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( listen to above music for more intense reading experience. )


Taehyung's eyes were bleary and puffy from his tears. That thick feeling that made your eyes droop after crying yourself to sleep, that was what his eyes felt like. It was early dawn, at least two or three in the morning, Taehyung estimated. A frosty chill hung in the air like daunting notes of Mozart's 'Queen of the Night.' The sweet surrendering scent of the descending devil's hour filled the forest chillingly; a smell that did not belong on earth. There was a sound, almost like dried almonds being crunched underfoot, pushing their brittle shells deep into the soft soil, as Taehyung staggered through the undergrowth of the thick glade. Alone in the woods, the werewolf stood, leaning against a tree, sliding down it in fatigue as he took a moment for himself, hearing the whispers of the little aspen leaves dancing in the slight breeze that toyed with his damp hair. Taehyung's ears faintly distinguished the echoing sounds of forest animals far away, and the birds' sweet songs. He took a deep breath; the scent of pine mingled with the breeze. The forest seemed alive with little hidden secrets that only it knew. Dark spruce forest frowned on either side of the frozen waterway. The trees seemed to lean toward each other, black and ominous, like the topping of a black-forest gateau, in the fading light. A vast, morose melancholia dominated the land. As the werewolf staggered up, his hands digging into the bark to steady himself, his mind melted back into that single thought that he had been pondering deeply about on his way to the glade. Why did Jungkook react the way he did? Taehyung felt like the vampire had used him. He did use him. But that moment, those moments where his voice would drop all the rough façades, and reveal a mellow, almost gentle tone beneath. Taehyung tried to refuse the fact that this meant something.
The boy furiously held back another wave of tears, feeling them ebb dangerously on the rim of his eyelids, prepared to crash down his face like waterfalls at any moment. Taehyung looked up at the lone moon, the bone-white thing almost representing himself, the stars scattered around it, but never near it. As if the crescent above had abruptly trapped the boy in the tight embrace of a lasso, Taehyung felt a tightening sensation at the tip of his throat, that then began to dribble down to the rest of his gullet. a short intake of breath forecasted the nuclear blast of emotions which, to date, he had managed to keep buried deep inside. Not anymore though. the amount of loathing Jungkook had looked at him with, the way he had prolonged and added the bitterness to the word 'fagg*t', the hard, painful slam Jungkook had made as his fist crushed into Taehyung's nose as he landed a blow on him. All the collected pain those moments had built up that was too great to be kept within; the tearing at his soul was too compelling to be contained. The last tips of the moon fully glinted it's pure white, as Taehyung's eyes glistened a bright yellow in an almost responsive like way. the ghostly cape of the moonlight took Taehyung captive, as prickles of fur beginning to protrude from his skin, as his spine arched, snapping into place with a gut-wrenching grind. Taehyung's legs began lengthening rapidly and his body twisted grotesquely. His greasy, greying skin split like tree bark. Wiry black hairs sprouted in the place of once smooth, human skin. His previously feline eyes melted into a heavier, leaner shape, like that of a ravaging canine beast's. They glazed over in a sparkling blue shade momentarily. Taehyung's bones moved under his skin like mechanical snakes, of their own accord. He wasn't the innocent human anymore; he was the werewolf.


A group of teenagers were gathered tightly in a circle on the plaza. From body to body they were so tight it was almost impossible to see what was going on inside, only the sound of sniggers and short applauds that drifted over their heads. "Pass another one, Zay-Zay!" The voice of Connie chortled, as a small-framed boy pulled out a blunt from the inside of his jacket pocket and placed it between the girl's opened fingers, and then lighting it. Jungkook sat alone, head against a tree and one leg crossed under the other, silent, only the very faint crackle from his dying cigarette as he left it hanging between his fingers, dwindling it slightly, causing the grey flakes at the opposite tip to flutter into a small heap on the forest floor. The vampire's leg began lightly bouncing, in agitation, the cigarette moving with him. "Jungkook-ah! Come here." Connie yelled from the circle of teenagers, using her joint to gesture at Jungkook to join them. Jungkook acknowledged the girl, but ignored her request, looking to a side after a few seconds. He could still hear Taehyung's slow sobs echo in his ears. Jungkook didn't mean anything to taehyung and taehyung didn't mean shit to jungkook either, it was as simple as that, right? The vampire thought to himself. He abruptly shook away the thought. Jungkook turned to the commotion at the circle. One of the boys seemed to have returned from the forest, a wild look on his face, as if he had just escaped from a tribe of cannibals. He looked as if he was trying to explain something to the teenagers, who were replying with sarcasm and nonchalance. Jungkook cocked his head, intrigued, as he tuned his hearing to listen in. "...you saw what?" Connie marvelled with a snigger. "No I'm telling you! It was like, this big, u-uh, wolf." He tried to explain, only to get ridiculing laughs in return. Something about the boy's wild mien recalled a long-forgotten memory from when a villager, who's town had been massacred by a beast, came begging to Jungkook for the boy to slay the creature who had caused all the bloodshed, to slay the... werewolf. Jungkook staggered up, abruptly, dropping his cigarette, the butt of it immediately dying out as it touched the ground. "Where?" The vampire yelled, grabbing the wild boy's shoulders. "Where did you see it?" The boy's eyes widened, when someone finally believed him, but as he opened his mouth to explain, there was an eldritch noise. A grim, low, guttural snarl. At first, it seemed to blend in with the commotion of the circle and the natural sounds of the forest, but as it grew closer, it grew louder. The chuckles in the group died out, slowly turning into uneasy chortles. The snarl slowly evolved, fluctuated, and then morphed into a trilling, blood-curdling howl. By now, the group was out of their skin in terror. Connie staggered away, dropping her blown-out blunt, and tried to grab Jungkook's limp hand. He shook it off, continuing to stare into the direction of the howl. Connie has a look of distress painted on her face. A dilemma of her own, unknowing on wether to choose to stay with her leader, or to leave with her own life. The answer soon came, as through the darkness came the glow of two blue eyes, like sallow lamplight, eight feet off the ground, moving with a slight sway.
The group of teenagers froze in place, watching in mingled horror and anticipation as the thing shambled towards them, like a drunkard. Connie gave a shriek, breaking into a run and disappearing almost instantly as her vampire senses led her off, speed-dashing away, along with a few of the other blood-suckers in the group. Jungkook narrowed his eyes. Of course, this wolf— no- thing, would normally be terrifying, he could practically hear the loud drumming of hearts against ribs from the kids behind him, but he had seen countless werewolves in his time, albeit, this creature...? The only way Jungkook could describe the monster, was as a bipedal, complete absence of light. It wasn't just blackness, it was nothing at all. The thing cast no shadow, made no noise and gave off no odour, unlike every other werewolf Jungkook had encountered, which gave off that smell so foul, so noxious, that one felt like as if they would want to asphyxiate the self before the wolf did. Though this creature didn't sport that smell. Could it not be a werewolf? Something else? But no, in the half-light, the monster could be a dog, but dogs didn't move the way wolves do - the way this thing did. It moved in choreographed motions. There was an almost archaic intelligence in the creature's eyes, a shyness, a wariness of Jungkook's kind. There was another guttural growl, and this time, the beast was close enough that Jungkook could see the string of curses unraveling from it's slick, pink tongue, like yarn unfurling, as it advanced, like the predator it was. It's black fur seemed to shimmer almost incandescently with a hot anger, along with it's abysmal, blue eyes. Every step it took seemed to rattle Jungkook's bones and strike his heart with an otherworldly fear. The vampire, felt no fear, but is was as if every joint, bone and organ in his body did. Jungkook was so entranced with the ghoulish aestheticism of the creature's beauty, that he had not sensed the rapid acceleration of the advancing beast, and with a bounding motion, in less than two seconds, the vampire was on his back gasping for air. He looked up, locking eyes with the beast, and in those blue orbs, he saw something of an innocent mortal who had sold his soul for ease and escape from life, but instead found hell. It could wrap itself in beautiful skin or growl with the sound of thousand shrieking ghouls of the abyss, but jungkook could still see the pain behind those pure white scleras and blue-tinged iris, regardless. With an unexpected lunge, Jungkook quickly scrambled to dodge a swing from it's serrated claws, but they struck his side and the vampire tumbled farther into the forest growth. He could hear nothing, all was silenced, the yells of the people, the hisses of the creature, all inaudible, like his head was underwater, and all the sounds around him were distorted by the currents of the water. All Jungkook could do was feel. Feel the cold grass pressed against his form, the heat from the searing pain of the open wound on his stomach, and the rhythm of the drum that would signal his end. Jungkook looked upward into the stars, hearing the noises around him all melt into one, a rippling hum. Jungkook closed his eyes in pain as he felt the pulsating pain around his wound, it couldn't be his last? But there was something oddly poetic and melancholic about dying by the hand of an unknown yet ghoulishly ethereal beast. Jungkook's thought were interrupted as he heard a scream, pierce through his musing. The vampire turned his head, forcing his eyes down to look at what the commotion was. The wild beast, the shape of a wolf, but the demeanour of a drunkard, bounded right for one of the kids, a boy, who stood dumbfounded and in shock, as if he was about to go into cardiac arrest at any moment. "Edgar, move!" Jungkook bellowed, a rush of adrenaline lacing through his bloodstream, like someone had stabbed the vampire in multiple areas with epipens. Jungkook felt his feral vampire senses he hadn't used in what felt like eternities, surge through his body like a drug taking effect. Jungkook slammed the boy out of the way, and saving him from a vicious lunge, only seconds before it struck him. Edgar screamed as the wolf's claws duh into the dirt, steadying itself and twitching with anxiety. The vampire slunk into the darkness, like a shadow of a sort, using the endless obscurity of the night to his advantage, as he vaulted from above the beast, arms dangling like a hungry arachnid. The pointed ends of his fangs pierced the neck of the wolf, hoisting them high, rendering it unable to struggle out. Jungkook felt his incisors slide into the creature's neck with unusual swiftness, as if there was previous punctures upon the skin in the same place. He waved away the thought as he wrapped his arm around the chin of the large, black wolf, binding its muzzle shut, while his other arm kept the beast held fast against his body. Jungkook grunted with strain as his grip on the wolf's mouth slipped and it turned its head to immediately sink his canines down into the struggling vampire's shoulder. The raven-head groaned in pain, eyes flushing a cardinal red in response momentarily. The boy growled, shoving the beast off him and staggered back up. As he did so, the wolf pounced once more, swiftly as the feeling of silk slipping off a table. Jungkook let out a hiss as the wolf tried in vain to rend his skin. As if there was some internal battle within the monster, the wolf tilted its head back in sudden pain and let out a hoarse yawp, one that almost made jungkook's heart tinge in pain. It was like the sound of a dog in pain, the wail they would make for help. Something about this creature made jungkook weak in his knees. Not in terror or any feeling of fear, but more of a feeling of rue and Weltschmerz. He almost felt a pang of remorse for it. Jungkook lunges forward, but instead of attacking the thing, he gripped it tightly and buried his face into the fur on its back, as if he was almost embracing the wolf. Suddenly, as if something had taken it over, the werewolf looked up. Jungkook's eyes widened as it locked with the slitted, blue ones in front of him. "Holy shit, man, that's a pureblood werewolf!" Yelled Jéan, one of the boys who was cowering behind a tree, "My god, I'd never think I'd see one in real life-" awed another, "I thought it was a myth...?" Yet another marvelled. Everyone began whispering about the black-pelted, blue-eyed wolf as it began to whimper in fear, its head darting around in all directions of the noises. It seemed to whine in fear at this. Jungkook slowly approached the anxious wolf, one hand outstretched, while murmuring words of reassurance. Although, the more Jungkook spoke, the calmer the wolf seemed to become. It suddenly jerked its head to a side, looking at the thick embrace of the forest behind it. The wolf looked back at Jungkook despairingly, before bounding off, howling. The vampire looked at the hind of the leaving creature, who almost instantly melted into the darkness of the forest, its black coat blending into the dark trees, silence falling upon the fields once more. "Wh- what the fuck was that? I-Im getting out of here!" Screamed Edgar, still sprawled on the floor, who scrambled to his feet and broke into a run through the forest. Jungkook looked back at the forest, before bounding into a run with the others. It was a crazy thought, but he couldn't get the theory out of his head. Was that wolf... Taehyung?

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