Chapter 2: Fireworks

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(M/n) = Mother's name

I'm in the car and we're driving back home.

"Mommy! My quirk manifested! I'm so happy!" I say happily to my mom. My dad is staying until a little later but I have to go home early.

"Really? Show me once we get home okay?" My mom tells me.

"I will!" I say. "But only a drop of water will come out, so I'm going to train harder than ever!"

"Really~ Daddy has high expectations from you so you're going to have to train really hard~," my mom says teasingly.

I bob my head to nod, "Yeah, I will! I definitely will! I'll work hard so Daddy can be proud of his daughter! Until then, can you keep it a secret from Daddy? I don't want him to be disappointed with how weak my quirk is."

"I don't think he'll be disappointed about you but okay! Let's work hard! Mommy's going to support you as much as possible!"

"Thanks, Mommy! I'll work really hard!" I say. For the next week, I do hours and hours of quirk training per day, but nothing gets better and I can't get more than a cup full of water in a few hours.

"Mommy, I've been working really hard on training my quirks and yet nothing is getting better. I'm not improving so I'm going to tell Daddy. Maybe he has some tips for me," I say.

"I think that's a really good idea!" Mommy says, "Let's tell him tonight! We'll have to celebrate for real!"

A few hours later Daddy finally came home.

"Daddy, Daddy! My quirk manifested. But the problem is it's really weak. I've been trying to train it for the past week but nothing gets better. What should I do?" I ask.

"Really? Can you show me?" Daddy replies happily.

I show him the drop of water that drops out of my finger.

I look up at my father as if to ask for some advice but the look on my face turned into a look of horror in a matter of seconds. I'm still young and I don't know much but I could tell one thing. That my dad was devastated.

"D--Daddy?" I ask, my voice soft.

My dad forces a smile on his face and looks at me. "Ah, yeah, keep working hard (Y/n)... I'm sure you'll get better..."

"Y-yeah, I will..." I say quietly.

"(M/n)!" my dad says rather harshly, "I need to talk to you for a bit."

I realize that the conversation was not for me to listen to so I didn't follow them in. I put my ear against the door as soon as they closed it and I listened as carefully as I could but all I could hear was my mom gasp after a while.

"You can't do that to her! I've never heard of it! She says she'll work hard!"

"We have to! I don't know what to do with that! When I got mine I almost flooded my house!"

'Oh, it's about my quirk,' I think. I decide that I don't want to listen to anymore and step away. I get a cup and go to my room. I earnestly start training my quirk again. The next day, my dad talks to me.

"(Y/n), can you listen to me carefully? Your quirk is unfortunately extremely weak-- training wouldn't probably do much. Would you still like to get it stronger?" He asks.

I'm slightly sad but I decide to face the truth, "Yes! I would!" I say.

"I'm not forcing you but this is always an option. Although it's still a work in progress, I highly recommend it. My friend's been working on it-- quirk surgeries. They basically try to find out which part of your body is used most for your quirk and they try to enhance it. 'Connect it to your quirk' he calls it." Daddy explains.

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