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January 13th, 2013

*Ashton5SOS is online*

Ashton5SOS: hey stranger ;)

EmmaB97: hey! you know what i was thinking.. you could actually be a random 50 year old creep from mexico and id have no idea...

Ashton5SOS: well i'm not i can assure you lol

EmmaB97: prove it ;)

*new image from Ashton5SOS*

Ashton5SOS: that's me! :p

EmmaB97: you could have got that from google smh

Ashton5SOS: fine don't believe me then;) i guess my only way to prove it to you is to video chat one day

EmmaB97: yeah i guess so...

Ashton5SOS: go on then its your turn.. what do you look like?

EmmaB97: oh god no im so ugly

Ashton5SOS: aww c'mon i showed you my face :p

EmmaB97: fine, fine.. hang on let me find a decent-ish photo

Ashton5SOS: i'll be waiting.. :p

*image sent to Ashton5SOS*

Ashton5SOS: WOW

EmmaB97: is that a good thing or a bad thing...

Ashton5SOS: GOOD holy shít you're so pretty

EmmaB97: aw, you're making me blush ;)

Ashton5SOS: no i'm being serious you're hella pretty

EmmaB97: awh, thank you! you're not so bad yourself;)

Ashton5SOS: well thank you;) soooo why don't we play 20 questions to get to know each other a bit more?


After talking for yet another 2 hours like the previous night we had gotten to know each other pretty well.

I had found out that Ashton's full name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin, he was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. He has 2 younger siblings: Harry and Lauren, he loves rock music, (like me). Also, he's in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer which explains his skype username.

I've actually always wanted a friend who shares the same music taste as me. I literally talk about music 24/7 and to finally have a friend to talk to hours on end about music was great.
I know some people may think its pretty dumb that I'm talking to someone on the internet and when you're growing up all your parents tell you is "Don't speak to people on the internet!" and I also watch a lot of Catfish: The tv show but I had some hope that Ashton was who he says he is.


Ashton's POV

After talking to Emma for another two hours we had gotten to know each other even more. I found out that her full name is Emma-Rose Brooks, she's 17 years old, studies travel and tourism in college, she lives in London and has 2 older sisters.

Emma seems pretty cool and even though it's our second day of talking we have instantly clicked. I feel like I've known her for years.


Ashton5SOS: hey so i was thinking, maybe we should video chat one day? y'know to kind of prove i'm not a 50 year old creep lmao

EmmaB97: yeah of course id like that! im sure you're not a creep i believe you lol

Ashton5SOS: good lol im not lying

EmmaB97: hahaha. so what u doing? what time is it in australia right now?

Ashton5SOS: it's just gone past midnight. and i'm just trying to write a new song but my mind is blank at the moment meh :/ hbu?

EmmaB97: aw id love to read some of your lyrics sometime. and i'm just on twitter

Ashton5SOS: oooo what's ur twitter @? i'll follow u

EmmaB97: oh god i dont want to say

Ashton5SOS: why not?


Ashton5SOS: why would your twitter be embarrasing????

EmmaB97: cause its a one direction fan account ok

Ashton5SOS: so? just please let me follow u

EmmaB97: no let me follow you

Ashton5SOS: ok it's just the same as my skype username

EmmaB97: do you use the same username for everything on social media or?

Ashton5SOS: yeah cause id like to hope that one day i'll be famous and i wanna make sure that i have the usernames already saved ;)

Ashton5SOS: but hey i have a quick confession to make

EmmaB97: lol sure go ahead

Ashton5SOS: i genuinely love one direction


Ashton5SOS: yes but shhhhhh don't tell anyone ;) they're my guilty pleasure

EmmaB97: what's your favourite song?

Ashton5SOS: mmm, probably... moments.

EmmaB97: aww, are you an emotional guy ;)

Ashton5SOS: shut up you -.-

Ashton5SOS: but how about you? what's your favourite one direction song?

EmmaB97: oh shit sorry ash, im going to have to go... my boyfriend, marc is coming over soon

Ashton5SOS: oh, okay... well i'll talk to you later then yeah?

Ashton5SOS: em, you still there?

*EmmaB97 is offline*

Ashton5SOS: oh.. you've gone. okay..


// authors note:

*dramatic music* DUN DUN DUUUUUN.
just to clear a few things up: in this fanfic 5sos are still a garage band in sydney and they have no youtube videos up so literally no one knows about them but things will change overtime in this fanfic and yeah you'll see what's going to happen. also in the UK you leave school at 16 then go to college for 1/2 years so that's why emma is in college at 17 years old. i have so many ideas and plot twists to put into this story just y'all wait ;-)

thanks for reading ur rad ily

- fay

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