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please listen to above music for a more intense reading experience !

[p.s.a. credit to @/dorian gray on YouTube for taking the time to make a small playlist specifically for this chapter.]


The werewolf rolled his eyes, muttering to himself as he shivered. The afternoon, woods were filled with an ominous brittle silence. Taehyung wondered why. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something or ... someone... was watching him... or maybe that was just the wind confusing him. The werewolf looked around, rubbing his gloved palms together, before clasping his drink flask between his hands even though the warmth from the coffee had long since leached into the frozen air. Taehyung's muscles clenched tight against the cold. Where was that asshole? Had Jungkook really bailed on him? The werewolf scowled, as he looked down at the painting equipment neatly at his feet. He would kill that Jeon Jungkook if he didn't come. Did that vampire know how long it had taken him to bring all of this shit out?

Taehyung's teeth shuddered against each other, and he pressed himself tighter into his fluffy jacket. Maybe he wasn't coming? The werewolf sighed, dropping his head down. Of course he wouldn't come. Jeon Jungkook was the type of dickhead to bail on someone without telling them, after all, Taehyung's phone was no where to be seen either, so the vampire couldn't contact him he really need to keep his phone with him. Taehyung began to collect the things, gently falling onto his knees and starting to grab the equipment, when he heard a sudden rustle in the bushes behind him. The werewolf hadn't a second to react, when he heard a skidding noise that ground to a halt next to him. Taehyung gave a high-pitched squeal that totally contrasted his usual deep voice. The boy slowly opened his left eye, moving his arms away from his face to get a better look at what was there.

It was Jungkook. Of course it was fucking Jungkook.

"What the fuck, asshole! You scared the shit out of me!" Taehyung screeched, clutching his chest, breathing heavily. The werewolf took a closer look at the chortling boy in front of him. Jungkook almost looked like he had come from an underground concert in the 90's. Worn and torn jeans covered his defined legs, and he wore an old faded, and loosely buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tucked into his Jeans. His grecian arms crossed, forearms thick across his thin shirt, clinging to the hard lines of his torso. The vampire's hair was lazily ruffled, the tips haphazardly pushed so they intertwined into a seething mass. His laced up military boots were caked with dried and hardened mud, as if he'd been in the forest for a whole day, while dark circles laid beneath his cold dark eyes. Jungkook looked like he had gone through hell in one night. "Wow, what happened to you?" The werewolf said, giving a soft two-note whistle as he checked the unruly-looking vampire up and down.

"Nothing. " Jungkook replied, coolly, running a gloved hand through his raven-locks, that tumbled almost instantaneously after his fingers moved through them. His voice was still heavy and husky with a tired quality. And Taehyung couldn't help but get slightly aroused. The vampire struck a casual pose, stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning against the body of a nearby tree, nonchalantly.
"- anyway, aren't you supposed to be the big bad wolf, why'd you start screaming like your cousins?" The vampire said with mockery, a stupid smirk beginning to play over his thin lips.

Taehyung stood up, rubbing non-existent dirt off of his oversized jacket, his lips scrunched into a pout, and his nose red. Jungkook wanted to almost squish him. The werewolf advanced vehemently towards him, and jabbed the vampire in the ribs. "Piss off, Jungkook." Taehyung scowled, giving a huff and turning. Jungkook sneered, "-so did you get all the stuff I asked for?" The raven-head asked, as he pulled off his jacket, threw it to a side, and started to twist his arms to the left and right, making small cracks that Taehyung grimaced in disgust at.

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