Chapter Seven

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I flop onto my bed, loving the cushiness. I love my bed. I could lie here the rest of my life.


Okay, well that was short-lived.

"Coming!" I yell. I walk to the top of the steps, and ask "Yes, momma?"

"Did you call that man about the job?"

"Oh, no, thanks for reminding me!"

"Go call him, and come back down."

I walk into my room, before pulling out my phone, and dialing the number. "Paul Higgins here," says the deep Irish voice.

"Hello, this is Reagan Troy-Paige, the girl you talked to on Tuesday?" I mentally slap myself for sounding so unsure.

"Oh, hello Miss Troy-Paige. How are you?"

"Very well, sir, thank you, and you?" I internally sigh, relieved. There's my confidence.

"I'm doing well, thank you. Have you thought about my offer?"

"I've thought about it, and I'd love to be interviewed."

"That's brilliant! When can we get you to create sample outfits and interviewed? We just arrived in St. Armand's."

"I'm free at four-thirty. What about then?"

"Today at four-thirty would be great! We're at the St. Armand's Beau Oasis hotel." I nearly choke. That's the nicest and most expensive hotel within an hour of here.

"W-Wow, well, I'll be there. Thank you so much, sir. See you soon."

"No, thank you. I will meet you in the lobby, see you later. Goodbye."

I shove my phone in my pocket, grinning stupidly. I run down the hall, down the stairs, and hug my momma. "Hey, what's going on?" She chuckles.

"I have an interview later."

"Good! Now go get dressed! You must impress!"

I hop into the shower, then deciding on black tights, a white-topped, black-skirted long sleeve dress, black boots, and a white bow for my hair. I pull my hair into a bun, placing the bow where the hair-tie is.

I walk back downstairs, and do a twirl for my momma. She nods. "A little gold eye shadow to match your nails. And you'll be set!" I run back to my room, do as she said, and grab my gold-accented black purse, and head back down. "Perfect. Now, how are you getting there?"

James' working, we don't have a car, and it would take too long to wait for Crys. "I'll just walk. It's only a five minute walk, anyhow."

"Okay, but don't get messy, take your phone, and do your best."

"Bye, Momma," I kiss her cheek.

"Bye, Reagan."

I slip on a coat, walk outside, and start my short walk along the beach. I watch the small waves crash gently on the beach. A few kids sit farther up, building a sand-snowman. I chuckle, continuing on my way. Soon the hotel comes into view. I take a deep breath, before walking through the doors. I look around, spotting Mr. Higgins. I walk over to him, and he looks up at me, smiling.

"Hello, love."

"Hi, sir," I say quietly.

"C'mon, let's head upstairs."

I follow him into the elevator, and am very suprised when we finally stop... At the top floor. We walk into a large room, with rooms leading off it. A woman a little younger than my momma sits on the sofa. She looks up, and smiles at us. "Miss Troy-Paige, this is Lou Teasdale. She's our makeup artist-slash-hair stylist."

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