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Taehyung wandered with Baekhyun, to the classroom, waiting for the boy to finally shift his attention away from Taehyung, and onto something else, as he tried to turn his head to look back in the direction of Jungkook, who hung around the sill of the class's window, his silhouette like a painting in chiaroscuro, his lips tinged the colour of Chianti and his eyes shadowed. One of the vampire's hands were in the pocket of his jeans, and the other reached up to drag through his hair whilst he spoke to his friends. Taehyung couldn't hear what he was saying, of course, he could use his increased hearing skill, but then he realised something off about Jungkook. How his lips moved lazily with each word and his eyes were half-lidded like it was habitual, but he also appeared to look more tired than average. Much more. This didn't seem to bother Taehyung, because Jungkook always appeared tired, but today it just seemed as it had increased, and Taehyung couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Jungkook then shifted, tiredly from the opposite side of the classroom, and his eyes once again managed to drag their way to meet Taehyung's. The vampire's lips tried to curve up, in something of a smile, which Taehyung reciprocated brightly, but Jungkook couldn't do it with as much enthusiasm, the werewolf couldn't stop noticing how scruffy the vampire looked; his tie undone, and his shirt-buttons done up in the wrong holes. Jungkook looked away, before Baekhyun returned. "Hey Baek-" Baekhyun suddenly passed Taehyung without any acknowledgement. The werewolf furrowed his brows. The white-haired boy rushed to Jungkook. He whispered something to the vampire, and Taehyung saw how Jungkook's face hardened. His teeth in an effort to keep his jaw still; dropping it so as to breathe in more oxygen, as if in reaction to this news. Taehyung could almost feel the fear, worry, pain and anger curl up inside the vampire's chest, and clung to his ribs, settling uncomfortably in both of them. The werewolf opened his mouth to speak, but Jungkook looked otherworldly, not like any of the sides of Jungkook he had ever seen up to now. His face blank, though uncontrollably large amounts of worry and fear dominating behind his eyes, his jaw hard, like a super-soldier. "Jungkook?" Connie suddenly asked, noticing the vampire's sudden change. "What's wrong?" She asked, almost softly. "Family stuff." He simply replies. At this, Connie's eyes widened, and her mouth went slack. Was there something Connie knew that Taehyung didn't?

Taehyung didn't see Jungkook the next few days, and on the days he did, the vampire looked unhealthily haggard. He didn't even converse with his friends when they tried to talk to him. Taehyung couldn't shake this feeling he was getting, he could feel such anxiety that wasn't even his, but the unsettling feeling was there ever since that afternoon Jungkook and Baekhyun took off. The werewolf had an insatiable urge to see if Jungkook was ok, he just didn't know how to. Firstly, due to his ego, and trying to keep up the 'not caring' facade, he didn't even have Jungkook's number, and he sure as hell couldn't casually ask someone else for his number. Suck it up and ask, stop letting your ego get in the way, Taehyung hissed to himself. As Professor Raspánte dismissed the class, Taehyung's gathered enough courage, to walk up to Jungkook's little 'circle'. The chatter within it died down immediately as they noticed Taehyung. Jungkook looked up, mildly surprised, but still mostly exhausted. "Hey" he croaked at the vampire, who simply stared, perplexed and amused. "oh look who's here, didn't really peg you as a masochist" sneered Connie coming up to Taehyung "Fuck off Connie, I'm not here to talk to you." He leered at the girl, who's lip twitched. Jungkook heaved a sigh, pushing his feet off the table from which he was leaning on, and began to stand up as Taehyung moved closer to him. The vampire's exhausted eyes once again shifted up to lock with Taehyung's. "Jungkook, are you ok?" The werewolf spoke with a soft frown of concern, which creeped its way onto his face, as he lifted a hand to place it on Jungkook's forehead, which was burning with unhealthy warmth. "Your tem-" Jungkook's eyes widened, but quickly went back to that fatigued look, as he lifted a hand to lazily swat at Taehyung's wrist as if to get the werewolf's hand off his forehead. "That's the bonny face of insomnia, wolf boy." He sneered, turning away. The rest followed as Jungkook turned, leaving. Edgar slammed his shoulder, hard into Taehyung's, as he heard a not so faint word thrown at him "f*ggot."

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