Chapter 9: USJ (Part 2)

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(Y/n) POV

In a second, I see some light again. I'm afraid of the fall but someone catches me before I hit the ground.

"Thank you so much, Shoto," I say. "You're always here to save me."

I look around me and all the villains are already frozen. "You're amazing as usual, Shoto," I say.

"What are you talking about, all I did was froze them," he says.

"You say it so normally..." I sigh as we sit there for a bit to sort out what exactly is going on.

"Where should we go now?" I ask to see what kind of good ideas Shoto has.

"I think the most logical thing to do would be to go to Aizawa. If there are any villains on the way there, I'll freeze them," he says. "How does that sound?"

"It's fine but..." I say gloomily.

"But...?" he asks.

"I WANNA FIGHT TOOOO~" I whine. I know I'm not the strongest person in the world but I don't want to admit that I'm weak. "I want to do my best too."

Shoto smiles, "Alright, that's what we'll do then. We'll both fight. But if you start to feel tired or bad in general, I'll take over. Better?"

"A-alright," I agree. "Better."

We walk along and fight villains as we go. Although it's tiring and I'm not in my best possible condition, I make it through all the way until we got to Aizawa-sensei. The mess we see Aizawa-sensei in is nothing like what we've expected. I gasp and we both run over to him.

"Sensei! We have to get you somewhere safe," I say.

"(L/n), Todoroki, be careful! There are 2 villains and one monster that they call a Nomu. It's way too dangerous for you students to fight against." he says. We stand there in shock for a few moments until we turn around only to see a huge, purple Nomu looming over us.

Shoto froze it and we ran back, carrying Aizawa-sensei with us. It only took seconds for the Nomu to break out of Shoto's ice but it was enough to buy us a little bit of time.

The fight went on and we kept running away. That seemed like the best and strongest option.

"I don't like to run away..." Shoto said angrily while carrying Aizawa-sensei on his back.

"Yeah, I know," I say. "But remember, Shoto. 'Running away is lame, but it's useful!"

"What? Where did you get that from?" he asks. (A/N from the manga... -- u --)

"We were talking about it before, during..." I say trying to recollect my memories again. 'Oh shoot, that was when I was talking to Kaminari-kun!' I suddenly remembered. "Oh, nevermind, it was with someone else..." I say sheepishly. I don't mention Kaminari just incase that bothers him. Although it probably won't, I wouldn't be happy if Momo and Shoto were talking about something that closely.

Wait. Why am I overlapping Kaminari for me and Momo for Shoto?

The villains stop going after us and we take a few breaths. Why did they stop chasing us? Did another villain arrive? Did another pro-hero arrive? What exactly happened?

"Why did they stop chasing us?" I ask Shoto for any possible ideas.

"I'm not sure, maybe another villain joined them," he says. 'Alright, we're on the same page,' I think.

I squint my eyes. I see the main villain with the hand on his face. 'I think they called him Shigaraki...,' I think. I see him walking towards something and I try to see what's ahead of him and I gasp.

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