Chapter 12: Sports Festival! - One vs. One

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Todoroki POV

'I wonder if (Y/n) likes Kaminari... What if she doesn't like me anymore?' I think. 'Maybe I'll go ask her...'

And like a miracle, I bump into (Y/n) a few minutes later.

"Are you okay? Nothing bad right?" I confirm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking, Shoto," she says.

"(Y/n), uhh, do you like Kaminari by any chance?" I ask.

(Y/n) POV

'What? Why is he asking me if I like Kaminari? Of course not! Is he trying to hint at something? Does he not like me anymore? Is he just jealous? That would make me super happy, but what if that's not the case? What are the odds that that perfect person would have anything to be jealous of? What if he really wants to break it off with me? Wait, but he just stood up for me in front of Endeavour... Now I'm confused.' I think.

I run away. I don't know what to believe. I feel like I should trust him but what about all these years that I've been the one chasing him for? How do I trust him when I don't have anything to trust? I run away and out of reach from Shoto. I have to figure out my thoughts.

Todoroki POV

'Wait, does she actually like Kaminari? I mean, yeah, why else would she run away?' I think, devastated.

Then Uraraka shows up from behind a corner.

"What the heck were you thinking?" she says super sternly.

"What?" I say, surprised at how angry Uraraka can be.

"You're always looking ahead. Way up front-- where Momo is. You're just pulling (Y/n) along. It's always like that. Don't you ever see the sadness in her eyes? Of course not. You never look back at her, and even if you do, all you do is make her rely on you. Of course, she'll start to get fond of Kaminari! At least he treats her like an equal and not someone that has to be helped and supported for everything they do!"

"But the 3 of us have been together since the beginning of middle school... And (Y/n)'s not behind me, we--" I try to say but I'm cut off.

"There you go again! Trying to act like you understood, like you were doing the right thing! Have you ever considered how (Y/n) felt? Ever? She's not like you, she's not like Momo. She's not at the top of perfection and here you are standing at the peak of it all, always saying Momo this Momo that. What the heck are you doing? What the heck are you doing?" she half-yells. "And who cares if you've been together since middle school? You're jealous of Kaminari and she's only mentioned him like what? 3 times? You being you probably talked about Momo for all 3 years of middle school. People like you who can do everything will NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW INSECURE (Y/N) FELT. She probably ran away thinking that she was going to be dumped."

"What? But there's no way she could've misunderstood that!" I say.

"Of course she could have, considering the way you've treated her all this time. How would she even consider that you were simply jealous if she thinks that she's the one chasing after you for all this time? Are you stupid?" she says, super stern. She starts to walk towards me but someone grabs her arm.

"Hey, calm down, round face."

She turns around and faces Bakugou.

"Bakugou-kun... but let me get mad at him! I have so much more I need to say!"

"Shh round face. Yelling doesn't effing suit you, and besides, I think half-and-half got it," he replies.

I simply stand there, eyes wide. I didn't realize at all.

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