Chapter XIV: The Pro of Being Sick

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*Three Days after the battle of Sting and Rogue*

As soon as it was morning, Minerva knew she was sick. She hadn't felt particularly well last night, but now she was defiantly ill. It was just that sick feeling, the disgusting feel of her throat, cold shivers, and runny nose that made her feel like a dead person. She reached toward the tissue box next to her lamp, started blowing her nose, and soon a seemingly endless cluster of tissue balls began to accumulate on her bedside table. Ugh, the stupid Flu!

She stayed in bed, not even bothering to get up. She realized she had overslept well over noon, and next thing she knew, she rushed to the toilet and threw up. Jeez, I thought this was Sting's thing!

She heard knocking at her door. She ignored it, but it continued on consistently.

"Fine! Coming!"

She opened the door.

"Who dares disturb me at this ungodly hour-"

"Oh it's you, hi Rogue. Sorry but I don't think I'll be able to make the cookies with you today..." ACHOO! Minerva sneezed and blushed furiously, knowing she was in no good state to be seen by him.

"Bless You."

Rogue examined Minerva carefully. Her hair was unkempt, her nose red from tissues, eyes bloodshot , and she was still in her pajamas.

I've certainly never seen her like this. It's almost if she has never been sick before, Rogue thought.

"I came to check on you, since it's pretty late now. I got Rufus to do guildmaster duties while he's gone. You don't have to worry about anything. Can I come in? Is it okay if I care for you or something?" He looked so awkward, hand behind his head and his gaze darting around nervously.

Minerva visibly softened. "Aww, thanks Rogue. Sorry, please come in. It would be nice to have someone to care for me when I'm sick for once..."

"You've never been cared for when ill, even as a child?"

"Jiemma. He was never around. He left me to fend for myself." Minerva answered simply.

"I'm sorry I asked..."

"It's alright. I'm well past that."

Wow, I'm very surprised. He never shows much caring for anyone except for Frosch. We have gotten way closer recently, especially our shared interests and the thing with Sting and Yukino, but still, this is certainly different.

"Oh yeah, where is Frosch?" Minerva asked. She didn't want Frosch to get lost or something without Rogue's supervision.

"He's with Lector back at home. They wanted to watch a movie together." Rogue replied.

"Okay, good."

The rest of the day was normal, just Rogue taking care of Minerva and being a gentleman. Minerva had never felt so...moved. He was so kind and gentle, so different from his usual icy expression. He made her delicious chicken soup, hot and soothing, just right. She even felt a little bit better. He was almost paranoid the entire time, and Minerva had the urge to tell him she didn't bite. Such a cute introvert.

When it was almost 5 o'clock, Rogue was staying by Minerva's side in her room, when she felt her stomach clench.

"Rogue...I think I'm...going to throw up again..." she gasped.

"Okay." Rogue sprung into action, and picked Minerva up bridal style without a thought to the bathroom. Minerva would of blushed even more if she didn't begin heaving into the toilet.
Rogue held her hair back carefully.

"Thanks...I'm done...sorry you had to see that." Minerva said as she flushed the toilet.

Rogue didn't respond, only moved his hands onto her face instead, looking into her eyes.

His eyes were scarlet, mystical and endearing, hidden inside, was wisdom and intelligence. They seemed to glow softly, in a non-threatening way.

"Rogue...I need to ask you something..." Minerva stuttered.

Rogue brought her face closer. "Hm?"

"Do you love me?"


"Perhaps." Rogue said at last, giving her a rare smile, tender and full of compassion.

"Wait just a moment..." Minerva said mischievously.

Minerva stood up, used mouthwash and brushed her teeth twice, before jumping onto Rogue and kissing him full on the mouth, without any hesitation.

Hm, my first kiss. In a bathroom. After someone vomited. They both thought at the same time.

The two stayed like that for a moment, until Minerva stood up.

"I'm going back to my bed...could you sleep in it to keep me warm?" She asked seriously.

"Of course, princess."

"Thanks, Rogue."

And so, Rogue and Minerva spent the entire night together in each other's arms, cozy and comfortable.

The next morning, both of them had the flu and they decided not to bother to even show at the guildhall.

Lector Ships It! (A Sting x Yukino and Rogue x Minerva Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now