Jungkook, albeit, he could still feel the vampire's vapid eyes drilling through the back of his neck. What was his deal?

During their third, and, at last, final practice for the evening, Taehyung was lost in thought, ignoring yet another one of coaches yells, as he found himself rather enjoying how the rain poured down onto the trees and down his neck. Like some sudden jolt of adrenaline, someone's icy cold hands grabbed Taehyung's own from behind, causing him to recoil from the sheer coldness of the grip. It was probably that dipshit, Jungkook. "Hey." Said a voice, that wasn't, to his unpleasant surprise, the vampire. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, just saw you were staring into the woods and you just looked-" It was Lucas, dragging on about something. Taehyung turned, seeing the boy fiddling with his fingers, adding, "B-beautiful?" Taehyung felt his heart trip a little, "Yeah, sorry, I really didn't mean to come out all 'stalkerish', it's just that I've never considered boys to look quite like you do?" Lucas mumbled, moving closer as Taehyung felt something of a blush creeping along the side of his neck as the tall boy advanced towards him. "Ha, well, there are lots of oth-" Lucas grabbed the werewolf's arm, cutting him off, "No- Taehyung, I don't think anyone can look prettier than you." he moved even closer as Taehyung unintentionally took a step back, and a good move too, because the next thing he knew, something fleetingly cross his vision, blurring his sight, as Lucas fell to the floor, like a basketball being slam-dunked into a hoop with ease. "Fu-uck!" Lucas screamed, pulling a hand to his face, where the ball had probably hit. "I- are you alright?" Taehyung said, as he fell to his knees beside the boy, who was curling into something fetal, groaning in pain. "Lucas! Damnit, can you hear me?" The coach yelled, skidding to the fallen Lucas' side, before turning around and giving each and every team member a long, cold glare, "-Who hit him, who the hell hit him?" Coach growled, but only the rain answered. "No one's owning up? Fine. I'll deal with you lot later." He roared, turning back to Lucas. "Boy, look at me!" He repeated, tapping the boy's chest, causing him to groan in answer. "Lucas, look at my hand, how many fingers am I holding up?" Coach inquired, pulling Lucas up, and shoving three fingers into his face, urging the boy to answer. "One- nine...?" he groaned, before squinting his eyes, "Wait no, six?" This time it was coach's turn to groan, "ok, Jared, come here, we're going to the A&E kiddo, you might have had a concussion-" a wiry, blue-haired boy, scrambled out from the crowd, helping, ineffectually so, to haul Lucas over his shoulders, almost falling with the weight, as he and the coach unevenly lumbered off, holding the brunette. "-And for whoever hit Ethan..." Coach added, "—Say goodbye to your position on the team. " he yelled, causing the boys to wince from the harshness of his voice, "Go," Coach shouted, from afar, but no one moved, "GO!" he snapped again, and at this, everyone quickly dispersed.

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