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Jungkook motionlessly sat on the floor, rooted the ground, still clutching the chains, still recovering from what he had just seen. It felt so vivid. He could remember Taehyung's memories more clearly than his own... Jungkook grabbed the wall, staggering up, and shoving the chains and weights back into the cabinet, slamming it shut.

Jungkook sluggishly got up, his head hearing voices. The vampire began to trudge to the next pile of mess, looking at the chaos around him. Jungkook liked order, he was organised, methodical, he was tidy. The horrid sight in front of him heightened his OCD. How the hell did someone like Taehyung live here? Jungkook expected his house to be pink, aesthetic and girly with sparkles everywhere, even though it was stereotypical, it was more believable than... this. The vampire hung his head. He did need something to distract himself from those angsty and disturbing memories too. With that, Jungkook got to work.

The raven-haired boy started with the books. He collected them, piling them as he went; as they unevenly wobbled in his arms. he went to his knees, placing the pile of books beside him, beginning to sort each one by colour. As he did so, he realised how every book was actually a decade or so old. Was Taehyung a follower of those stupid witch shit, paganism, voodoo, all that? No wonder him and Baekhyun were friends. It was unusual, but then again unpredictable, just like the werewolf. 'A guide to advanced Herbals' said one, 'Controlling the Urges: a Lycan's Guide' another read. Each one seemed to be old, some are definitely decades older than Taehyung himself. Perhaps they were passed down? Jungkook slid each book next to each other, until finally, he placed the last one, 'Entering the Pagan Portals', into the dark purple colour section, before letting out a sigh of delight. Jungkook stepped back, admiring his work. "Now that is art."

After nearly two whole hours of pure cleaning, Jungkook sighed, when suddenly, he heard his stomach give a predatory growl. "Damn, I could eat a wholeass pig." He mumbled, walking to the fridge, opening it, only to be greeted by the sight of a brown apple, a small bite-sized chunk of steak, a few prawn sandwiches and some other small bits. "Ew, Taehyung, you fucking vagabond." Jungkook winced in disgust. The vampire stuck his hand into the fridge, pulling out the few bits of remaining food, as he collected what he needed to make something. An omelette, toast, something? Jungkook moves to the toaster, sliding two pieces of brown bread into the slits, and leaving to get out a frying pan from a drawer. The vampire glowered at the grimy kettle that looked as if it hadn't been touched for almost a century straight. "Goddamit." He mumbled, as he quickly yanked the kettle from its plug and gave it a small scrub, before pouring some water in it, leaving it to boil as he tried to switch on the cooker to boil some of water for the potatoes. Jungkook frowned. Why wasn't it turning on? The vampire gingerly touched the black surface. Not a smart  move, Jungkook, he hissed to himself in the millisecond before the pain hit. "Shit!" he shrieked quietly.

Almost a second later, as if on cue, Jungkook heard a shriek from the other room and footsteps hurriedly running towards him. "Shit, shit, shit, get the fuck out of the way!" Yelled Taehyung, muttering curse words as he threw himself to the sink, almost falling into it as he quickly began to turn the faucet on and stuffed his hands underneath "ahh, that feels good..." Taehyung hummed to himself as Jungkook just stared at the boy in disbelief. He looked at the hand the werewolf was grasping, and then at his own. Taehyung held the same hand, on the same exact finger, that jungkook had burned his own hand... what the hell was happening?

Oblivious to what was going on in Jungkook's mind, the werewolf glanced at him, now relieved from the pain, "Why are you holding your hand?" He asked suspiciously. Jungkook looked away, "Oh, I Uh- I burned it." He mumbled, "Oh".... "why'd you burn it?" Taehyung inquired, tilting his head to the side and scowling, "I was checking if the fucking potatoes were boiling, your goddamn cooker isn't working." Jungkook yelled, pointing accusingly at the perfectly working burner. "I mean... not anymore but..." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, "Right." he muttered, as Jungkook looked down, slightly embarrassed.

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