Chapter 1: Quirk!

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(A/N Hello! Just popping by to clarify things a little bit, (Y/n) is still a little girl and Todoroki is also a little boy. I'm also sorry for cutting in but please please please, if you like this story or enjoy it even a bit, plz give me a vote in BNHA awards 2020! BnhaAwards. Any section for any one of my fanfics would be amazing. Thank you so much!)

(Y/n) POV

I skip down the street to a nearby park, super-duper happy.

"Did something good happen?" I hear a little cute voice ask. It's Shoto-kun from next door.

"It's nice to see you Shoto-kun, oh should I call you Todoroki-kun?" I ask.

"Shoto is fine. We're still kids, why be so polite?"

"My daddy keeps telling me to be..." I explain.

"Your dad's such a cool person! I wish I had a better dad..." the little boy says.

"But your Daddy's the second-best hero! He's Endeavour!"

"But he's not a good person... He's still nice right now but I'm apparently the person that's going to beat All Might. My dad says that he's going to start training me as soon as I get my quirk. I'm really scared,"

"Don't be! Be excited! It'll probably be alright!"

"Okay! Oh so why are you so happy?" he asks.

"Oh yes! Daddy finally let me come to one of the parties he goes to with other pro heroes! He says that I'll be getting my quirk soon too so it'll be alright for me to go!"

"Wow, I might see you there then! My dad's brought me to a few before!"

"You've been to some already? You're so lucky!" I say, eyes twinkling. "Oh, I'll get going now, I can't wait to get into my new dress!"

"Okay! I hope to see you there!" he says and we say bye.

I skip back home and open the door. "Mama! I want to get in my dress! I'm super excited!" I say.

She smiles at me, "I know, I know. Here's your dress. Once you've changed, I'll do your hair. I'm so happy that you're happy," she says.

"Mm-hmm" I smile. I change into my dress and my mom fixes up my hair for me. In an hour or two, I'm ready to go.

"Daddy, daddy! Look at my dress, and mommy did my hair! I'm ready to go now!" I say and walk up to his office.

"You look beautiful (Y/n)," he says with a smile.

"Thank you!" I say and put on a bright smile.

"I hope you have lots of fun today," he says.

"I will!" I say.

In an hour, we start to get going and reach the party in a few minutes. We walk into the beautiful hall and Daddy starts to shake hands with many different people.

"Wow, Daddy really is an amazing person isn't he?" I whisper to my mom.

"He is the 5th best hero after all," my mom whispers back.

"Wow!" I say. "But Shoto-kun's dad from next door is Endeavour, right? Endeavour's 2nd best!"

My mom sweatdrops slightly, "Yeah, Shoto-kun's dad is really strong."

"Stronger than Daddy?"

"I guess so," my mom says. Then she looks down and her face turns into a frown. I don't understand, is she sad? "But your dad is much nicer in the heart. Much nicer than Endeavour. (Y/n), this is not something to say out loud so this is a secret between (Y/n) and Mommy alright?"

I quickly bob my head up and down to nod to be as meaningful as possible. "Our secret," I say.

My mom smiles at me. "Thank you (Y/n),"

"(Y/n)-chan!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to see Shoto-kun walking this way.

"Oh, you were able to come!" I say to Shoto happily. He sees my mom next to me and quickly says hi.

"It's nice to see you, Ms. (L/n)," he says very politely with his super cute voice.

"My, my, you're very polite Mr. Todoroki," my mom says to the little boy with a laugh.

"I'm going to look around with Shoto-kun for a bit, please let me know if you need me," I say to my mom.

"Alright (Y/n), have fun!" she says and I walk off with Shoto.

We talk about many things but by the end of it, we're both curious about our upcoming quirks. We could be getting them anytime now.

"Shoto-kun, what do you think your quirk will be?"

"My quirk is probably going to be half-fire and half-ice, that's what my dad said at least,"

"But that's a really cool quirk!" I say.

"Yeah! I'm a little excited," he says. "What about you? What's your quirk going to be?"

"Look at my blue hair, what do you think it will be?" I ask.

"Hm... water?"

"Yup! Or at least I think. Mommy was quirkless but my Daddy has a super strong water quirk and given my hair colour, I probably will have a water quirk. I hope I'm not quirkless, not to be mean to Mommy but..." I say.

"That's so cool!" Shoto-kun says. "Aww, but if I were to fight you with my left side, I wouldn't have any chance. You could put out my fire within no time."

"Don't worry, you'll always have your ice!" I say.

"Yup! Although your water can also melt my ice, it'll take longer than it would to put out my fire!" he replies and we go on and on talking about our yet-to-have quirk compatibility.

After all the alcohol they served that we couldn't have, they finally started to serve some sweets and we started eating. And then it happened. I felt a shift in my body. Something happened but I couldn't exactly tell what.

"S-Shoto-kun?" I ask.

"Hmm? What is it, (Y/n)-chan?" he replies.

"I felt something strange a second ago, like something in me shifted," I say.

We spend a few seconds thinking about what it could possibly be and it hits both of us.

"My/Your quirk!" We say in unison.

"Try it, try it!" Shoto-kun says and I nod.

I lift my hand and I try as hard as possible to activate it. I put a lot of energy into my arm and finally, one teensy little drop of water leaves my finger.

"A drop of water came out! My quirk manifested!" I say, eyes shining.

"Wow! It really is a water quirk! That's really cool, (Y/n)-chan!" Shoto-kun says happily. "Now I can't wait to get mine..."

We keep trying to get my quirk easier to activate because only one drop of water came out the first time. I don't have too much luck, but I'll keep trying.

Little did we know, around this time, at this party, there was a little girl the same age as us, watching from afar. A girl that was going to have a creation quirk a little later on.

I say goodbye to Shoto-kun and leave the party.

"I'll see you soon!" I say to Shoto-kun.

"Yup!" he says and I wave back. I look forward to seeing him sometime soon.

(Hello! First, thank you so so much for reading this first chapter! I was originally going to write an Aizawa x Reader next but I got a request for a Todoroki x Reader x Kaminari from _Call_Me_Broken_ and I've always wanted to try writing a character x reader x character, so I thought that this was the perfect chance. Although I don't have too much planned, I do have a basic plot figured out so I really hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much again, and I hope to see you next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!!)

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