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Michael's POV

After Luke and I argued for a little while over what just happened with Ashton I decided to text Emma to let her know I saved her number. I know it's wrong texting her because maybe Ashton has a crush on her but I was doing it for their benefit. I liked Emma, she really seemed cool and if Ashton and her ever got together I'd be pleased because his ex, Sadie was such a bítch. I once remember Ashton telling me that Emma's ex boyfriend cheated on her so it shows that she has experienced what Ashton has been through which means that she wouldn't be capable of doing any harm to Ashton if they ever got together. At least I hope.

To: British girl who likes Ashton

hi emma lol its mikey

"Who you texting?" Luke asked while peeking over my phone.

I looked over at him smiling, "Emma. Just letting her know I saved her number."

"Oh okay." he said. "So do you think Ashton likes her?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea. He hasn't said anything, usually he'd tell us if he liked anyone."

Luke looked off into another direction in the living room, "Well the other day when we came over to his apartment and you stole his pancake he seemed pretty down about something, do you remember? Maybe it was because of Emma?"

I stood up and went to go walk towards door, "Calum might know, I'll go wake him up."

"No, don't! Let him sleep dont just wake him up cause of that." Luke shrieked.

I just shrugged my shoulders once more and exited the room to go wake Calum up. He's been asleep for a few hours, he's had enough sleep.

I entered Calum's room to see him layed on his stomach, his head tilted to the side with his mouth wide open snoring loudly. I laughed at him and took out my phone to take a picture of him.

Fúck, the flash was on.

Calum stirred in his sleep and lifted his head up slightly to open his eyes, obviously woken up by the stupid flash that I forgot to take off before taking the picture.

"Mikey?" Calum's voice croaked.

"Yeah?" I laughed.

"What was that bright light? Was it thunder and lightening?"

"Oh, nothing." I chuckled while looking at the photo on my phone of Calum which he was clueless about.

He leaned up onto his elbows and squinted his eyes, "Why are you in my room?"

"I just came to see if you were awake."

He sighed and swung himself onto the edge of the bed to stand up, "Well I am now."

I laughed at him, not even feeling guilty that I woke him up.
"Well now you're awake come sit downstairs with Luke and I. We found something out and you may be able to help us."

Calum and I walked downstairs silently making sure not to wake Ashton up and walked into the living room to see Luke laid down on the sofa with his eyes closed.

I creeped up on Luke and shook his shoulders to jerk him awake, "Wake up dïckhead!"

Luke's eyes sprang open in shock and his body flinched at the contact. "Fúck, Michael." he groaned. "I was nearly asleep then."

"Now is not the time to sleep. We have matchmaking to do, lads"

"What?" Calum questioned while taking a seat next to Luke.

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