Is She Okay?

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For the month of May, me and Casey had some good fun. Running around with her felt like old times, and we would sneak and have sex a couple more times. Regardless, June finally came around and I was getting restless. No sex for me, too busy thinking about the map every waking moment. Even though everything was set in stone, I kept thinking about how Casey was going to react. 

And now, it's currently the end of June, and specifically the last two days of School. Literally, these were most likely going to be my last two days of School with everyone else tagging along. 

I came to School, to see Casey casually waiting for my arrival. I kissed her on the cheek and off we went, holding hands and walking down the hallway talking. I told her just about everything she could swallow, until the bell rang for Music class.

After walking in, I noticed the Theater chick from earlier in our class talking to the Teacher.
"What's she doing here?" I found myself snarling.
"I don't know." Casey raised her eyebrows, and quickly ran over to her. I didn't understand a word they said, but just stood there staring intently. At one point, she glared straight back, and I put on my best smug front until she finally leaves the room. Casey comes back over, and I was a little irritable.
"Do you know her at all well?" I asked.
"Not really." She looked as if she acted like she had no idea who she was, but I knew better. I've seen Casey talk to that bitch countless times over, I just gave a look of shame and left it alone.

Minutes later, we are stuck doing some project. I was bored, gave up, and did some random drawings on the map. I drew little skulls to mimic where all the bodies would be, and it made me chuckle internally. I even childishly wrote the words: Kaboom! Where my targets would be. 

I was content and happy in my own world of destruction and justice. When all of the sudden, I looked over with my side eye at Casey and watched her eyes roll in the back of the head before falling back and hitting her head clean on the computer desk behind her and landed on the hard tile floor. 
"Oh my God!" I screamed, jumping out of my seat and going to the floor. I touched her face, gently tapped it, shouting at her to wake up but she wouldn't budge. Students were trying to get in my way, and I would physically push them out of the way.
"Get out of here man! She needs me!" I shout.
"Back the fuck off!" He shouts back, and the other Students come running over. Soon enough, I am crowded by all these assholes and Teachers. I had to be physically restrained back by them, but I still fought to stay close to the scene. 

I followed everyone outside as the ambulance came to assist her now bleeding head. I shed a tear when I saw the blood, because I thought she was literally dead. Then, the stretcher pulled out. Casey opened her eyes very faintly, and started at me only. I tried yelling her name to talk to me, but I was too late. 

Watching that damn ambulance take her away made me feel so fucking useless. If only I could disappear, instead of die. 
"What? She your girl!" A black guy comes out of nowhere.
"What the fuck you want nigger!" I yelled, and shoved him away as I walked.
"The fuck you just called me man!?" He's looking for a fight, because I used a derogatory phrase to get him away. I rolled up my sleeves and prepared to beat his coloured skin down to the fucking ground. 
"You fuck your cousin you piece of trailer park shit!" He now has his sleeves rolled up. That was when I quickly realized. If I fought this guy, I would be arrested for sure. Tomorrow was the last day of School, I needed to be free from this bullshit until the fucking finale.
"You know what?" I rolled my sleeves down, and he tilted his head.
"Your not worth my time buddy!" I yelled, before grabbing my bag and simply walked home after that. If anything, I'll get suspended while I'm already home. 

Going home was nothing, no feelings at all. I thought many times of sneaking to Casey's house now that I knew where it was, but decided against it last minute. Then again, I knew she would have to go to a hospital first and her Dad would actually try to kill me. 

Went in the house, walked straight through to my now doorless room just to lay down. I took a nap, but it wasn't peaceful. I had the worst dream I've ever had. 

It was Tomorrow at School, I had my gun loaded and ready to fire rounds. When, Casey got in my way and she ended up bleeding out and dying in front of me while I held her and cried. Before then, shooting myself. I woke up just as I had a bullet put in me, and it was late at night now. Tomorrow, I am praying she doesn't even come close to the building.

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