Chapter 19: Denki

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(Y/n) POV

From that date on, we've gone for movies every Saturday for around a month and each time I went, I started to like Kaminari more and more. A lot of things have happened. I think that Shoto and Momo are now dating and Ochako-chan and Bakugou have decided to take care of a dog together. Oh, I'm pretty sure today's Momo's birthday. I've finally come to the point where I don't think I can say that I don't like him for any longer.

Today's a Saturday and I'm so so so scared. 'Do I look good? Do these clothes fit me? Is my lipstick the right colour? Are my heels high enough? Does my hair look okay down? What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if I'm too late? What if he's already found someone else that he likes? What if someone else likes him? What if I'm the only one that's thinking of these movies as dates? What if he thinks that we're only going to the movie like friends at this point?' I think. 'Ugh, why are there so many more things to worry about when you actually like the person?'

It's still noon and I'm already freaking out this much.

I run downstairs.


"You look beautiful, honey," she says. "Would you like me to do your hair?"

"YES. PLEASE," I say. My mom laughs and brings out the iron. I don't know how she manages to do hair so well. I'll probably be unable to leave the house with proper hair without her.

"Okay, sit yourself down," she says and I do just that.

In about 10 minutes, my hair has turned into a beautiful set of curls and puffs.

"Thank you so much, Mom," I say and giver a hug.

"Anything for my favourite girl," she says to me with a smile.

I calm down a bit, have a snack, I check for everything 5 times and it's finally time for me to leave the house.

I get to the park a good 10-minutes early but I still see Kaminari there.

"K-Kaminari!" I call out.

"(Y/n)," he says. "You look beautiful, yet again."

"Oh, stop," I say but deep inside I'm so flustered I don't know how to respond.

"What are we watching today?" he asks.

"Oh, is this week my pick?" I ask.

"Yup," he responds.

"Hm, I think I want to watch (movie name)," I say.

"Oh, I wanted to watch that one too, that's perfect," he says.

"Okay, I'm glad," I say and we start walking to the movie theatre. We find out that the movie doesn't start for another 45 minutes so we walk around and get some ice-cream.

Everything's so perfect. Too perfect. It's an ideal date. It's way too perfect, I feel like it could shatter into a million pieces if I'm not careful enough.

We head back to the movie theatre to watch the movie. It was a long one, but it was definitely good. Not one part of the movie to complain about.

"That was a good movie," I say.

"It was," Kaminari says. "I personally liked that guy playing the main role."

"What? No, that girl on the side was the best. She didn't get much screen time, but she got all the good parts." I say.

We debate for a few more minutes over who was better but we never end up agreeing.

I laugh. "Oh, I'm going to go use the washroom, I'll be right back," I say.

"Okay, I'll be waiting outside," he says.

Kaminari POV

I don't know what to do. I was planning to tell (Y/n) that she doesn't have to worry about my confession anymore. I don't think it's bothering her anyways and I don't think she likes me. The smile she gave Todoroki and the smile she gives me isn't the same. I feel as though she would be happier with Todoroki than me.

Then I hear (Y/n)'s voice along with Yaomomo's voice.

I walk up to them and I realize they must have bumped into each other while they were in the washroom.

"Oh, Kaminari!" (Y/n) says. "Look who I bumped into! So where's Shoto? Aren't you with him?"

"U-um, yes, this is actually our first date but..." Momo says.

"Wow! I hope you're having a lot of fun! Oh, and happy birthday, Momo!" (Y/n) says sincerely.

'No. No. Please. Not Todoroki.' I think.

"I'm surprised you remembered my birthday, (Y/n)-chan. U-um but the thing is, I don't think Shoto's looking at me," Momo says sadly. "Even after all this time, I think he still likes you, (Y/n)-chan. The truth is, Shoto-san was always talking about you. He would always ask what kind of things you would like, what would make you happy. I think you misinterpreted it because he talked to me a lot, but it was all about you, (Y/n)-chan."

'No. No. Please. No. Not him. Not Todoroki.' I think.

"Momo, where's Shoto?" (Y/n) asks.

"Shoto-san? He's sitting over at that bench," Momo says and (Y/n) starts to walk that way.

'I guess it's over. My time is done. I guess I had fun,' I think.

I watch (Y/n) as she walks over to Todoroki and the most unexpected thing happens.

(Y/n) slaps Todoroki's beautiful face with a powerful swing.

"What the heck are you doing?" she says to him and his eyes widen.


"What the heck are you doing?" (Y/n) repeats a little louder. "I'm gone! I'm not there anymore! If there was a misunderstanding, I'm sorry, but it's over! I gave up! I couldn't take your stupid, stuck-up attitude anymore! I was done! I liked you and I thought that you would be the person who I needed. I thought you were what's most important to me! But you weren't. I realized that there were better people out there. Even I, a person like me, could find better people out there that would like me. I found what's really most important for me. It was Kaminari. Not you! And yet, Momo who can do absolutely everything and anything is sticking to a person like you! In reality, you would have to beg her to stay with you! Who do you think you are? Don't make the same mistake you made with me on Momo. She deserves more than that. Look at her. Look at her in the eyes. Smile at her. Rethink your ways. Don't do what you did to me, and wish her a 'Happy Birthday', Shoto."

She walks away.

"I'm sorry Kaminari," she says to me. "I made a little bit of a scene. I was just so mad, I had to let it all out."

I'm still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Do you mean what you just said?" I ask.

"Oh," she says and gives me that genuine smile that I've always wanted to see. The smile that I thought I would never be able to put on her face.

"I'm sorry it took so long, Denki," she says, using my first name. "I love you."

I bend down and give her a light but meaningful kiss.

"If I could hear those words, I would've waited for forever," I say.

The End.

(A/N Thank you so so much for reading this fanfic all the way to the end. I really hope you enjoyed it because I put quite a bit of effort into thinking this up. If you liked this fanfic, please please please vote for me at BnhaAwards in BNHA Awards 2020! Again, happy birthday Todoroki and I'm sorry for making you a scumbag for the last few chapters... My next fanfic will be a Kirishima x Reader that was requested by _Gun_Dragon_Slayer_. I really hope to see you next fanfic, and as usual, PLUS ULTRA!!!!)

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