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"Emma-Rose Brooks! What were you thinking?" My mother yelled while glaring at me with angry eyes.

I flinched at her use of my full name and shrugged my shoulders at her not wanting to explain myself.

"I can't believe I had to leave work early to come pick you up from college because you got into a fight." she scolded. "How do you imagine how I feel? I feel totally and utterly embarrassed."

"But it wasn't my fault!" I yelled back at her.

"Emma, your tutor told me that you hit the girl first. Violence is never the answer to anything!" she shouted while pointing her finger at me.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet up on the sofa, putting my head down to avoid her burning glare.

"Why did it even happen? Why did you hit her first?" She yelled while I continued to stare down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact.

"It's a long story." I mumbled. "A very, long and complicated story."

My mother sighed and took a seat next to me on the sofa, crossing her legs while smoothing down her pencil skirt.

"Look." She said while putting her hand on my lap. "I know it's been hard for you since the break-up, but you can't go around taking it out on people!"

"Mum, it wasn't even about Marc! Well... It kind of was but it's complicated, like I said." I mumbled while lifting my head up to look at her.

As our eyes made contact and the look on her face softened, "Well I sincerely hope it doesn't happen again."

I shook my head. "It won't. I promise."

"Well sweetpea," I half smiled at the nickname she calls me. "My train is due to leave at 6:30 so I'm going to have to go now." She sighed and opened her leather bag which was resting on her lap.

"Here's some money, order some pizza tonight if you want, and stay out of mischief!" she said sternly.

"Thanks mum. I will don't worry." I smiled. I'm glad she dropped the subject of the fight. "When will you be home?"

She sighed, Five days."

I nodded my head at her.
My mum had to go away on business sometimes due to her profession, her going away for five days isn't too bad considering she's been away from home for 3 weeks before.

"Imogen is away with her boyfriend for the week so I guess you have the house to yourself."

I mentally cheered in my head. I love having my own space, this means I can blast All Time Low through the house and dance around in my underwear without anyone else's company.

"I'll see you later, sweetpea." she mumbled while giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. "Be good! I love you!"

"Bye mum, love you too." I waved as she dragged her miniature suitcase out of the door before waving back at me.

I'm home alone. For five days... what to do?


"DONT MAKE THIS EASY I WANT YOU TO MEAN IT JASEY! SAY YOULL MEAN IT, YOU'RE DRESSED TO KILL IM CALLING YOU OUT!" I bellowed through the house while taking a spoonful of Ben and Jerry's phish food ice-cream, stuffing it in my mouth as I continued to sing along to Jasey Rae by All Time Low.

As the song came to the end, my phone lit up on the kitchen counter and I picked it up to see who was texting me.

From: Natalie :)

"Hey girl, what you doing? I'm bored. we really need to celebrate finishing our first year of college x"

She's right. I finished my first year of college and here I am dancing around the kitchen in just a baggy shirt to All Time Low. God I need a life.

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