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"ERIS, TAKE A BREATH. Listen to me—"

Eris snapped back to reality. She stared at the man in front of her and couldn't help but feel like she knew him. His blue eyes flickering, hand held up, taking a cautious step forward. One by one. Until he was a few inches away.

She heard a faint voice.

"They've taken off, Cap. Bonehead and Psycho-chick. Nat's down but Sam's with her. Rhodey and Vision are going after them."

That snapped Eris out of her thoughts and back to reality. With the target in front of her suddenly distracted, she leaped forward, knife in hand.

Steve barely managed to duck.

It was a blur of movements for a moment. Eris had every single shadow working for her. Pushing her forward, giving her strength. Pulling the man off balance, attacking at his weak spots and forcing him to block with his shield. Tendril after tendril leaped for his face, his arms.

The moment he was taken off guard, she leaped forward herself.

Eris's knuckles cracked across Steve's face and it sent him reeling. She went for another blow but he managed to block, grabbing her arm and flipping her over. Eris hit the ground hard and barely managed to roll as his shield ricocheted off the street.

She shoved herself back up.

Cautiously, they circled each other.

"Eris, you need to take a breath," Steve's voice had a pleading edge. She took in his movements, too slow and wary to be threatening. He was trying to reason with her.

She couldn't understand why.

"I'm here," she growled, "to destroy the Avengers."

He flinched as if it was something he'd heard before. Or a situation he'd been in before. Eris threw herself forward before he could regain control and they exchanged blows. 

An uppercut, then sweeping at his feet. Using her skills to undermine his, as if it was something she'd been taught before. 

She'd never fought the super-soldier before.

He was quick.


She was more powerful.

Eris reached down and called upon every feeling of rage and hatred pulsing through her blood. Darkness wrapped around her fist and she drove forward, connecting against Steve's chin. He went stumbling back and she spun on her heel, ripping his shield from his arms and bringing it hard across his head.

That took the man down, crumpling to the street.

Voices howled in Eris's ears.

She pulled out her gun and stepped forward, gazing down at him without a sliver of pity. Something about the unconscious man before her, so vulnerable and helpless, made the voices scream louder.

Eris ▷ s.rogers [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now