Chapter XVIII: Double Date With The Twin Dragons

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*The Next Morning*

(12:00 AM)

"Are you guys ready yet?!"
Sting yelled from outside.

"Almost!" Minerva yelled back.

"Quiet down. Just wait silently." Yukino heard Rogue tell him, followed by a slapping noise and a indignant yelp from Sting. It was immediately followed by sounds of destruction. Oh no! Yukino thought. They're going to do it again!

BOOM! The ground suddenly shook as a hole was blasted in the side wall of the apartment.

Frosch and Lector, along with Minerva came out of her room. Lector was comforting a scared Frosch, while Minerva was acting furious at the gap in the wall, but still looked as regal as a queen in her dress and fur lined coat.

"I'll take care of that. Head out when you're ready." Minerva said through gritted teeth, as she stormed down the stairs.

"Guys! Stop fighting NOW!" Minerva yelled, opening the door.

Minerva barely had time to look outside at the ruin before she was cut off, the air knocked out of her by Rogue, who had been hit by Sting's White Dragon Fist and had reeled into her by the impact. Rogue had landed right on top of her and was looking into her eyes.

"Sorry! So sorry! I didn't mean to-"
Rogue began, but was stopped by Minerva.

"Hahaha! You guys look like you're -" Sting signature smirked, also stopped by Minerva.

An menacing aura had shrouded Minerva, and she gave Rogue and Sting "the look."

"Rogue Cheney...Sting Eucliffe..."

"Yes?" Sting replied uneasily.

"DIE!" Minerva raged and kicked Rogue so hard he crashed into Sting and they both went flying.

"Oww!" Together, they landed a few meters away.

Minerva walked over calmly, casually smashed their heads together, looked satisfied, and said in a commanding tone:

"Now go and clean up the debris inside the house, this instant, or the double date is off. Understand?" Minerva said sternly.

"Fine..." The boys whined.

Minerva sighed. Looks like it'll be a long afternoon.

*Seven hours later*
(About 7:00PM)

The two dragon slayers, along with the exceeds, finally finished cleaning the mess up, and repairing the damage.

They fixed everything, even the hole. I don't want to accidentally lean onto the wall though. The concrete still needs time to fully dry.

"We're back...thanks Lector and Frosch for didn't need to." Sting was clearly exhausted and slumped down on the large fluffy couch onto Rogue's shoulder.

"No problem...we're going to bed...don't wake us no matter what happens..." Lector said, without his usual energy.

The exceeds said goodnight and went to their cat beds upstairs.

"I worked harder than you, Rogue...I win..."

Rogue opened his mouth if to say something, but then closed it, too tired to reply.
Without another word, they were out cold.

Yukino walked in and stared at the boys who were so tired they had only plopped onto the couch for a few minutes and had promptly fallen asleep. They were snoring softly, and Sting occasionally muttered something underneath his breath.

Lector Ships It! (A Sting x Yukino and Rogue x Minerva Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now