Chapter 3

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The middle school I'm attending is a hero school. Although middle school hero schools are not common, they do exist. I was able to get through a recommendation of my dad so I didn't really the entrance exam. I don't' know how hard it will be, but I intend to work my very best.

I change into my uniform and get some breakfast to eat. After I finish, I make sure that I look the best I can and that my condition is the best. I'm super excited to make new friends, Shoto had been my only friend for my whole life. I hope I can get along with some girls too.

"Mom, Dad! I'll get going now!" I call out.

"(Y/n)! Are you going to be okay? If you feel tired or the training's too hard, you don't have to overwork yourself okay? Just do what you can, the teachers know about your physical state." my mom starts rambling on.

"Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry too much..." I say and laugh.

My dad rarely comes out of his office, but he did this time. "(Y/n), I'm excited for you too. Work hard!" he says.

"Yup, I will!" I say. My dad isn't the nicest person alive, I guess. He didn't seem too surprised when he found out my heart had weakened-- I guess he expected that much. I later heard from my mom that he didn't really come to see me even when I was unconscious. At the time I guess it was a little surprising but I've gotten over it. I guess I did do this for my dad so I might as well work as hard as possible.

"Okay, see you tonight!" I say and I leave the house for my first day of school. Ever.

I reach the school and open the door to the classroom. I spot Shoto there and I'm caught by surprise.

"Shoto!" I try to call out but I see that he's talking to someone.

'Wow, she's tall and super cool! I wish she'd be friends with me...' I think and as I walk to them.

"Oh (Y/n), I didn't know this was your middle school too," he says to me.

"Yeah! Thank goodness I'm not alone..." I say. "Oh, hello! I'm (L/n), (Y/n),"

"I'm Yayorozu Momo," she says back to me with a smile.

"Um, can I ask what your quirk is?" I ask carefully.

"Oh yes, my quirk is creation, yours is water right?" she says.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Oh, was I right? It was just a wild guess..." she says.

The bell rings and we get to a random set of seats. In a minute or two, the teacher walks in. He seems pretty strict, but he also gives off a friendly vibe. I can tell that my first day of school will be the greatest thing ever.

We have hero training for the 3rd period and all of us walk out to the field in our gym uniform.

"We're going to do an individual spar now. I'll randomly group you into 2 and we'll go 2 groups at a time. It shouldn't take too long for such a small class,"

I'm the 3rd pair and my partner is super tall. I'm not sure what his quirk is but he looks really strong. I hope I don't lose too badly.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1, GO!" our teacher calls out and we start our match.

He faces his palms towards me and I realize that there are whole on his palms. I wait for what might happen and it turns out that he can blow wind through the holes in his hands. I decide to waft a wave of water to wipe him off and I stumble a little. 'That's half my energy...' I think. He runs towards me and I put my hands in front of me as if to guard him, but his punch goes right through me. Then I realized that I was water. Physical attacks don't work on me. (A/N So you may be wondering... Are we basically Juvia from Fairy Tail? Yes. Yes, we are. I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier but the request was for the reader's quirk to be basically Juvia so that's what we will be going with. I hope you like it!)

I ran around a bit and our spar goes on. Before I know it my vision is blurry and I'm falling. 'That's it? I've already reached my limit? I think in shock as I try to slowly get up. I'm breathing heavily and I can tell that I'm past my limit.

"(L/n) has lost since she is out of commission! Next pair! (L/n)-san, are you alright?" The teacher calls out.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Shoto yell and he runs towards me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I somehow manage to say.

"Sensei, I'm going to bring her to the infirmary, I'll be back in a bit," he says.

"Okay, thank you," sensei replies.

I borrow Shoto's shoulder as I limp my way there and I hear other people murmur various things.

"Hey, what's wrong with her?"

"Yeah, is that all she can do?"

"What so she's already past her limit?"

"That's such a waste when she has a good quirk!"

"Hey, (L/n)-san has a weak body so don't say that. Anyways, we're going to continue our one vs ones!" sensei calls out.

"What her body's weak?"

"Then how the heck did she get into this school? It was super competitive!"

"Her dad is (Dad's Hero name), you know, the 5th best hero?"

"What! So she got in through connections?"

"That's so unfair..."

"She doesn't deserve a place in this school,"

"Guys!" sensei calls out again.

Everyone looks at me with disgusted eyes as I limp as fast as I possibly can to the infirmary.

"Shoto, what do I do? No one appreciates me! I'm not really allowed here, am I? I'll train. I'll work harder. I'll work harder to strengthen my body a little more, I'll do what I can. I don't want to be looked down on or for people to pity me. I'm going to work hard." I say.

"Okay. I'll support you. When it's hard, I'll help you. We'll go through this together," Shoto says to me.

"Okay! Thank you, Shoto!" I reply.

And so I worked hard. I worked as hard as I could. I tried everything that would build up my strength and stamina. I ate healthy, full meals. I slept early. I worked as hard as I possibly could for the first 2 years of middle school and by the third year, I had improved. I had made progress.

But although I improved, although I made progress, it wasn't enough. It wasn't even close to where everyone else was.

Although I got better, no one acknowledged me. I didn't need anyone to realize how hard I worked, I just wanted to be acknowledged by everyone, by my classmates.

"Shoto... why is it so hard?" I ask in tears. "All I wanted was to have a normal school life, is it impossible after all if I don't get in with my own strength? Is that why I'm hated?"

I did a lot of training, but I did a lot of crying too. I couldn't understand anymore. I gave up on making friends by the last term of my last year as a middle schooler. I spent all my time training and yet I didn't get much better.

I see an envelope on my desk one day. A recommendation letter to UA high school, hero course

I didn't go to the summer the festival the day before the first day of school this third year. I trained on that day too. I'm tired now but I look forward to high school.

I'm given one more chance to have a normal school-life. I'm not going to waste it.

"Who in the world's going to get in my recommendation again and be shunned!" I yell. "NOT ME!"

I rip the envelope in half and throw it in my garbage bin. But at least I know where I'm heading next.

I have a future to look forward to.

(A/N Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and I know, I'm sorry, Kaminari will be here soon. I promise. Again, thank you for reading and I hope to see you next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!!)

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