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April 4th 2013

Today was the day.

I had promised Ashton that I would go to Marc's house to try and fix our shambles of a relationship. After falling asleep last night thinking about what future Marc and I have together I had decided that if today didn't go well and we didn't fix our problems then it was over. I wasn't going to stay in a relationship in which I was unhappy in, staying in an unhappy relationship would just cause me more heartbreak. Regardless of our relationship problems, I love Marc more than anything but I know that the main priority in my life is to be happy... And to be quite honest I haven't been in a very long time.

Today was my weekly day off college classes so all I've been doing all day is sitting in my room and overthinking things. I can't count the amount of times that I've made up scenarios in my head hoping that once I see Marc today I'll just jump back into his arms and everything will be back to normal. Who am I kidding? This isn't the movies. That will never happen.

I glanced over to the clock hanging on the kitchen wall to see it was 5:30pm, I decided to go to Marc's house at 6pm since that's the time his shift finishes at work and it usually takes me a good 10 to 15 minutes to walk to his house.

As time went on I began to feel very uneasy, I felt like I was going to barf everywhere. Why am I so fucking nervous about going to see my own boyfriend?

I decided to text Ashton, he always makes me feel better. He'll help me calm my nerves.

Emma: ashton help me

Ashton: why what's wrong emma

Emma: im ok it's just im so scared what if marc gets pissed that ive surprised visited him without notice and what if this just doesn't work out im just so fücking nervous right now

Ashton: okay calm the fúck down you'll be fine

Emma: im just scared

Ashton: there's nothing to be scared about babe

Emma: i know i know i'll be fine im just being stupid

Ashton: you're not, i understand how you feel

Emma: i just dont know what to say when i see him

Ashton: okay here's what you're going to do... you march right up to that front door, you ring that doorbell and when marc answers that door you grab his face and kiss him hard!!!!

Emma: what if his mum answers the door

Ashton: shut up you're ruining the moment

Emma: hahaha okay ashton god ill kiss him hard then but anyways im going to go to his now so wish me luck :S

Ashton: good luck! text me when you're home to let me know how it went, okay?

Emma: i will! thanks ashton :)


My heart was slamming against my chest as soon as I arrived at Marc's house. On the way here I listened to some Ed Sheeran which calmed my nerves while walking through the dimly lit neighbourhood.

Taking a huge sigh of nervousness I began marching up to Marc's front door, unplugging my earphones and stuffing them in my coat pocket.
I proceeded to knock on the door a few times and stood back a little waiting for Marc to open the door.

A few moments later the door opened and Denise stood there with a smile on her face.

"Emma!" She shouted and opened her arms out in front of her, pulling me in for a tight hug.

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