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A TINY BLUE OLD-FASHIONED VOLKSWAGEN was not the getaway car Eris had expected. Tony pointed them the most inconspicuous way out and with Sam and Natasha on their heels, they all four crammed into the car.

Eris swore and pulled herself into the back as best she could. Natasha squeezed in after her, cursing just a foully. Sam, grinned at being the last one in, and took the front.

"Spangles," Eris groaned. "This is a terrible choice of car."

"I like it!"

"Why, Steve," Natasha said. "Do you think its cute?"

"So what if I do?"

"It's not."

He grumbled something under his breath, which made Sam bark a laugh. The car wheezed to a start and the moment they pulled onto the main street, a large dark van zoomed by. It was accompanied by three other black cars and Eris's breath caught in her throat.


"Advanced Threat Containment Unit," Steve said. "An attempt at the new SHIELD."

"New SHIELD," she said. "Doesn't sound very comforting."

"Ross claimed the people need something. But it's more of a way for him to keep his grasp on the enhanced population. Which currently, is the Inhumans."

Eris chewed on her bottom lip.

They moved slowly through traffic and though she kept looking over her shoulder, they didn't seem to have attracted any attention. Eventually, she relaxed and propped her feet against the back of Steve's seat. 

The traffic only worsened as evening came.

"So, the Watchdogs. They... figured out I was at Stark Tower?"

"Ross didn't hold anything back," Natasha grumbled. "Reporters were asking questions, demanding answers, and he seemed more than happy to answer. Maybe he hoped it'd force you out."

Eris lifted a brow. "It kinda did, didn't it?"

Silence was her answer.

They drove until the sun began to set again and Eris propped herself up, brows furrowing as she looked out the window. They were still in the city, but they'd been driving for hours. The Volkswagen continued to wheeze along. 

"Where are we going?"

"Nowhere in particular," Sam shrugged. "Staying off the radar. They'll be keeping an eye out for us everywhere they can, so we'll wait until dark. Then we'll find somewhere to stay."

"Such as?"

"My old apartment, maybe. Ross will definitely be keeping an eye on the comings and goings of those at the Compound. I'll head back tomorrow, get uniforms and weapons."

Eris ▷ s.rogers [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now