Chapter 13: Hero Names

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(Y/n) POV

I reach the school a good 5 minutes early and sit at my seat. People start to fill up the classroom as time goes by. After about a minute, I see Shoto walk in.

'Oh no, this is going to be a little awkward...' I think. I sort of left as soon as the sports festival was over yesterday, I didn't want to talk to Shoto, so I kind of ran away from him once I realized that he wanted to talk to me. I decide to stand from my seat and talk to Ochako so I don't need to talk to him.

Todoroki POV

I walk into the classroom and immediately (Y/n) gets up to talk to Uraraka/

'Geh,' I think. 'She's obviously avoiding me...'

I sit down in my own seat while I think of what I can do to talk to her until we all hear the door open as Aizawa-sensei enters the room.

"Good morning class," he says. "Today you guy will be making hero names for yourselves. I'm not good at this sort of thing so I got Midnight to help you instead. Oh and please stay as quiet as possible, I'm going to sleep."

I think all of us collectively sweatdropped.

I don't really see a need to make a hero name, at the end of the day, you're you. I decide to write my name on the board, My hero name's my real name.

"Okay, once you finish your hero name, we'll start presenting it!" Midnight says happily.

'What? We're presenting these?' I think. 'Then do I need to think of a real hero name? Oh well, I'm more than happy with just my name.'

The first one to go is Aoyama.

"My hero name is: I can not stop twinkling!" he presents.

'That's a sentence, there's no way she's going to pass that,' I think, but I was quite wrong.

"Hmm, it's good but it's slightly long. I suggest you make it: Can't Stop Twinkling! Instead," Midnight comes in to fix.

'You're allowed that? Your hero name could be that? Then I have nothing to worry about, my name is perfectly passable,' I think.

"Oh, oh! I' wanna go next!" Mina yells. "My hero name is going to be: Alien Queen!"

"Hmm, I don't think you should do that," Midnight comes into critique. "It almost sounds like a villain name."

'Okay, now I'm worried,' I think. 'So you're allowed a sentence but not Alien Queen?'

I sit there and daydream as everyone else goes up to present their hero name until I hear (Y/n). Her quiet but cute little voice that I could recognize from anywhere.

"Um, my hero name's going to be (H/N)," she says.

I need to talk to her. I need to tell her, directly, that I love her.


As soon as the bell rings at the end of our last class, I grab (Y/n)'s arm and pull her along. There's a cute crepe shop near the street we live on, somewhere I hope (Y/n) would like.

"Wait, Shoto, what's wrong? Where are we going?" she asks from behind me.

'Behind me?' I think.

No. I have to do this right. I'm trying to fix my mistakes today, not repeat them. I slow down and hold her hand properly, making sure that she's beside me.

"We're going to a crepe shop, you know the one near our place?" I say.

"Wait, is this like a date? Sort of? Half? Maybe?" she asks with glittering eyes.

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