Chapter XI: Surprise

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(At Yukino and Minerva's apartment)

Yukino had just sat down at her dining table with Minerva when she heard the sound of her mailbox closing.

"Can you go check that out Yu-chan? I'm kind of busy with the soup."

"Sure, Min-chan."
Who could it possibly have been at this hour?

"Thanks, I appreciate it!"

"Of course. Your cooking is as amazing as always."

Yukino said as she walked to the door. After Minerva's return to the guild, they had become best friends and even started living together. She realized Minerva was very easygoing around her, and they could both loosen up to each other. Minerva wouldn't be so serious, and Yukino wouldn't be so insecure.They even had nicknames for each other now.

She popped her head out the door, and opened the mailbox. She found a silvery envelope, which was inscribed with "Read Immediately." There was a note stuck to it and she read aloud:

"To Yukino, this is for you and Sting. Pack accordingly. I told him to prepare as well. Enjoy your 'job'."

There were two tickets inside...both for one whole week at the five star hotel, the Akane Resort?!

Wow, this might actually be really fun. I don't know how Sting will react... Yukino thought.
This must have been very expensive too, I must repay the one who sent it.

She scanned the area outside her house again. No one was outside, and the street was dark and deserted, but it only further supported her suspicion that it was Rogue. He probably melted back into the shadows as quick as he had come.

Yukino closed the door and sat back down at the table.

"What were you mumbling about? What is in there?"
Minerva looked curiously over Yukino's shoulder at the envelop.

"Ah, nothing! It's not important!" Yukino was clearly flustered and Minerva laughed.

"Come on, you're my best friend. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well, I may have kissed a somebody at the guildhall today-"

Minerva cut her off with a squeal of joy.
"It's Sting! I knew it! I knew you guys were an item! Have you ever noticed him stare at you all mooney eyed?"

"He does that?" Yukino asked, shocked he would stare at her of all people. It wasn't like he hadn't seen everything before...

"Yep! I even heard Rogue tell Sting to close his mouth when you were in your swimsuit in the pool."

"You know speaking of, Sting's a great person. He really has changed Sabertooth well. I think he still somewhat thinks I haven't forgiven him for what happened with Jiemma. I don't know why."

"Just convince him otherwise. He's already pretty enamored with you. Are you guys going somewhere tomorrow?"


"So what's the plan?"

"Um.. so instead of a job he invited me on, we're apparently just staying at Akane Resort for a week. I think Rogue was the one that just dropped them off."

"Oh my gosh, look at my innocent best friend, going on a date!" Minerva was absolutely joyous.

"Well, I don't think-it'll be a date..."
Yukino stuttered. What is it even like going on a date? What if I don't do it right and Sting is disappointed?

"Don't worry!" Minerva said, realizing her fears. "I'll get you all set up and filled in on the basics! Come on, I have to dress you to be presented for your groom to be!"

Yukino blushed so hard as Minerva dragged her upstairs to the closet, and started giving skimpy clothing for her to try on.

"Um, maybe not this stuff yet..."
Yukino eyed the lingerie Minerva seemed to have projected from thin air.

"You're going on an extended date. You'd better look like it."

And the two of them argued affectionately the entire evening, dinner forgotten and both glad to have each other.

*The Next Morning*


Sting couldn't believe what Rogue had done. He was all packed for the week, but he still didn't know what to wear.

Should I wear casual clothing so she doesn't think I'm being too serious? I mean, my normal style is not exactly date material.

"Sting?" Lector called from the doorway. "I have something for you."

"Sure, come in buddy."


*After about an hour*

The doorbell rang. Yukino gulped and yelled, "Coming!" She put on a thin but long coat to hide her outfit as a surprise for later.

Minerva had left a little while ago, going to the guildhall early to do a job. She had wished Yukino good luck and told her to tell her about all that happened when she got back.

Yukino pushed the door open and looked up into the cocky face of Sting.

"Hi Yuki, how are you? Ya ready to go? You look great. I'm sure Rogue told you and gave the tickets, I can't not lose things. You know I lost my pillow once?" He chuckled, looking apparently at ease.

Wow, he's a lot more confident than what I'd expected.

"Nice to see you, You look handsome too. I'm all ready, so we can leave." Yukino laughed too. It just sounded so, well, Sting.

Sting's face flushed as Yukino called him handsome.

Yukino admired what he was wearing. A dress shirt, shoes and pants, a tie, and a black jacket. It was sort of strange, seeing him wear something so formal, so different from his usual attire.

"Hellooo? Earth to Yukino?" Sting waved his hand in front of her face as she realized she had completely zoned out.

"Oh right, sorry."

Yukino walked out dragging her heavy suitcase. She didn't understand how Sting only had a medium-large sized bag slung over his back.

"I can get that."

Sting took the suitcase in one hand and placed the other one onto Yukino's shoulder.

"Let's go Yuki! Might as well make the best of this week!"

Lector Ships It! (A Sting x Yukino and Rogue x Minerva Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now