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( listen to the above song for higher mood portrayal. )


Taehyung tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when he had to bite his lip to keep himself from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through his head as if he was being repeatedly bashed against a wall. His mind pulsated with blood, and colorful myriads of lights dappled his sight, as if he was under the numbing yet beautiful influence of LSD. The world outside seemed to bend, pervert themselves. The complexions of the outside world folding into one another, forming a medley of intricate patterns, casting an iridescent shimmer on everything. Taehyung was seeing everything in front of him, doubled- no- quadrupled. it felt like his whole body had been beaten and every movement he made, even merely breathing, caused every bone and joint to ache; ache so much it felt almost sweet. Wincing in pain, the boy reached out to grab the the hollow's edges, to pry himself out, when a loud shrill resonated through his sinuses, pulsating painfully. There were voices. Voices ringing around him, chittering like scared children. "You killed them!" someone seethed, their voice tangible from the ringing, but the words were almost melting into the noise, as if the sounds were constantly moving around. "You killed them, Jungkook! All of them!" "No, it wasn't me! But-", "don't try and hide it! You disgusting suco." the voice said the word 'suco' with such seething hate that even taehyung winced. Then there were screams, loud, echoing screams, and the apparition seemed to fade, dissolving into another, in which he was now between, what seemed to be, a young boy with ribbons of blood, threading down the sides of his chin, smudged. before him, was a seemingly dead, figure on the floor, mutilated and mauled, with pools of thick, clotted blood encircling it's outline. "Sorry." the boy murmured softly, the words escaping his lips, not matching his emotionless tone. "Jungkook?" hissed another voice. The boy turned, horror dawning on his face. There was a deafening scream. "Jungkook...? What did you do-" the scene rippled, like the surface of water. Taehyung now found himself encircled by a scene that looked as if it came straight out of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula.' blood stains besmirched the otherwise artful walls. Around him, mauled corpses littered the ground, and miscellaneous and bloodied items were strewn amongst them. Taehyung felt his stomach churning, as if riding, like a tidal wave, up his throat at the look of this damnable scene, even the devil would look sickly at this atrocity. Who would slaughter this many souls? Taehyung tried to avoid looking down at the slain remains, trying to step past them, respectfully. but there was one second, just one second, when he missed a step, tumbling to the floor, falling beside a body, bereft of life, and look into the hollow, white eyes that met his, for Taehyung to snap. losing his calm, the boy screamed in horror, only to realise that no sound came out. He recklessly struggled, scrabbling from the hundreds of lifeless bodies around him, clawing closer to insanity by the second, when the palm of his hand slammed down on the edge of a knife-like shard. Taehyung felt himself hiss out in pain, as only seconds later, he felt the corners of his mind slowly slipping into an intoxicating darkness, and eventually, the struggling boy sunk into a sublime state of unconsciousness, and his futile clawing beginning to slow down, finally stopping, as his eyes slowing fell shut.


Jungkook gave a heavy groan of relief, heaving through the thick blanket of snow which tried to uselessly deter the vampire's herculean stride."I know you heard everything, so i suggest that you be a good little wolf, and come out now." The raven-haired youth commanded with a tone of warning, as he paused for a moment to hear the sound of shuffling that signalled the compliance of his order. but nothing followed. Jungkook looked down at the snow. Ah, shit. Don't tell me he escaped? What a rookie mistake, to leave the sacrificial lamb in an open field. the vampire sped to the tree hollow where he left the werewolf, with haste. It was empty, as expected, Jungkook concluded... Although, he could still sense something of a presence. The boy pondered to himself, scanning his nearby precinct, before making an estimated guess, and zooming to a close tree. his guess was right, but his captive's state; definitely wasn't. "Hey!" Jungkook yelled, at the sight of the bleeding boy, falling to his knees beside him. "Ah, fuck." Jungkook hissed to himself, scanning the werewolf boy's wounds, unsure of where to start. "Damnit." the raven-haired youth scowled, digging one hand into his trouser pockets, but pulling out one hand to begin applying pressure onto Taehyung's blood-stained neck. Jungkook's right hand fumbled in his pockets, eventually pulling out his phone and extracting it, one-handedly swiping at the screen, leaving light trails of blood on the glass screen as he did so. The phone blinked green as it rang for what seemed like a century, before someone picked up. A few moments of shuffling static was heard on the receiving end. "Yes?" a soft yet contemptuous tone asked. "Hey, fucking oracle boy, i need you." Jungkook yelled into the speaker, scornfully. There was a petulant snort. "Listen, if you want to screw, you could have just sai-" "Listen here you homosexual sack of shit, i'm bringing someone to your house in a second, so leave the door open and get out your little hoodoo voodoo witch shit out, okay? fucking prick." Jungkook seethed, into the receiver, as the person on the other end prepared to reply. the vampire quickly hung up. "C'mon, you big girl." The Jungkook muttered, turning back to the bleeding werewolf, stuffing his phone back into his pocket, and swiftly moving to the ground and sliding an arm under Taehyung's neck, and another under his limp legs. "Jeez, for a girl, you're pretty damn heavy." Jungkook groaned, as he pulled himself and Taehyung up from the snow. "Now. Time for a little hike."

"Ding dong, dickhead." Jungkook bellowed, shoving himself and Taehyung through the open door of a cottage-like house. "Jesus christ, Jungkook, put her on a table, honestly." A small-made boy stumbled through the rows of counters that were each filled with lined jars of miscellaneous objects. Jungkook looked around for a somewhat empty surface, before simply dropping Taehyung gently onto the rug, upon the carpet floor. "Imbecile!" The small boy shrieked. "That's a-" he made an incomprehensible noise. "-an arabian rug from a merchant i got from the eastern realm, you fucking-" he made another inarticulate yowl, much like a feral mountain cat. The boy had eyes glinting with pure mischief; he had that unhealthy way of moving that deviant flirts had, with a spark of an eccentric child and a smile that went all the way through to his maverick core. He gave an exasperated sigh, running a hand past the silvery fringe of his hair, pulling it back as he sat down, placing a few jars of, what seemed to be, herbs, beside him, as he pulled the cuffs of his large sweater up, and set to work. Jungkook watched, somewhat curiously, as the healer's talents spring to life. He saw the swift fingers of Baekhyun, his old friend (and occasional fuckbuddy) nimbly pulling stitches and sprinkling herbs over the unconscious body, almost instinctively and rhythmically. Suddenly, the healer stopped. pausing, amused. "Jungkook-ah, i thought you should just know; It's a boy, by the way."


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. To- At this point, Taehyung's eyes were long open. Despite the staggering fatigue drowning his every thought, he moved like a bat fresh out of hell. After so many years of being hunted; every action was automatic, reflexive, immediate. "Woah there wolf girl-" "boy." another voice corrected. His surroundings were hazy. For what he could make out, Taehyung seemed to be in a small hut-like place, surrounded by two people, whom of which their faces, Taehyung couldn't make out. Though he was awake, he couldn't think of why; his heart was pounding, he could hear it in his ears. It was as if a hypodermic of adrenaline had been emptied into the werewolf's carotid. He strained into the utter darkness, breathing rate finally beginning to recover. "Easy, easy." a soft, childish voice assured. Taehyung felt a smooth hand rubbing his shoulders. "Where— Where is this?" The boy managed to ask, through the burning pain in his throat. "You needn't worry, at least, till you fully recover." the same soft voice told him. "Your throat might hurt, forgive me, i had to give you some wolfsbane to arouse your automatic healing, so you should start feeling better any minute now." The voice was right, Taehyng could feel the aches in his body being relieved automatically. "Yeah..." The werewolf mumbled, throwing himself on what looked like a seat. He closed his eyes, for a moment or two, before opening them again. Now, before him, as if in the clearest of clear quality; he saw the very vampire who bled him out in the middle of a freezing tundra, leaning nonchalantly against a wall, one hand in a pocket, another holding a cigarette loosely. Taehyung scowled. "Now, now, boys. Ware-boy, dont forget, this one saved your life." The petite boy tutted.
"-saving it after almost fucking ending it." The werewolf said between gritted teeth. Jungkook gave a lop-sided grin, the cigarette hanging from between the slack grip of his jaw, somewhat attractively. "Right." The raven-haired boy nodded, raising his eyebrows a little, leaning off the wall, and pulling out the smoke from his lips lightly, making a small 'o' with his thin lips, letting a blossoming ribbon of pale smoke drag itself out of the vampire's lips, as Taehyung watched it, transfixed at its thin folds as they ebbed away. "I'm going." Jungkook announced, pushing the butt of the still-burning cigarette into a windowsill, carelessly. Before preparing to leave. No wonder this guy seemed like a loner, he was a total dickhead. "Jungkook-ah, don't you want to stay for a drink?" The silver-haired boy asked, voice raised. Jungkook paused at the door. "Mm...Nah." he said, as he shut the door behind himself. "Asshole." The small boy hissed to himself, while prying forward from the chair he was sitting on. "Taehyung, right?" He suddenly said, turning to the werewolf. "Ah, yeah." Taehyung nodded. "Drink?" The silver-head asked. "Got any milk?"

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