Chapter 10: Sports Festival! - Race

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Kaminari POV

I get out of bed a little earlier than usual for the sports festival. I change into my clothes and have breakfast unlike usual. I realized that I should at least have some food before a long day.

I quickly shove down my breakfast and walk to school. But something unusual happened. A limousine passed by me and then stopped a little farther forward.

'What? Why is there a limo here?' I think. 'No why did it stop? Is someone amazing getting off here?'

The door opens and comes... Yaomomo. "Oh, I thought so! It was you, Kaminari-san after all. Hop on, we're going the same way after all."

"I feel a difference in class," I say.

"Hm? What are you talking about, please hurry and get on," she says.

I decide to get on and savour the moment knowing it's probably the only time I'll ever ride a limo. "Thank you so much, Yaomomo," I say.

"Oh, it's really no problem," she says.

I don't know why but I decided to tell Yaomomo that I like (L/n). I feel like she has the right to know.

"I told you so. You seemed like you did, how did you not notice until now?" she asks me.

"Ugh, I got it," I say embarrassed. "I'll support you, Yaomomo. I like (L/n) and I want you to go well with Todoroki too-- even though he's not my favourite person. I know this is a super mean thing to say and when I like her but I'm not really those mature people that are able to think 'I wish for the person I love to be happy' from the bottom of my heart. "

"I-I want Shoto to be happy but I feel that he would be happier with me. I want Shoto to be happier with me than with (Y/n)-chan."

I didn't like what she said but more than that, I felt some kind of difference between us. I like (L/n) but she loves Todoroki. Todoroki's also perfect so there's no way she would fall for me instead. Yaomomo, on the other hand, likes Todoroki too and I'm sure he likes (L/n) just as much, but Yaomomo's perfect. She's not like me that has no chance, she looks good walking next to Todoroki, they look meant to be.

"Yeah, it might be true that you are more capable than (L/n) at certain things but that's not her fault! She has a weak body and it's not like she can do anything about it," I say.

"N-no that's not what I mean. Kaminari-san, I think you're misunderstanding something. I've said this before but I don't have a chance at this, I've done the best I could," she says. I try to ask what she means but as if to change the subject she starts talking about (L/n). "O-oh. By the way, about (Y/n)-chan, do you know why her body is weak?"

'What? Wasn't she just born with a weak body?' I think." There's a reason...?" I ask her.

"This is a little personal to her but I don't think she'll mind even if I tell you," she says. "She was born with a strong, healthy body but her quirk was very weak. I don't know if it has anything to do with her mom being quirkless, but her quirk was very weak. Her dad being the 5th best hero was devastated about this truth and he sort of forced her onto doing a quirk surgery."

"Quirk surgery? I've never heard of that..." I say.

"Well, of course, it's not an official thing. Her dad's friend has a quirk that might make it possible so basically they tested it on (Y/n)-chan. His friend was desperate for a person to test it on and her dad was desperate for a strong daughter," Yaomomo explains. "I'll explain this now but Shoto is a result of a quirk marriage. His mom had poured boiling water on his left side when he was little and his dad had sent her to the hospital. I don't think they've met since then."

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