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(listen to above music for increased intensity while reading.)


"-and, as I told you last lesson, light travels as a wave but-" the professor casually dodged a gliding projectile and carried on, "-but, unlike sound waves or water waves, it doesn't need any matter or material to carry its energy along." Professor Raspanté pointed at the incoherent chalk diagram he had scrawled onto the board earlier, "-This means that light can travel through a vacuum, an almost completely airless space-" there was a piercing rap on the door. Everyone paused their chittering. "Susan, get that please." He pointed to a girl, who raised an eyebrow in hostility, before rolling her eyes and slouching towards the door, leaning at the doorframe as she pried the entrance open. There was a small exchange of words, before the girl signalled for the professor. Raspanté looked a bit confused, nonetheless, he made his way to the door. There was more converse. The professor turned, neatening his tie, before clearing his throat loudly. "Damn, what now?" Bakehyun grumbled into the desk, face-down. "Students. Please. Settle down, we don't want to leave a bad first impression on our newest classmate." There was only a mere millisecond of silence, before the classroom burst into chaos; mumbling, shuffling, and the clearing of many throats. "What's your name, son..." the professor's words, as well as the sounds around him began to warp, distort, bend in his ears. There was just that ethereal, yet painfully sharp ringing reverberating in his ears, just like that time in the village, when he had locked eyes with the werewolf kid. But... the kid wasn't here? He was probably long gone, no? "Jungkook-ah!" A voice snapped. It was Baekhyun, who was sharply nudging Jungkook's arm. "It's him."

Before he even saw the face. Jungkook already knew. His breath became bated.


At first, he strongly opposed the idea. But after some thought, as well as pressure from his siblings, he agreed to it. School wasn't a completely bad idea. After all, he could use the relief of being a normal human, even if it were for a mere six hours. His older brother returned with the uniform. Oddly classy and quite the aesthetic style, I dare say. The boys in this "private" school wore somewhat loose-fitting, black slacks that reached down to well below their knees, paired with strictly coloured socks of dark green. They had a plain waistcoat over their shirt, which Taehyung has seen the boys of that school wore. The blazer had two alternate colors (either black or white) but they both had the signature brand of a sacramento-coloured trim on the lapel. Taehyung, personally, requested the black brand, he always rocked the darker shades. He knew well he could rock anything, but he always found he achieved the pretentious affinity in the duskier hues. A broad tie neatly rested between the black blazer, unbuttoned white shirt, and black slacks. It was the colour of a raven's pelt, and was adorned with the parallel stripes of the school's sacramento accents.

( much like the below picture. )


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