Chapter Seventeen

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I open my eyes, and find myself alone. I smile to myself, thinking about last night. Could Louis and I really be soul mates?

I get up, and shower, changing into a dark grey blue tee and fading skinny jeans. I happily walk downstairs, finding Miss Jay making breakfast, and the twins watching TV. "Morning!" The three call.

"Good mornin'. Where's Louis?"

"Went out to play football with Stan." I nod, smiling. I can talk to him later.


It isn't until around five when Louis returns. He greets us as usual, but says nothing to me, even in private. Huh.

After dinner, he and I go upstairs to pack up, as we are leaving tomorrow. I wait for him to say something about last night, but he doesn't. Maybe I just dreamt it... No. It was real. I'm sure of it... Right?

"You okay there?" Louis' voice breaks through my thoughts.

"Uh, y-yeah. Just pondering." He nods, returning to folding clothes and lying clothes into his suitcase.

After a while, Louis goes into Daisy and Phoebe's room, reading them a story, and I stay up, waiting to talk to him. But around midnight, all the lights are off in the hallway and rooms, so I know he's not coming back. I close my eyes, promising myself to talk to him tomorrow.


I'm woken up by the twins, who poke my face, causing me to pull them into me, tickling their sides. After five minutes, I set them free, and change into clothes for today. I walk downstairs, finding everyone except Louis in the kitchen. I furrow my eyebrows. "Where's Louis?"

"Saying bye to his mates. We're going to pick him up later to take you both to the airport," Miss Jay replies. I nod, but I can't help but feeling like he's trying to ignore me.

A while later, Louis smiles and waves to a group of lads, as I knock on the door to go get him. His smile slides off his face, seeing me, and that kind of hurts. He follows me to the car, and sits up front, conversing with his mother, while I silently stare out the window to at the trees the entire ride.

As the plane is taking off, I shut my eyes tightly, hating the feeling. I almost expect Louis to grab my hand, but he's staring at the clouds. I calm myself down, somehow, and pull out a book to blankly stare at as I imagine what it would feel like to press my lips against Louis' again.

Within an hour and a half, we are at his apartment, where he explains that the lads will be back within the next five days, and that Liam is already here. He shows me where I can sleep, and tells that I can eat whatever he has in the kitchen. I nod, an awkward silence falling upon the room like a thick blanket of snow.

A few days later, everyone is back, except Harry. I'm currently on the phone with Zayn, while Louis is out getting food. "And then he kissed me, Zayn! Of course, he didn't know I was awake. As he pulled away, I pushed him against me and I kissed him... We made out, Zee!"

"Oh, wow! I bet you two have been inseparable since then, aye?" my best friend questions, cheekily.

"Quite the opposite. He hasn't said anything about it, and is acting like nothing happened. I think he's trying to ignore me..."

"Maybe he's conflicted right now. Doesn't know what to think, except that your kiss was the best feeling ever." I swear, Zayn talks like how Nicholas Sparks writes.

"I don't know."

"He'll come around."

"I hope you're right..."

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