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Eris gasped.

All she could see were green eyes. Sneering, victorious, and glowing as Sinthea sunk the blade deep into her chest, driving upward. A soft cry escaped her lips and she fell forward, onto her sister's shoulder.

Sinthea cupped the back of her head and sunk down to the ground, mouth against her ear. Her voice was soft. Gentle.


"Hush, sis, it's alright."

Eris felt her hand leave the handle of the knife, moving up to brush through her hair. But all she could feel was the blade in her chest. A tear slipped down her cheek.

She took a shuddering breath.

"I'm not dying alone," Sinthea whispered. Her own voice was hoarse and Eris realized her entire body was trembling. How much strength had it taken for the woman to get out here? Perhaps all she had left.


Sinthea shushed her again, caressing her hair with a foreign gentleness. Eris closed her eyes and tried to take another breath, but her chest was tight. Her lungs were closing.

All she could feel was pain. Cold, icy pain.

She heard her name shouted.

Approaching footsteps.

Then Sinthea was ripped away and the woman cried out in rage and agony, thrown into the snow. With no support, Eris crumpled and another pair of arms caught her, warm breaths on her face.

"No, Winky, no. Hey, hey. Eyes on me."

She blinked up. Steve. Blue eyes, pale face.

Eris smiled faintly.


She tasted blood on her tongue. A gasping breath turned into a cough and pain flared through her chest. Red, hot, and enough to make her whimper. Steve held her tighter.

"Hush, Eris, not a word. Stay still."

"I-I'm alright, Steve."

"No, no, you're not. You gotta stay still, we'll you get out of here."


Steve glanced over and Eris caught sight of her sister's body. Still, silent, and limp. "She's gone. She's gone, Winky."

Eris closed her eyes. A mix of emotions crashed through her at the words. Relief, pain, empty triumph. "Dead?"

"You're gonna be okay."

She was dead.

Eris attempted a smile, but it was more of a grimace. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Spangles."

Eris ▷ s.rogers [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now