Chapter 11: Sports Festival! - Cavalry Battle

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(Y/n) POV

He pulls away in less than a second but I can't believe what he just did. I mean yeah we've kissed once or twice before but not in public, nonetheless in front of like 10 000 people.

"S-Shoto?" I say

It's like he snaps to his senses.

"O-oh, uh, I'm sorry. Wasn't thinking straight," he says flustered.

It's so cute. You don't get to see a flustered Shoto often.

"U-uh, no, u-uh um..." I say, even more flustered.

Kaminari POV

What? Oh. They kissed. That's all. I guess it's only natural, considering that they are dating, but wow, I didn't think it'd hurt this much. What? What am I getting seriously dejected for? Stop stop. You knew she liked Todoroki like crazy already. This isn't anything new.

I look around at other people and how they're reacting. Everyone looks surprised but one person creeps up to me; Kirishima.

"Dude, he's glaring at you," Kirishima says.

"Who?" I ask.


I slowly look over. Geh. He is glaring at me and oh my gosh is it scary.

"Why is he glaring?"

"Isn't it obvious? He kissed (L/n) because he was jealous of you!" Kirishima says, "Of course he would glare at you... Yikes, you got yourself into something,"

"But he has nothing to be jealous of! She's head over heels for him and he's like the living description of perfect! Besides (Y/n) only thinks of me as a friend at most," I whisper to him sadly.

"Even as a friend, it's obvious that (Y/n)'s quite fond of you though, just not nearly as much as Todoroki," a new voice comes into our conversation. It's Uraraka. "It's nice to see (Y/n)-chan in love but she looks way too sad for too much of the time. I honestly don't know if Todoroki-kun is the best option for her..."

Then I see Yaomomo, absolutely devastated.

I can't say anything to her and I don't feel I should. She's liked Todoroki for all her life, nothing compared to me. I don't think I'll be able to know how she feels so I'll leave her alone for now. I'll talk to her later.

Kirishima POV

"Hey Uraraka," I say and go up to her, making sure Kaminari is not near. "Are you on Kaminari's side? Or do you support Todoroki?"

"Oh no no, I'm on (Y/n)'s side. If I feel she would be happier with Kaminari-kun then I support that. If Todoroki-kun steps up his game and starts using his head a bit, I'll go with that. At the moment, I don't like how insensitive Todoroki-kun is so I guess you can say I'm on Kaminari-kun's side for now," she says.

"And what about yourself?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" she replies, confused.

"Bakugou! You like him right?"

"E-eh w-what? N-no of course n-not!" she stutters. "Okay yeah I might but I'm okay. I don't have a chance at this so I'm fine. He'll never like me back..."

"How do you know for sure?"

"I mean there's no way! He hates everyone and everything! He doesn't even know my name, Kirishima-kun," she says sadly.

"Okay, I'll cheer for both you and Kaminari. Don't give up, Uraraka!" I say.

She laughs a bit, then says, "Thank you,"

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