Chapter 7: Battle of Trials

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I get out of bed and get changed for a new, fresh, second day of school. I slept early last night so the same thing doesn't happen today. I get up around the right time to leave the house and I walk to the station. There, I see Shoto and I run over to him.

"Good morning Shoto!" I say.

"Oh, morning, (Y/n)" he replies. "Oh, the train's coming."

We hope onto the train and all of a sudden, I remember what I was talking to Kaminari-kun about yesterday morning. 'Maybe he wouldn't mind if I held his hand?' I think. I slowly move my hand closer to his.

"Hey, isn't that guy super cool?"

"Yeah, he really is! And he's super tall..." I hear 2 girls talk and I bring my hand back to my side.

'I probably just look like a classmate to them,' I think. 'They probably wouldn't if Momo was the one beside them... No no no! Don't think that way!' I try to get myself to think positively but I can never get Momo out of my head. I sigh quietly and we spend the rest of the train ride talking about pretty useless things.


"Okay, today you'll be doing a battle of trials. Have fun," Aizawa-sensei says and gets back into his sleeping bag.

"Wait so what are we doing in 'Battle of Trials'?" we ask.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep, wait for someone else to come and explain it,"

"What? No one's going to com--"

"I HAVE COME IN THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" All Might yells as he runs through the door.

Everyone' s face lights up but Shoto and I are extra excited. Although our dads are super good heroes, they aren't necessarily good people. We've both looked up to All Might for all our lives, it's unbelievable that he's going to be teaching us from now on.

"Shoto, aren't you excited???" I ask.

"Yeah, I really am," he says and looks at me. "Hey, you look just as happy."

"Because I am," I say and smile.

Todoroki POV

That caught me by surprise. I hadn't seen her smile like that in a while, it was unbelievably heart-warming. She's always had the cutest smile in the world.

"You should smile more often," I say.

"W-what? I probably looked ridiculous I have to stop doing that..." she goes on.

"Hey, I just said you should smile more why are you talking about not to do it?" I ask. "It was cute, (Y/n)"

"U-Uwa uh I, no," she says super flustered. "Shoto, you're an idiot!"

'What how did it end up with 'I'm an idiot?' Did she not like it?' I think in shock. 'Ugh, that was embarrassing...'

"Y-you might have just said that to make me feel better but t-that made me super happy!" she says, super happy and I have to blush a bit.

I sigh, "I was worried you didn't like it or found me annoying. Don't confuse me," I say and chop her head lightly.

"Oww..." she pouts and then she smiles.

We look back up to the front of the classroom and wait for All Might to give us more instructions.

"We will group you up into pairs and give a letter for each pair. Then we will shuffle them around and put two pairs together to form a group. One pair will be the hero's side and the other will be the villain. The villain has to protect the bomb until time's up and the hero has to get the bomb back before time's up, I wish all of you good luck!" he says. "The pairings are...

Midoriya and Uraraka: Team A (No I am not writing their ship name cuz I'm evil. And KACCHAKO)

Todoroki and Shouji: Team B

(Y/n) and Mineta: Team C

BakuIi: Team D

Ashido and Aoyama: Team E

Kouda and Satou: Team F

Kamijirou: Team G

TokoTsuyu: Team H

Invisible Tail: Team I

SeroKiri: Team J"

"YES, I'M WITH A GIRL AND IT'S (L/N)!" I hear a voice shout from below me.

What was his name? Mineta? Is he a pervert?

"Shoto, I don't know the guy I'm paired up with! What if he hates me? What if I don't do well and he doesn't appreciate me? What if I do something wrong or we lose because of me and he starts spreading bad things about me? What if, what if--" she keeps going on.

'Am I the only one worried about the fact that he looks like a pervert?' I think, 'Why is she not worried?'

"(Y/n), don't worry. If you lose, it's probably his fault and if he starts spreading false rumours about you, which I doubt he would, I'll make sure you're not spending the same 3 years as before, alright?"

(Y/n) POV

"Okay, thank you, Shoto! That makes me feel so much better!" I say.

The matches go by and I feel more and more nervous as my turn was getting closer and closer.

"Okay next is Team C vs. Team E! Team C is the Hero Team! Team E is the villain!" All Might calls out. (A/N I'm sorry, I know that this was supposed to be Team C vs. Team G, Mineta and Momo versus Kamijirou but I needed to switch it up a bit, sorry and thank you for understanding...)

'Oh, that's me! I'm the hero team,' I think. 'I'm going against Ashido-san and Aoyama-kun... I wonder if they're strong,'

Kaminari POV

I watch (L/n) on the screen as she tries to protect the bomb. Her partner doesn't seem too useful but I just hope she doesn't overwork herself. I know that her body isn't too strong.

As their match goes on, I realize that (L/n)'s water is pretty effective against Ashido's acid. Aoyama seems to be in the middle of a stomach ache so it's basically just (L/n) vs. Ashido. (L/n) seems to be doing okay so far, I really hope she's able to win, I want her to win. The clock ticks on as both (L/n) and Ashido look tired, but (L/n) looks in pain.

She doesn't need to work that hard, but if she's still going to stand up, I want her to win. I can tell that she's been frowned upon for her past life, so she's trying to make a change here. I know that her Dad's (D/H) so he must have had high expectations for her. Everyone must have had high expectations for her. But what can she do, she has a weak body!

I want to let her have at least a normal high school life. Even if people don't look down on her, if she wins, it'll become her strength. One strength is enough to keep people going, push people forward.

The clock keeps ticking and it's finally over. (L/n)'s team won. But a few seconds before the clock ticked finish, (L/n) fainted. She looked super pale. Everyone was cheering and clapping so I think I was the only one who noticed so I was going to go help her until someone appeared on the screen a minute later.

It was Todoroki. Carrying pale (Y/n), bridal style with a look of sadness on his face.

A few people gasped and girls fangirled quietly.

Todoroki? Again?

"Isn't he really close to (L/n)?" I accidentally said. 'Oops, it slipped out' I thought, embarrassed. I didn't think anyone heard me, but the girl next to me responded.

"Of course he is, what are you talking about?" Yaoyorozu says with a super strained face, "They're dating."

"...Todoroki is (L/n)'s boyfriend?" I say.

(A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I know it was boring but I still hope you liked it! I will try to come up with something more interesting so please bear with me! Again, thank you for reading this chapter and I hope to see you next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!!)

(Shoto always ends up being (Y/n)'s prince/ magician *pic at the top^* but I hope Kaminari can get some love from (Y/n) too!)

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