Chapter 18: Kaminari

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(F/M) = Favourite Movie

(Y/n) POV

"What?" I say in dismay too shocked to really say anything. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," Kaminari says. I've never seen him so serious-- ever.

"W-What? W-why would you like me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he asks.

"I can't do anything! I'm super weak! I'm practically useless, and Momo," I weep. "Momo can do everything..."

"But I'm not talking about Momo! I don't like Momo, you're the one I like!" he says. "Not only that, I like your personality. I like how kind you are. I like you, not your power."

That. That's what I've wanted to hear for all my life I just wanted confirmation that it was me and not Momo. That it was me and not pity.

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" I ask, still suspicious.

"Of course not," he says.

"But, um," I stutter a bit.

"Yeah, I know. You still like Todoroki, don't you?" he says."Don't worry I'll wait a bit more. I've waited a long time already, I can wait for a little while longer. Besides, even if you don't ever like me, it doesn't change the fact that I like you."

I start crying again.

"U-um, I-I'm sorry," Kaminari says, sounding sad.

"No, no. It's not you, well it is but no not in the way you think," I say. "I've never thought anyone would like a person like me."

"(Y/n), are you free this Saturday?" Kaminari asks

"Um, yeah, I think so," I say. "Why?"

"Okay, good we're going to go see a movie."

"J-just the 2 of us?" I ask.


"B-but that's almost like a date," I say.

"Not like, it is a date," he says.

"B-but," I start to say again.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun," he says. "Or do you not like movies?"

"No, no. It's not that, I like movies," I say.

"Okay, then we're going. You have absolutely no say in this," he says. "It'll help you get Todoroki off your head. You have to relax."

I laugh a bit, for the first time in forever. "Alright. If you don't mind, I'll be tagging along on your movie."

Kaminari smiles a bright smile and says, "Yup! Let's go see a movie."

Have I told explained this to you before? About how Kaminari has the brightest smile in the world? I hope I have, because it really is. It makes you feel a hundred times better than those cold sad smiles that Shoto gives you. Those just make you even more depressed. Kaminari's smiles make you happy. They're bubbly. They're happy.

"Thank you," I say. "Thank you so much, Kaminari. That made me feel a lot better."

Kaminari POV

I can't believe it. How did I possibly manage to get (Y/n) to go to a movie with me? Am I dreaming? How is everything going my way? Isn't this a little too perfect? Is everything going to come back to me like karma?

But I couldn't care less if everything came back to me like karma. I'm way too happy to care about what happens later.

I sit there for a little longer and hang my head there as I look to the ground.

What's Most Important to Me ↬ [Todoroki x Reader x Kaminari]Where stories live. Discover now