Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


-Two Weeks Ago-

"I don't want to work for you anymore," our stylist, Caroline Watson, says over her phone. I assume she talking to Paul.

 The only reason I'm listening is because I was just walking by. I swear!

 "Yes, I have gotten another offer. A better offer. With Selena Gomez's manager."

 After another pause, she says "Very well. My last day shall be the twenty-second." She continues to talk, but I slip away, back to the lads.

 I slump next to Zayn, who's absentmindedly tracing his soul mate tattoo. As much as I don't give a sh*t about soul mates, Zayn and Perrie are adorable. I love seeing them together.

 I personally don't care at all, because soul mates aren't always amazing. I don't want the universe telling me who to spend eternity with. Besides, you may never find them, anyways. I always cover my tattoo with a watch, as do Liam and Harry.

 "What's wrong mate?" Zayn looks over to me.

 "I think Caroline is quitting."

 "Our stylist?" Liam asks.

 I nod. "Got a better deal with Selena Gomez's manager."

 "Then were going to need a new stylist. And fast," Harry states. "We are preformong in New York on New Year's Eve."

 "Her last day is the twenty-second. That's our last concert until we leave."

 "We're gonna be in Florida at that point, yeah?" Niall inquires.

 I nod. "Then we go home, and when we come back to Florida, for a last concert there, we'll have a new stylist."


 Caroline had told us later that day that she was quitting. Today, though, was her last day with us.

 After our concert we all exchange goodbyes, before going our separate ways.

 The lads, Paul, and I head to the hotel. We aren't leaving until tomorrow evening, so we have a day off.

 "I'm gonna go Skype Perrie, lads," Zayn says, once we're inside the hotel room. We have a common room-slash-kitchen, and then five bedrooms leading off of it. We all nod to him.

 "Yeah, I'm going to go Skype Justin, see how he's doing, and all," Niall says, walking towards his room.

 The three of us left over all flop on the couch. Liam turns on the television, flipping over to MTV. On it is a show called Ridiculousness, but I don't really pay much attention to it.

 "Lou?" I look up to Harry.

 "Yeah, Haz?"

 "What's the name on your tattoo again?"

 I sigh. "Reagan T. Why?"

 "I was curious. How about you, Li?"

 "Hmm? Oh, Jane R. What about you, Haz?"

 "Christine H."

 I nod. Again, I don't care if I find mine or not, but I hope the lads all find theirs. I turn back to the TV, until I don't feel my watch on my wrist.

 I turn, seeing Harry inspecting my tattoo. I chuckle slightly to myself, but cringe inwardly at the sight of my tattoo. Reagan T. Reagan T. Reagan T.

 I always wondered what she was like. Tall? Short? Blonde? Brunette? Ginger? Blue eyes? Green eyes? Brown eyes? Grey eyes? Shy? Outgoing? Nice and sweet? Rude and angry? British? Irish? American? Or something totally different like Asian or Hispanic? Was she looking for me? Or was she like me? I always imagined she was short, brunette, with brown eyes, and kinda shy and sweet. That and she's looking for me.

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