Chapter 8: USJ (Part 1)

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Kaminari POV

"...Todoroki is (L/n)'s boyfriend?" I say. 'I don't know why I didn't think of that...' I think.

"Yes, they've been dating since middle school," Yaomomo says.

"Yaomomo, why do you look so sad?" I ask.

"N-no I don't," she says trying to defend herself but I sort of know why because I feel the same too. 'Wait. No. I don't like (Y/n), she has a boyfriend!' I think. 'But I wonder if Yaomomo likes Todoroki'

"Hey, Yaomomo, do you like Todoroki?"

"W-what? Of course n-not. He has a girlfriend, (Y/n)-chan," she says and then looks down at her feet. "That was a lie. I've liked him for a while now but he's dating (Y/n) and I've done the best I could."

'The best she could?' I wonder what she means but I feel like it's not my place to butt in so I don't pry any further.

"But Kaminari-san? Was that your name? I'm only telling you this because I know that you like (Y/n) too, so I would really appreciate it if you don't tell other people," she says. "It's just not right. He has a girlfriend,"

"W-what? No no, I don't like (Y/n), I just think of her as a really good friend, even though she probably doesn't think that about me..." I say.

"Oh is that right? Well, that's what it seemed like but I guess I might be wrong if you say so," she says. "But please."

"No, no. I won't go around spreading weird things," I say. "I'm not that bad of a person."

"Okay, thank you so much," she says and smiles a sad little smile.


(Y/n) POV

I wake up excited for another new day at school. 'I fainted during the battle of trials so I really hope no one thinks I'm useless... I have to work hard!' I think as I walk to the train station. Once I get there, I see Shoto waiting for a train so I run towards him.

"Shoto!" I call out.

"Oh, (Y/n). Good morning," he says.

"Good morning," I say happily.

"Are you okay, are you feeling better?" he asks.

"It's one of my usual faints, nothing serious. Don't worry, Shoto," I say.

"It happens all the time but I still get worried, (Y/n)," he says and it makes me happy.

I decide to try again today. I reach my hand closer to Shoto's until they touch.

"Hmm?" he asks.

'U-uh, um, oh no this is more embarrassing than expected.' I think.

"Uh, no, nothing. I'm sorry," I say, trying to pretend that my hand only hit his by accident. I look down to the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with Shoto because of how embarrassed I am, but soon I feel a hand on mine.

"You should've said so if you wanted to hold hands," Shoto says cheeks slightly red, "I never did it because I wasn't sure if you were okay with it."

I look up at him, so happy. "Thank you, Shoto! You make me so happy," I say.

The beginning of my day is filled with happiness.

Yaomomo POV

I get to school nice and early and watch people walk into the room. After a bit, the door opens to reveal Shoto and (Y/n)-chan. Holding hands. It's so painful. I know, they're dating, but they rarely hold hands. I know they've kissed a few times but never in public. It hurts way more than I thought it would-- I thought I was over him but it turns out that I wasn't.

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