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( listen to above music for more intense reading experience. )


Hours turned into days, as days turned into weeks, and weeks formed into tedious months. There was hardly a second of interaction between the werewolf and the vampire, but too much tension. There was occasional bullying from Jungkook's side, when he catcalled and cooed Taehyung mockingly during lessons and lunch-break, but that was  all. It was mostly because of the upcoming basketball season. "All right, all right!" a shrill whistle echoed around the spacious court. Coach Henry brought his hands together, clapping in a final way. "Now," He crooned, pacing the line of uniformed students. "-I have a very serious issue on my hands." He turned, harshly, and with a mawkish look on his face, "-one of my best players," He explained, sagely, "-has come down with a case of conjunctivitis." the boys in line groaned, some sniggered, too. "-so, I need a new shooter!" Everyone suddenly straightened up, belatedly like the smug jocks they were. "-and today, I have decided, that I have someone... someone in mind." At this statement, some boys stifled mutters and others coughed, somewhat 'dominantly'. "Jeon." The coach requested, lowly, gesturing for Jungkook to come to the front of the crowd. "Now," Coach grinned, rubbing his hands together, excitedly as Jungkook cautiously approached the front, with a slightly perplexed look on his face. "I suppose, since the season is right around the corner, and how we've been practicing so hard, our victory is already secured, and you should thank your captain for that," Coach smiles, patting a blasé-mannered Jungkook on the back. "—So that's why i'm giving him a chance to decide who will play as our substitute shooting guard." Jungkook raised an eyebrow, not as surprised as the rest of the team, as the caterwauled and whistled. Then it hit the vampire. he felt something of a grin beginning to twitch on the edges of his lips as they curled up, lopsidedly, in mischief. "Anyone?" Jungkook smirked, closing his eyes. "Well... i may have someone in mind."


the school field was an escape from all the commotion, for Taehyung. He usually sat under the shade of a tree until period bells rang, signalling the end of breaks, upon which hearing,  Taehyung would usually begin making his way to class, and end up a few minutes late from the walk. He wasn't the most punctual of people, if he said so himself. Taehyung leaned against the tall gate, stanchioning off the main walk from the school, a large, monstrous thing, yet albeit protective. He sighed, his hand, which clasped the end of his comic, slumping to his thighs, succumbing to the overwhelming state of ennui that he had been feeling for the whole week. What was it? What was the cause? Surely not because of his lack of friends? He didn't need them, they disappointed him. Taehyung sighed, his mouth forming into a jaded line. The breeze around him was mellow, even sounded so, like that of a lyre. "The breezes blow here honey sweet and softer." The werewolf murmured, his voice dulcet. "Sappho... a touch obvious, don't you think?" An all too familiar voice remarked. Taehyung seemed to snap out of the weary trance he was trapped in, upon hearing the unmistakable voice, which belonged to many countries and none. How had that nutjob vampire have even a clue about the poet Sappho? Let alone recognise one of her poems from a mere one line? Jungkook sauntered placidly through the seemingly endless field, like a slinking panther of some sort. As he neared, the vampire locked eyes with Taehyung, unyieldingly, without shying away, not even hesitating, flickering. these were, you could tell, the eyes of a cold-killer, albeit, his listless eyes and stoic expression were at complete odds with his ethereal beauty, Taehyung thought to himself, as the raven-head struck a casual pose, stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning his shoulder and head nonchalantly against the gate, looking down at the lone werewolf, something of a small smile playing upon his lips. Taehyung watched the boy with avid amusement as he wondered, 'his eyes, they were so cold but that smile was so undeniably warm.' Taehyung didn't get it. "I see you've slipped into the trance once again." Jungkook chuckled warmly, in a low voice. "Oh, 'that trance', what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Taehyung griped, scowling, "Oh, you know, that face you make when you see me?" Jungkook sneered, leaning back, smugly. Taehyung was at a loss for words. "That face"? "Excuse me-" the vampire aptly cut the werewolf off. "Now, I can't get the eyes exactly right, but it goes a bit like-" Jungkook inhaled, before letting his face drop, his eyes lazily dropping as if in some quixotic reverie, mouth half-open, as one would be in a braindead comatose, and head slightly tilted, like some curious child. Taehyung clicked his tongue, in awe, eyebrows furrowed in both slight rage and amusement at this aloof enactment. Perhaps Jungkook had sensed the werewolf's growing aggravation and hastily added, "-But you know, more-" he rolled his hands over each other, as though to say a word with them that he could not have the ego to say himself, "-of course." he continued, pulling his hand back to run through his loose raven locks. "Uhuh." Taehyung chuckled, somewhat wantonly, causing Jungkook to visibly relax. The two suppressed their small chortles. A few rather flustering moments flew by before the werewolf turned, sucking his lips as he looked up at the vampire, slightly bashfully. Jungkook seemed to have forgotten, himself, the reason for why he had approached the boy. The vampire thought to himself, before his eyes slightly widened in remembrance. A faint reminiscence of his first smirk. "Ah." he dubiously replied, before turning, as if preparing to leave. "Nothing much, just a minor reminder that as of now, you've been recruited as the new substitute shooting guard in the upcoming basketball tournament, nothing worth mentioning, like the fact that if you decide not to attend, your priceless-" Jungkook pulled out something and read with feigned bafflement "—Leica M6 Rangefinder Film Camera'—" Taehyung yelped, lunging at the vampire, who swiftly moved to the side, causing the werewolf to come crashing at Jungkook's feet, helplessly. "Hm, yeah, I'll take that as an 'Ok Jungkook, I'm going to come and train extremely hard every Thursday, indefinitely.'" the vampire mocked, whilst tipping the camera with his every movement, generating coherent winces from the werewolf. "All right, all right!" Taehyung cried out, petulantly, reaching up for the vintage-styled camera, like a begging child. Jungkook smirked, pulling the thing higher as Taehyung's hand drew closer, teasingly. "Come on." The werewolf whinged, with a slight growl. The vampire chuckled lowly, "Pull yourself together, wolf boy, you look like a junkie." he sneered, whilst placing the camera, with extreme delicacy, into his satchel, before slipping the cover of his bag over it all, patting it all with a smile, finally. "Once we win the tournament, I'll decide wether i'm giving this little thing back to its mummy." Jungkook whined, pouting in a saccharine manner, as taehyung scowled. "Alright, a bientôt, garçon loup." The vampire hummed, in french, albeit with a thick accent. not quite native, yet enough to pass as a local with ease. Taehyung couldn't help but hear his pulse throb heavily as the raven-head dipped his head with a curt smile with a little flutter of fingers as a signal of departure.

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