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Baekhyun and Taehyung were on a  bench outside the hospital, Taehyung taking a sip of his third cup of coffee.
"I know it's hard to believe everything I just told you, I myself can't believe what I just told you but I saw all of those like it's being happening in front of my eyes, and I kept seeing them over and over. I've been having these weird dreams. They were so realistic that I can't differentiate between reality and hallucinations. It's always the same dream: me in Egypt. I keep seeing it and every time I think of it, I feel like I'm running out of time, I don't understand." Baekhyun listened to Taehyung patiently. "You know what's crazy? I've been getting these dreams or visions or-or whatever, ever since the day Jungkook first bit me." At that Baekhyun stiffened.

"Since the first time he bit you? You mean since the day that we first met?" He said pointing at himself and Taehyung as the latter nodded. "Yes, that was the first night of many nights I began to dream of myself in Egypt. I was standing in front of this weird gate and looking at the road, I felt like I was waiting for someone and then I turned and someone had the tip of a sword pressed against my neck. The guy looked like a king." Baekhyun sighed as he emptied his cup of coffee. "Let me take a wild guess, it was Jungkook." Taehyung smiled faintly at the memory. "That's funny. even then he was trying to kill me." The werewolf said with a chuckle. "Yeah, well what can you expect, he's an ass, I think his assholeness was ingrained to his soul." Taehyung couldn't help but feel soft. Hearing Jungkook's name made him feel all gooey. "You would know. You are his oldest friend." Taehyung smiled at Baekhyun who simply smiled in returned. "Anyway, the first time, I chalked it up to him almost killing me, I thought my mind was creating different scenarios of him almost killing me, but then the visions kept appearing in different forms and settings, and it got weirder and weirder and everyday. I have this strong urge that I'm running out of time, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do before I run out of time." The pair fell back in silence.

"So did you tell Jungkook about your visions?" Taehyung thought to himself. He remembered mentioning something about the visions after Jungkook had fed from him last night. "I think I mentioned something but I don't think he took me seriously, he probably thought I was rambling out of blood loss or something, he kind of had that concerned look." Baekhyun stared on, "Which probably means he's not having those visions, so it's just you. he isn't remembering, yet." Taehyung turned to Baekhyun with unsure eyes. "You think he'd believe me if I told him how my visions began to appear in my dreams, how they slowly turned to maladaptive-daydreaming and how they developed into a case of adult reincarnation." Baekhyun looked at Taehyung with resigned a look "There's one way to find out; you gotta tell him everything. but I don't think it's the right time, not yet anyway. give it sometime, let him heal properly, In the meantime I think it's best to talk about where you guys stand now as a couple I mean, I'm guessing a lot has changed?" Taehyung sighed heavily. He knew Baekhyun was right, if he talked about it now Jungkook would think he was crazy. "Yeah, I guess you're right, after all I did blurt out a love confession and didn't get any in return."


Baekhyun and Taehyung ended up at a coffee shop on a Wednesday morning after their lecture a week into their new semester. "This is all your fault," Baekhyun began, tapping his foot impatiently as they waited in the long line which seemed to stretch on forever, "if you hadn't forgotten our project proposal we could have scored an A." This was one of Taehyung's more unfortunate habits which he came to realise that others despised. he never was keen on organisation, he was about as organized as a dump yard when it came to most tasks (his cabin was living proof of that.) Taehyung was almost always forgetting or misplacing the simplest things.

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