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Emma's POV

I instantly started to regret what I just told Ashton. I knew this would be a big shock to him to find out that his ex-girlfriend and I have met and I bet it was an even bigger shock for him to find out that we actually got into a fight. It wouldn't have been right to keep it from him though, he had to find out sooner or later. I just wish it would have been later.

His mouth hung open in shock, his eyes dilating, "I-I just don't understand, you got into a fight? How?"

I nodded and bit my lip, "It was a shock to me to find out she was your ex girlfriend. I wouldn't have imagined in a million years that I would have ever met her."

"W-Why is she in England? I didn't even know she left Australia." He stuttered as his face remained pale still. "I haven't seen her in six months."

I shrugged my shoulders and frowned at him, "She just said she moved here with her bestfriend, she wanted to get away from Australia."

"Shit, she moved to England with Hannah?" He cursed under his breath while frantically running his fingers through his hair. Hannah must be Sadie's bestfriend.

He cleared his throat and took his beanie off, running his fingers through his curly hair before placing it back on his head. "Why did you guys fight?"

"She was being awful." I sighed. "She was saying the most awful things about you. I must admit though I kind of blew the situation out of proportion."

Ashton shook his head, as if he was in denial about all of this. I really felt so guilty for him right now, I feel like I've completely ruined everything. "I-I just... I can't believe this."

I frowned at him. "I know it's a big shock to you and I'm sorry."

"What did she say about me?" He spoke, his tone sounding uncomfortable and shaky. "I just don't understand why you guys would fight..."

I shook my head quickly, "No I don't want to repeat the things she said about you. We fought because I was annoyed, you're my bestfriend and I couldn't stand to hear what she was saying about you."

He pressed his lips into a thin line, "Please tell me what she said, I won't be offended."

"No, I can't, Ashton."

He sighed and closed his eyes for a second, "I-I just... I'm going to go, Emma."

"What? No!" I shrieked, my grip becoming tighter around my phone, "Please just talk to me, Ashton."

He shook his head and looked into the camera, "I'm sorry, I just need some time to actually process this."

I nodded my head in understandment, I know this is something he wasn't expecting to hear. "Okay. Just please text me."

"I will. Cya later." Ashton said coldly and ended the call.

I stared blankly at my phone, shocked at the abrupt departure of Ashton and I's FaceTime call. I was expecting for this call to be nice but it just ended with my confession which I've tried to keep from Ashton for just over a week.

Way to go Emma. Fúcking idiot.


Michael's POV

"What's your plan?" Calum asked as Luke furrowed his eyebrows at me, obviously thinking the same as Cal.

I smiled and took a deep breath in, "Well... I think we should all put our money together and buy Ashton a plane ticket to go to England."

Calum's eyes lit up and he let out a cheerful laugh, "God, Michael. You're a genius."

"Wait, I wanna go to England too." Luke whined.

"Didn't Emma say she was going to Turkey next year though?" Calum spoke. "I mean yeah I'd like to visit England but fúck the stupid cold weather, I want to go somewhere hot."

"Turkey?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you sure she's going there next year?"

"I'm positive that Ashton told me she was in July." Calum nodded.

"I'll text her."

To: British girl who likes Ashton

hey emma, are you going to turkey next year?

"Done." I smiled. "So how much money have you all got to put towards the plane tickets and accommodation?"

"I have $4 and a gummy bear." Luke smirked, soon enough he erupted in giggles, obviously amused by his own joke.

I rolled my eyes, "Ok, Luke."

My phone suddenly lit up beside me, a text appeared on my screen from Emma.

From: British girl who likes Ashton

yeah, im going to marmaris... 4th of july, why?

"Yup. She's going to Turkey." I smiled at the rest of the boys, quickly sending her a quick 'just wondering' text back, hoping she wouldn't get too suspicious.

"Get Ashton's laptop, lets see how much all of this shit is going to cost." Calum nodded at Luke to go grab it from the living room.

I lowered my voice a little, "Guys we can't tell Emma about this though. Obviously we can tell Ashton like a week before we fly out but let's just keep it a secret for now."

Luke and Calum nodded in correspondence and pressed their lips into a thin line.

"Shit, this is going to be amazing." I smirked. "I'm so thoughtful."

"I actually can't believe you, Michael Gordon Clifford thought of something like this." Luke smirked. "You're not so bad, are you?"

I laughed and patted him on the back, "Díckhead."

Luke rolled his eyes at me, "And there goes nice Michael."


// authors note:

sorry if this chapter was short oops! but emma and ashton are on a little bit of a rough patch at the moment because of sadie and then the rest of the boys are planning a meet up for them both!

it's getting closer and closer now until they meet!

thank you for reading, love fay x

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