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Jeon's family estate

Mr. Jeon had been stabbed with vervain, right next to Hoseok, and he could still feel the drying blood splatters on his face and arms. They'd raised the knife right at him but never stabbed, instead, cuffing his arms and legs, binding his mouth. Mr. Jeon and Hoseok been photographed with the knife to their guts and slung in the back of a black limousine. That's when he saw him, Park Jimin - his most "trusted" ally, "best-friend." Almost. He glanced at the boy, who sported a crooked little smile. "I'd offer you some wine, Jeon, but you seem somewhat tied up." Then Jimin loaded a syringe from a small brown vial and plunged it into Hoseok's thigh. The other vampire yowled out in pain, straining against the zip-ties, blood running over the translucent plastic, red on white. Mr. Jeon's nose filled with the musty scent of the sack that covered Hoseok's head, and in the almost blackness Hoseok eyes strained for some sign of what was to come."You may not remember, Hoseok, but this is the nth time I've killed you too bad your death is always in vain." Jimin said, calmly, extracting the syringe and refilling it in the same vial, seemingly readying it for Mr. Jeon.
"Where is my son?" The older vampire growled.
"Oh he's fine. You will get to meet him there, I mean afterlife is a terrific place, but it's always good to have family with you isn't it. you guys'll love it there." Jimin continued draining off the syringe, flicking his finger at the container, before leaning towards Mr. Jeon. "Don't you worry now, just relax."

(Information for the readers- vervain is highly toxic and could weaken and kill vampires if given in high dosages)


"Ok, Unit One, we've had a sudden change of plans. Turns out our 'training', just turned into our first real mission this year." Seokjin stated, pacing gravely between each straight-backed member.
"- and we all know the drill, apart from you," Jin quickly added, pointing to Jungkook, before continuing brusquely. "-A new mission, new sub-units, and new leaders." The Lieutenant began to start pressing a tag-like badge onto each member's uniforms; the original, camouflage-like, khaki coloured, two-piece, slightly loose leggings and shirt, which had the Sanguines emblem of three gold feathers embroidered in the back, between the shoulder blades. In the half-light of the breaking day the rest of the Sanguines stood in front of their Lieutenant, Kim Seokjin, awaiting their first mission of the season, at ease, but worry lines still showed on everyone's face. But not Jungkook's. Even Taryn seemed to wonder if the boy was trained that way or if it was just like that where vampires came from. It seemed almost is as if; with the new uniform, came Jungkook's new mind-set, a way of coping with the task at hand so flawlessly. It almost scared Taryn. The raven-haired boy stood, solemn and emotionless, against the lightly rain-laden air. "-Are you ok with that? Jungkook?" Said Seokjin, suddenly snapping the Shinigami out of his brief moment of analysis. "Yes." The vampire replied, gravely. "-Good. Now, as for the teams. Taryn, Nancy, Tallulah, Haku and Hanjiro, you will all be in Unit Inuzuma." Seokjin ordered.

Wait, what was Unit Inuzuma? Who? What? "Come here." Said a voice. Taryn immediately recognised it. It was that arrogant fuck; Jeon Jungkook. "Why? Get away from me." Taryn spat. Jungkook shot an amused look at the Shinigami. "Unless Seokjin pronounced it wrong, I was put as the leader of Unit Inuzuma, was I not?" The vampire asked sourly. Wait... no, it couldn't be. Jungkook was a newbie, and Seokjin never put newbies as leaders? Right? "W-what?" Taryn stuttered, his eyes narrowing bitterly.
"Unless, of course, you want to be the leader. Jungkook hasn't been on a real mission before, he might need some advice from a member who's been here longer, and also one who's more confident, right, Jeon?" Seokjin asked, slowly approaching the pair from behind, and placing a cold hand upon the Shinigami's shoulder. "Ha...Uh.." Taryn began, before mustering up the confidence. "Right, fine then, I'll become the leader, is that, alright with you, Jeon?" He asked, in a fake tone, as though he gave a care in the world about the dirty vampire's opinion. "Of course, by all means, please, do be the leader." Jungkook replied, cringing forward in a bow, obviously mockingly.

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