Chapter Ten

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Quick prelude here:

Massive shoutout to lol6544. They left an amazing comment on the last chapter and I'm truly crying right now because I rarely get feedback. Coming from friends, it doesn't feel sincere, like they're forced. But online... You don't know me, so you don't have to be nice. They were so sweet and I decided to do another mass update in honor of them.


As we exit the stage, I- I mean we notice Reagan is gone. Lou informs us that she left due to how late it is. A sleeping Lux on the chair confirms the time. We change into clean clothes, and Harry picks up Lux. We ride in the van back to the hotel.

Once we reach our rooms, Harry hands Lux to Lou, who takes her to bed. The lads and myself all get our showers, and I think we all thank the heavens we have a day off tomorrow, before we have to leave overnight. I flop onto my bed, loving that it's my turn for my own room. I pull my covers over my body, and somehow fall asleep in an instant.


When I get up, the lads are all up, even Zayn. I check my watch. Eleven. Normally Zayn is still asleep. "Did I really sleep that late, that even Zayn is up before me?"

Zayn glares intently at me, still obviously sleepy. "No, dumbass. Niall thought it'd be a fantastic idea to blast traditional Irish dance music whilst Harry made breakfast. You're lucky enough to be able to sleep through anything."

"Good thing Paul, Lou, Lux, and the lads are down a floor, or else we'd be dead," Liam says, sensibly.

Harry adds "Lou would kill us, reincarnate us, and repeat."

"Definetely," Liam responds.

And this entire time, Niall smugly is sitting on the chair, smirking, and seeming pleased with himself.

I shake my head at my mates before following Harry into the kitchen. "So, what's the menu today, mate?"

"Just pancakes."

"Mmm, I love just pancakes." Harry chuckles, rolling his eyes. Eventually the other lads file in, Zayn a little more grumpy, if possible.

We eat, and head into the living area. Harry turns on Mean Girls, earning eyes rolls and complaint. I shrug, and get comfortable. Harry and I quote movie, which annoys Zayn somehow even more.

The door opens, allowing Paul's voice to be heard. "I think I left the papers- oh, how pleasant," he adds the last part sarcastically, obviously talking about the fact that we're all shirtless, and then Harry only has boxers on to top it off. I then notice Reagan behind him, seeming the least bit affected.

"Hello, Paul. Hello, Reagan," Liam calls, smiling. We all greet her, as Paul leads her into the kitchen. Niall sends me a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, which earns him the finger.

Twenty minutes later, as the Christmas part comes on, Harry and I look at each other, simultaneously saying "Four for Glenn Coco, you go Glenn Coco!"

"I swear, I'm going to murder you in your sleep," Zayn threatens.

"How? You're asleep longer than any of us!"

He groans, heading his face in his knees, causing fits of laughter to erupt in the room. Reagan walks out, looking at us curiously. Her eyes find Zayn, and she stands behind his and Liam's love seat, leaning against it. "What's wrong, hun?"

"They're so annoying," he groans.

She looks at us, confused. "Niall woke him up early, and he's been grumpy all morning," Liam explains.

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