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(listen to above music.)

The next few days passed in a morosely manner. Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was trying his best to keep out of Jungkook's way, avoiding him at every corner, purposely learning different ways to get to every lesson to keep himself from even passing Jungkook. The vampire wasn't having it. It was worse that he still had those same climaxed moments from when Taehyung had eagerly sucked on him, and now, when he glanced over at the werewolf, he always remembered that wet, water-slick body and how his fingertips would brush over the claw marks and how his lips felt around his manhood, those memories had etched onto Jungkook's soul.


If avoidance was a contest, Taehyung had probably already won multiple times. He didn't want to particularly talk with Jungkook, he knew he had to eventually, but he could at least prolong that "eventually" between them, by just blatantly ignoring Jungkook's presence. As much as Taehyung avoided Jungkook, the more Lucas tried to approach him. Taehyung couldn't bother with that, he avoided him, too, like the Black Plague. Taehyung hoped it helped, because frankly, he would really like Lucas to make it till his 80th birthday with 20 kids and 200 grandkids and not be killed at 19 by the hands of an egomaniac, sadistic Count Draculame.

Jungkook would try to draw the werewolf's attention by being obnoxiously loud, or by using Connie as a way of getting under Taehyung's skin. All Jungkook wanted, was to see the werewolf give him at least an ounce of attention, whether it was in a good or bad way. The vampire didn't usually let Connie cling on to him, but since Taehyung was so bent on ignoring him and pretending he couldn't hear, nor see Jungkook; instead of pushing the girl away, as he usually did, he let her hang on to him, cradling in his arms like cling film. It was obvious that this had made Taehyung mad, and in turn, ignore Jungkook even more. During the time that Taehyung was avoiding the vampire; he had managed to build up a close rapport with Byun Baekhyun; the boy who had saved his life during his and Jungkook's first encounter. Baekhyun was kind, mostly very confusing, and always had his head in cloud nine. Taehyung didn't mind that, if anything, he kind of enjoyed the fact that Baekhyun would simply sit beside him, just reading a book, smoking a joint, or just humming, but also listening to what Taehyung said, like a personal radio, almost. The more he hung out with Baekhyun, the less time he began to focus on with Carla, Kade and Karin, even though they causally joined him and Baekhyun; but often got intimidated by Jungkook, who would always be lingering somewhere near, or leave once they became scared by Baekhyun's unusual and somewhat terrifying mien.

"Taehyung," the silver-haired boy hummed, brushing the tip of his knuckle against Taehyung's shoulder, "-look," he said, gently gesturing to the boy outside, on the field. It was Jungkook. "Doesn't he look pretty handsome in the afternoon light?" Baekhyun said, though Taehyung couldn't tell if he meant it jokingly, judging by the way his eyes switched from that playful, flirty gaze, to a serious, almost yearning look for a second. "Pff." Taehyung scoffed, although his gaze lingered on the vampire, who was tipping his head back, cigarette in his mouth, hanging in that usual loose way, as he basked in the buttery light of the evening sun, his hair gently billowing in the slight breeze, giving him a soft, almost ethereal look. Baekhyun gave a chuckle, returning to his reading. The two of them had began to regularly go to the library together, after school, hanging out alone until late night, either studying, reading or playing games with each other. "What are you reading?" Taehyung suddenly asked, turning away from the window, taking a last glance as Jungkook dragged his cigarette out of his mouth, lazily. Taehyung had seen Baekhyun with that same book for at least two whole days now, and although it was a thin, small thing, the boy always seemed to be taking very long on getting to the next page, despite his fast reading nature. "Ah, this?" Baekhyun said, "-this, Taehyung, isn't even mine." The silver-haired boy gave a small laugh, folding the edge of the page, closing the book before showing the cover to Taehyung. "Art of War?" The werewolf inquired, taking the thin book from Baekhyun's hands. "If it's not yours, then... is it the library's?" Taehyung asked. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, eyes closed. "Actually it's Jungkook's." Taehyung's breath hitched before leaving his mouth. "Jungkook's?", "It might come as a shock to you, but Jeon reads quite a lot. In fact," Baekhyun turned around in his seat, "-He's quite, what you would call a, 'creative soul," Taehyung's brows furrowed in mock confusion. Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, a "creative soul?" Now that's funny, please tell me you're joking." The werewolf scoffed, "No, no, quite the opposite." they made to stand up, its time to leave the library "I've already finished the book, it's quite entertaining to read Jungkook's notes inside, I always get the feeling, that those notes were never meant for me." The silver-haired boy patted Taehyung's back. "Take some time to read through them, some of the things written and drawn inside might change your viewpoint on this 'cruel monster' Jeon Jungkook." With that, Baekhyun opened his bag, stuffing the books around him inside. "You don't need to give it back to me when you're done, just return it back to its... rightful owner." He said, rightful owner? Wait, that's - "-Jungkook! but but I can't give it to him I don't want to go near that fucking asshole, he's-" "See you tomorrow, Kim." Baekhyun left with that annoying chuckle, closing the door, and leaving poor Taehyung with the small book clasped in his hands. Why were all of Jungkook's friends like this?

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