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7th July, 2013

It was my third day being home alone and I was enjoying it so far. The only down point about is that my mum texted me not long ago to do some chores but I'll just leave to do them at the last minute, like I always do.

It was 11am and I was still laid in bed watching old All Time Low interviews while texting Ashton about how much I enjoyed their cover on YouTube.

ashton: we're thinking about covering another song today

emma: yaaaay! what song?

ashton: not sure but you can suggest some songs :p

emma: hmmm ill have to think of some, ill get back to you on that :)

ashton: our video has 30 views already yay!

emma: OMG you're so famous ;)

ashton: well ive watched the video about 10 times and my mum has probably watched it a few times so...

emma: and ive watched it about 20 times in the past 24 hours

ashton: OMG seriously

emma: yeah it's my favourite video eeeeeever, im your biggest fan ;)

ashton: i'll remember that when im famous ;)

Knock knock.

I quickly sat up in bed, tilting my head to my side to listen to the knocking coming from downstairs. I ignored it for a while and continued to text Ashton but as time went on the knocking became louder.

I groaned and hopped out of my bed, throwing on some leggings since I was just wearing a baggy Green Day t-shirt for bed.
Hurrying downstairs I heard the door knock a few times again. It's probably the postman delivering some of my parcels since I did some online shopping the other day.

I huffed at the impatience of the postman and jammed the key into the front door to unlock it and pulled down on the handle to open the door.

It wasn't the postman.

My eyes widened at the person who was standing infront of the door. This was the last person I would have imagined being here.

"Marc..." I whispered, my voice barely audible.

This was the first time I've seen Marc since we've broken up. We've had no contact whatsoever and to be honest I couldn't care less, I never wanted to see him again but here he was, stood at my door looking awkward as fück.

"Emma." he smiled. "How are you?"

I rolled my eyes, I no longer cared about him and my anger over the past few months towards him has died down. I've learned to forget about what happened between us both. I didn't want to talk to him but I sure didn't have the time and the effort to shout at him right now.

"Don't smile at me." I huffed. "What are you doing here?"

He shuffled his feet on the ground and looked up at me, "I-I just wanted to talk."

I laughed lightly, "You want to talk?"


I rolled my eyes, "About what exactly? Lindsay? Or should I say Sadie since you're talking to her as well."

Marc's eyes widened and stared at me, "I-I just-"

"Look, just do me a favour and fück off." I snapped while closing the door on him.

He stuck his foot out, trapping it in the doorway so I couldn't shut the door in his face, "Emma! Please!"

I huffed in annoyance and opened the door once again and stood outside so I was close up to his face, "I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You fücking betrayed me. Just fück off."

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