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23rd March, 2013

Ashton's POV

After finishing my tiring afternoon shift at Starbucks I let out a sigh of relief and hopped in my car to make my way home. I was going to drive back to my apartment, get my things together and then go to Luke's house for band practice and attempt to finish writing our new song.
As I pulled into my driveway my mind instantly thought about talking to Emma but because I was going to band practice I wouldn't be able to talk to her tonight, which was a shame... I really enjoy our late night conversations. It's been just over two months since I first added her on Skype and ever since then we've talked every single night without fail. It's fair to say that we're pretty close and I do consider her as one of my best friends now.

After parking in my driveway I stepped out of my car, locking it behind me and walked up to my front door jamming the key into it.

"I'm home!" I shouted so my friend Calum could hear me.

"Hey dude! I'm in here." I faintly heard his voice from another room.

I walked into the living room and saw Calum sprawled out on the sofa eating chips. "I thought of some new lyrics today. I think it'll go well with the ones we've already written."

"Oh good. My mind is completely blank, let's hear what you've got." I smiled while taking a seat next to him.

"Okay... So don't laugh but I thought of "'Hey we're taking on the world'. I don't know how to carry it on from there though." Calum said while shoving chips into his mouth.

A smile spread across my face, that was actually ok, better than anything I could think of at the moment... which was absolutely NOTHING.

"Well that's definitely better than anything I was thinking off..." I trailed off, thinking of any other lyrics to go with it. "Um, I'll take you where you wanna go?"

Calum nodded. "Dude, that's good I'll write that down." He got up and rummaged through some papers in our lyric book and found the sheet with the rest of the lyrics on, taking out a pen to jot it down.

"What time is band practice?" Calum asked while chewing on his food loudly so a couple of crumbs fell out of his mouth.

I pulled out my phone and clicked the home screen button. "5pm." I said. "We might as well set off to theirs now since it's 4:45."

Calum nodded and grabbed the keys to my car off the coffee table and threw them at me. "Let's go!"


We both arrived at Luke and Michael's apartment and all sat down to continue with our song writing and to our disappointment it wasn't going well. Non of us could think of any lyrics for the chorus.

I got up out of my seat and took the sheet from Luke's hand and read through what we've had written down already for the first verse.

"She sits at home with the lights off seeing life in different colours, I think it's time that we wake up so let me take you away.. We can run down the street with the stars in our eyes we can tear down this town in the dark of the night..." I read to myself silently.

My silent reading got interrupted when I heard Michael shout, "DIE, DIE, DIE YOU BÁSTARD!" At the TV with a xbox controller in his hands.

I couldn't help but laugh but I was also annoyed at him that he was more interested in playing Grand Theft Auto than helping to finish this flop of a song.

"Michael." I groaned. "Put the damn controller down and help us. You're in this band too you know."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Dude, this is my apartment don't tell me what to do." He said sassily while looking over his shoulder.

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